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Dominic Bishop

A member registered Jan 24, 2022

Recent community posts

Yours is just shit

It really is isn't it, nothing else even comes close. We're in the presence of a true classic in the making. I feel like this is a peak performance game. One of those moments that you feel "wow, just think whats coming in the future." But then it just drops back into the same boring monotony.

What does 12.3 include?

What on earth are you talking about? It's 0.12.1 we're waiting for.

Why wouldn't it be?

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You need to clearly write that it is a monthly sub before purchasing the game not after. I've already bought the game and I can't download it unless I pay more every fkin month. Dick move, money back now.

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What the fk is this shit? I've just paid for the game and it sends me to a patrion sign up page demanding $10 a month? What are you fkin high? I wouldn't pay that for anything let alone a game I've just this second paid money for. If I can't download the game without signing up to a monthly sub then give me my money back now you scamming bastard.

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Hopefully, can't wait for the next update, anyone found a similar game while we wait?

Got em, nice one.

Wow, so they are in the latest update. Anytime I go to ask him he just says "Did I.... must have been drunk, will let you know if I remember where they where" something to that effect. I'm maxed out on storyline and he never changes his speech. So I'd just assumed he has no more to say for now.

Has anybody found these keys then?

legend, now I'll just have to find the saves games. Cheers Hunter1Legend. Can't believe I wasn't saving as I went

Oh shit, just lost all my saves and I pretty much at the end of all current quests that could be completed so far. I really can't be arest doing l this again. Any saved games out there?

maybe on the update?