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Dogbone Studios

A member registered Jun 14, 2021 · View creator page →

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Who else came here from vimlarks stream?

thank you mr. monke mustache man

Thanks! I really appreciate the feedback ^_^

Yeah, I made it to where the bad ending is more common lol :P

Maybe I can :-)

does the start at 5:00 mean PM or AM?

okay .-. thx i guess??

(1 edit)

I'd just like to know if I can make half the game before the jam actually starts and half of it when it does start, is that allowed? EDIT: I get it geez, I'm not gonna do it. +I flipped the idea to a pico8 game anyways so I'm gonna have to recode it anyways. But yeah, no one reply because this post is outdated ._.

Im SO excited for this jam, I have an idea for what I could make!

I have my Xbox360 controller but I still cant play :/

omg its monke mustache man

So I interpreted it as the opposite of color

no colors :)

Wow!? You played one of my games AGAIN?? That just earns a sub...

Hello! I'd like to ask, I'd love to work with you. But is there anyway we can talk besides Discord? Maybe Guilded? You don't have to download anything just go to and type in a username and stuff

Nobody reply! I changed my mind about the horror thing

I wanted to ask, it says "no realistic horrors." Am I allowed to submit a horror game? I won't make it realistic, it won't be 3D with terrifying models or anything. Just wanted to ask :D

This jam was great!


Great! If you could, could you tell me some feedback to what I should add or remove? I'm looking for as much feedback as possible! :)


Why the HEEEAACK is this a .us2

Alright, I tested the game and it worked for me. What computer do you have? Is it a macbook or a Window 10? Or maybe even a Linux? The only thing I can guess is that you have to reopen the application or the computer you have won't run the program properly, OR it just lagged badly and it makes it seem like it's waiting. I don't know what the bug is sadly D:

Hmm... That's weird,  that's not supposed to happen. I'll check out the bug and make a new build if I need to

Thanks Luke! I know I said it twice already but thanks for playing it on stream and giving feedback! You are cool. No, Awesome. No, Fantastic! Lol.



Hi! If we could talk anywhere besides Discord I would love to help :)

Before I even heard the limitation I was making it a rougelike sort of game!

Do you have any place we can talk besides Discord? If so, I'd love to help!

Hi! I'm not very good at pixel art so you could be a great help! I would love if you could help me out with the pixel art. If you can contact me in anyway besides Discord then that would be great! Hope we can work together! :D

Oh! That's a good idea... I'll have to add that soon!

Oh thanks!

Oh okay thank you!

Do we have to use the Secret Theme? Is the Secret Theme The Actual Theme? if not, what is the Theme? Is the actual theme Virtual Pet Game? I'm kind of confused.

Oh wow this is neat! a 3D horror game about walking in a spooky forest... I'm all for it! Can't wait to see the full version! I also made a game for the My first game game winter 2022 game jam.