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A member registered Oct 21, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hey, thanks for trying out the game, and for the quality feedback! I 100% agree that a lot of improvements can be made. Good note on the invincibility frames. I think movement is more of a personal preference but I see your point - compared to other games with snappy movement this feels a bit sluggish.

I do want to release a sequel with more levels, weapons, enemy variants, and diverse biomes in the near future hopefully! I like the space genre a lot.

Love the prototype so far, feels a lot like River City Ransom for the NES

Hey thx! The boids algorithm is a lot of fun to play around with.

I'll see what I can do!

Cool, didn't think there was any demand for this, will upload a windows build soon!

Very nice, I didn't read the description before playing and was very confused for a while, but finally figured it out. Love that the sound effects are all synced to the music, that's super cool!

Thanks so much! We def wanted to add in more enemies that the player could possess. As is usual with jams a lot had to be cut to be able to get the game ready for submission.

Hey thanks for the feedback! The pixel art was supposed to be placeholder but stayed in due to time constraints. But I agree about the line art, I think our artists did a really awesome job. :) Appreciate you trying out our game.

Thanks so much! Appreciate the feedback, the pixel art style was meant to be a placeholder but we were under a crunch to get everything done in time, hence the inconsistency.

Re: possession, that's something we noticed as well and have a patch ready to fix this after the voting period ends. :)

Thanks for playing! Yeah, we def could have tightened up the platforming more, appreciate the feedback. :)

Pushed up a patch that fixes the game-breaking bug :)

Also, you were soooo close to finishing the game when the game crashed. Not exactly the kind of satisfying finish we were hoping for 😬

Hey thanks so much for playing the game. I also discovered this bug and will release a patch for it soon :)

We also changed the controls close to the game release, and didn't update the tutorial text. Also something we need to update. Thanks for the catch!

Love the simplicity of the game, as well as the re-imagining of snake. Pixel art is highly intuitive and charming. Well done!

One possible improvement would be to store a buffer of keystrokes that the player enters, for example, [D, R, D] would make the root go down one frame, right the next frame, and finally down for the last frame. But needing to do frame-perfect inputs is part of the classic snake mechanic and players expect this, just offering an alternative perspective. :)

Better to release polished than rushed! We'll be here excited to play the full game when it comes out! Keep up the awesome work, the last 10% is always the most difficult. You've got this. 🦾

Very cool! Does this use the A* pathfinding algorithm to solve a path until it reaches a fork?

Thanks for trying this out! Sweet - I'm stoked that you discovered the food sources. I had hoped that was intuitive enough for players to find.

I went off of this example (source code) as the main basis for the boids algorithm, definitely recommend checking that out if you're curious. All of the code for this game is also open source as well though admittedly it's a bit more complex than the Ben Eater example.

Glad you liked the music! I'm also a musician and created this ambient track in Logic Pro for this game. Incidentally this track is also available on my BandCamp page.

Thanks for giving it a try! This is just a stylized Boids simulation (Sebastian Lague's video does a good job of describing what this is).

So there's not really an objective or game loop other than to fly around, mess with parameters, acquire food sources, and take screenshots.

Hey thanks so much!

Cool little game! Loved the music and the overall aesthetic. Controls and game loop were super intuitive. Only difficulty was that there wasn't much visual difference bw blue/red bees, so hard to avoid attacks until it's too late.

Yooo this is so cool! Well done!

(1 edit)

Super stoked! Props on seeing this project through to its end, that's a major feat! Good luck with the release!

Hey your game looks cool! I think our team is nailed down for this particular jam but def want to meet and perhaps do something in the future! I just sent you a request on discord - Don Juan Javier#6313

The color balance is great. Nice job!

I recently added a bunch of new features to my latest prototype space shoot-em-up! I'm looking for playtesters and brutally honest feedback so I can get better as a gamedev. :)

Game playable in the browser -->
(gamepad recommended)

Final Level Opening Sequence

As fearless fighter pilot Lord Hyperion, embark on a retro-style space shoot-em-up bullet hell that features an insane mode (for those who enjoy a little frenetic action).

This game is a passion project of mine, and will receive updates to make it mo' better. Started from a Gamedev.TV tutorial and took on a life of its own...

In this game I was able to pack a ton of features for one of my first games, including:

  • Upgradeable weapons
  • Halo-like health / shield system
  • Boss fights
  • Asteroid fields
  • Mines, nukes && other explosives
  • Scrolling planets in the background
  • Original chiptune music
  • A simple dialogue system

Destructible Environments Too!

Crafting sequences of enemy waves and orchestrating boss fights has been challenging, but extremely rewarding. I had to code my own system for triggering various sequences of enemy attacks, since in the top-down scroller genre the player is locked to the edges of the screen, and all the action comes to you!

"The Gauntlet" - a challenging section to make it through unscathed

One particular thing I'm pumped about is how the final boss fight turned out. I was able to add an agro state to the boss where it breaks free from its constraints and starts chasing the player around the screen. It really adds to the frenetic feel of the final level!

Final boss in an agro state

I'm quickly discovering just how tough it is to make a full game. I have mad respect for other devs, artists, designers, marketers, etc. who work in the industry. I just started learning the Unity engine in January of 2022 and I've been loving it!

Note - I will freely admit that I am NOT an artist - all of the assets were either paid or provided by creative commons licenses - everything is attributed on the game page.

Please feel free to connect with me! I would love to hear from you and connect with other devs, artists, gamers, etc.!

♥ Don


Absolutely loved the bg parallax effect with the planets. Agreed, art consistency takes so much friggen time to get right!

Love the graphics. Is this procedurally generated content by chance? Thought the design to be minimalistic and intuitive. Top-notch ship design!

The pixel art is fantastic! All of the animation is great, and I thought that the mana was an intuitive system. Nice job!