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A member registered Sep 30, 2022 · View creator page →

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I am gonna leave the same comment I left on the game's page:

Okay first things first lovely game! It took me back in time, like it was 2007 again and enjoying neat flash games. I tried to play through the whole game but got stuck in what I like to call the "green hell" level (I’m not going to spoil anything hehe). I’ll admit I even got stuck on the first level but thankfully there was that beautiful timed hint that helped me get past it. I’d love to see a polished version of the game and I can help with that too. - Mr.Alexander


Okay first things first lovely game! It took me back in time, like it was 2007 again and enjoying neat flash games. I tried to play through the whole game but got stuck in what I like to call the "green hell" level (I’m not going to spoil anything hehe). I’ll admit I even got stuck on the first level but thankfully there was that beautiful timed hint that helped me get past it. I’d love to see a polished version of the game and I can help with that too. - Mr.Alexander


Hi there again! How would you prefer I contact you: by email or through DM on Discord? Let me know!

Sure mate, but I'm going to get in touch with you tomorrow because it's 3 AM. I would love to have someone like you who knows how to make music properly. Mine is fine but mostly for loops, hehe!

Hi there to whoever is reading this!  If you are a programmer, that's great! If you specialize in Unity C# 2D, even better! I would love to have you on the team. I have been working on the stinking Mayhem Playground for a year now. It has the "bones" but still needs the "flesh." As a one man army, I got a bit burned out and would really appreciate some help. You might even become a part of my studio if you want! Currently, there isn't any payment, but when the game is finished and finally gets on Steam and starts earning money, I'll make sure to pay you back.

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