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Abere Lucifer

A member registered Mar 16, 2021 · View creator page →

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Sadly I can't hand it out here on Itch.  At the moment it's only avalible by request to my SubscribeStar Subs.  

Got it.  Thank you.  

I do.  

LOL!  Give it time.  It's still a WIP and the muscle girl Casey will come into play.  

Thank you.  I'm glad you enjoyed it.  Within the next 2 weeks hopefully.  

Not  yet, but eventually you will.  

I have another game called Extra Credit.  It's basically a story about supernatural beings with a comedic take in the forum of a sitcom.  The beginning is not that great but it gets better a little while in.  


Ahh.  They're based out of AU so it's probably not their fault but AU is forcing them to do crap.  

What is happening with Itch?  

Around a month.  I'm workingh on my other game, Tomboy Supremacy, at the moment and that will be the next Public Release.  Once that's done I'll be going back to Extra Credit and finishing up that update.  

Oh, crap.  My bad.  Fixing.  LOL!  

So I got a reply from my friend who does the Android version.  He said it has something to do with a second save location.  

Thank you. The full update will actually be released this Wed so stay tuned.  Remember to check out our other game Tomboy Supremacy.  It takes place in a realistic world unlike EC but is still just as crazy and fun.  

It sadly had to be restricted.  It's still available on other sites.  Sorry.  

Which version?  With Windows you don't install it.  You just unzip it and click on the .exe file to play it.  I'm not sure how the Mac or Android versions work.  

Hmm.  Let me look into it.  

Ehh, it is what it is. 

I'm hoping in the next two weeks for subs and a week after that for the public.

Your welcome.  I hope you enjoyed it.  

Hmm.  I'll take a look into it.  

Someone mentioned that.  It will be fixed in the next update.  Thank you though.  

Yes.  I'm hoping to release the new update tomorrow on SubscribeStar and free to the public early next week.  I work on three games that's one reason updates are a little slow.  Subs on SS get a new update of my games sometimes twice a month depending on the update.  

For subs Sunday I'm hoping.  Everyone else will be next weekend.  

Thank you.  I try my hardest.  

There's Extra Credit, which is kind of a spin-off of 23 Sisters.  It's about the the demon girl Abere.  The other game is Tomboy Supremacy.  It actually has no real connections to the other games.  

Yes.  I work on 3 different games.  I go from one to the next.  At the moment I'm working on my game Tomboy Supremacy.  I'll start working on the next update to 23S hopefully in the next 2 weeks or so.  

It's cool.  It's not for everyone.  Thanks for at least giving it a try.  I have no hard feelings.  

Thanks for your support.  I'm still kind of going back and forth on if I'm still gonna use Itch for Public Releases and advertising.   There's pros and cons to it.  

I do, but it's only for SS subs.  

I'm thinking about.  I've deleted them at the moment but I may reupload the public releases.  

I understand.  I may upload Public Releases here.  I haven't decided yet.  

LOL!  It's more of an acid trip.  

It's a Prerelease Alpha.  These are made to make money for my employees.  When the Full Update is released it will be free.  

I'm glad you enjoyed it.  I'm trying to slowly work on other things besides AVN.  I've started working on two web novels with characters from our games.  One is the insanely long backstory of Abere and the other is about Zina "The Zombie" and her work with the hit squad "The Three Deaths."  Both are comedies, even though The Three Deaths does start out pretty dark.  It very quickly starts being funny though.  

I'm finishing up the Tomboy Supremacy 0.3 Alpha right now and then I'll start working on the second half of 23S.  I'm hopefully gonna start working on it next week.  

So, far yes.  There's only the one scene.  There will be much more in future updates.  

The game isn't complete.  There's still a few more updates coming out.