ty!!! i know i shouldnta updated the screenshots ahead of time probably but im just excited >w<
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hehe thank you >w< i worry i'm being A Bit Much with her self-hating mishmash of misinterpreted bible verses and TV preacher quotes but i find them really fun to piece together in a sort of décollage kinda way... Časna is also my sister's favorite and we worked on building her character a lot together! She's probably the most interesting imo and definitely the most volatile, but nobody is gonna finish where they started, for better or for worse (mostly for worse). I am so so excited I might just release another update when I finish day 3 here... I'm really glad you like my weird freak dogs tysm <3
wawawa tyyy ^_^ its my first experience with writing something where its like "things are fucked up and theyre just gonna get worse and there's no way to save yourself" and that kind of feeling, which is my favorite thing to feel from any story ever (like, say, the Safdie brothers filmography or Madoka Magica for two fave examples) so i'm really glad ppl r liking it and getting that kinda vibe hehe...
goodness gracious great balls of fire this kicks so much ass. i have a disease and the only cure for what i have is nonstop brain hammering nauseous edge of your seat 'i want off this ride' can't-look-away 'this is not a place of honor' scorched apocalyptic waste cartoon-yellow-barrel-dripping-green-goo toxic toxic yuri. and the disease is supposed to be terminal but the make-a-wish foundation just took away my wish because, they told me, "you're cured. you've never been more cured in your life." because this cured me. by being that, in an awesome way.
others have better words for this but fantastic sound design visual style etc. absolutely incredible. and hot, by the way. going to be bouncing around my brain like the dvd screensaver logo for a LONG time. we've reached never-before-seen levels of peak. love. love. love. love. love. love. one trillion out of ten. god DAMN.
comical exaggeration aside this is one of the best vns i've ever read. it's peak. it's so fucking peak.