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A member registered Mar 28, 2017 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the support MarcusFromOz! 

Yeah I'm not really sure about the methodology of adjusting scores according to the median number of votes ? I suppose if there were a game that got only one vote but it was a 5.0 then it could win the jam  based off of only one vote , yet some other game got 100 votes with an average of 4.9?  However at a certain point many games will not get rated by all the participants so something like a 10/15/20% cut off for ratings participation might be an equally good method without lowering someone's effective score? /shrug I am not a math genius so I'll leave it to those folks :-)

In any case I think some of the initial gameplay bugs we had probably prevented more people from playing it at first and that's on us.

And finally - just came here to have fun and stretch my skills in a compressed time-frame so : mission accomplished!

Awesome, thanks for the feedback. Hoping to do some bugfixes this weekend. Appreciate the info about the counter! :)

Great effort, really enjoy that you have multiple gem sets, and different modes. Really brilliant effort for a short game jam.

Your theme and consistency of design go a long way to making the game feel really well designed and polished. 

Fantastic entry - really love the art, the gameplay is solid.  I wish the players controls would be a little less 'drifty' (if your in Unity maybe apply some dampening on the physics would probably solve it) but still played very smoothly and was able to maneuver very effectively.

Really enjoyed the light on the ducats and the way they would go towards you like gravity when close (made looting easier) which is a super friendly touch for a gamejam game.

Ah okay checked out the stream. Somehow you experienced a bug we did not catch. Something about you leaving the first store when you triggered the alarm made the front door locks of the other stores unpickable. I'll have to try to reproduce and fix that one! That was definitely not intended. Sorry for the negative experience.

Also not sure if it was to do with your screen resolution or a different bug but you were missing the 'getaway' button to end the game and restart. Will see if I can repro that as well.  

It not until other people play your game that you find most of the bugs! Thanks for streaming it so I can see what happened :)

Hello  - thanks for the feedback. I put in a fix for lockpicking - on doing the 2nd lockpick the pick would accidentally be intersecting with the lock and cause the alarm to go off no matter what you did. This should now be working as intended (only when you intersect the pick with the body of the lock will it go off).

Awesome thanks for the feedback, will definitely check out the livestream tomorrow (about to head to bed).

Nice job, probably the most playable game in the jam I've played so far. Core game loop is tight and fairly easy to master.

Not sure if there is an end to the game other than death - made it through at least 10 rooms with a score of 69k+ ? 

Good job!

Fantastic visuals, tough level design, jumps were a little tricky sometimes making it neccesary to be careful and the pressure of the huge monster directly behind you is great.

Fantastic visuals, tough level design, jumps were a little tricky sometimes making it neccesary to be careful and the pressure of the huge monster directly behind you is great.

Fantastic visuals, tough level design, jumps were a little tricky sometimes making it neccesary to be careful and the pressure of the huge monster directly behind you is great.

Great Tetris clone. I liked the fact you had 'single' blocks, something the original should have had! Power ups seemed confusing - was never quite sure what they were doing?

nice graphics and atmosphere , could not figure out how to kill any of the monsters though! Might be a bug? :-)

Super funny, completely LMAO'd myself on first run through. Had to play a second time on nightmare. Great job.

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April 2017 Updates:

April 28 Devblog

This week I have my first update which includes the last 4 weeks of content. (see previous weeks Sharing Saturdays or the community forum).

The big accomplishment this week was to change the loot drops into real 3d objects that drop in the world ; previously a 'bag' would drop and all loot was represented by icons. Given the game is in a fully 3d world I wanted the ability to have loot physically drop on the ground (done) and the ability to drop/throw the loot (coming soon).

This required making tons of 3d models for all the armor types and weapons and associated prefabs, scripts, and effects to make them visible in the game world.

[Heres a screenshot in 3rd person of the character holding a long sword with a glow effect]()

[And heres a screenshot showing a loot drop in front of the character near the top of the screen highlighted with a yellow glow effect](another )

* added additional fields to equipment data base items to support having 3d world objects

* all dropped loot is now represented by a 3D model dropping instead of bags that have icons of the model. The models are non-unique; meaning a leather armor of the owl and a leather armor of the void will have the same model; but they both look like leather rather than cloth or metal.

* Bugfix: Fixed bug where upon death if the player hit restart the new level gen would fail due to index out of bounds error ; AKA game may now be properly restarted upon death without exiting to main menu.

* world items now have glow effect when dropped (easier to see in dark dungeon areas)

* weapons now have world item support

* Bugfix: player portrait now resets properly after restart

* Bugfix: loading screen properly shows status after restart

April 21, 2017 Devblog

Things are progressing VERY nicely towards my first update next week .. I was able to take on some nice improvements to the loading screen that will help out a lot and improve the player experience.

I've also made some gameplay changes that help set the tone/setting for the player to use more of their skills and work with the environment .. meaning it will be dark when they spawn and they have to use their light spell or a torch to light the way .. previously I just had an 'always on' light available and now you'll have to manage resources (mana / torches) to keep things lit!

I hope to get more world dropable items in and convert loot into fully world dropped items instead of appearing in bags by next week for the first update.. not sure if I can get all that done .. crossing fingers, wish me luck!

4/15 to 4/21

* combine spells/abilities into one panel no need for this level of separation when each character will have a unique set of abilities so they'll fit in one panel and be less confusing

* loading screen now provides detailed information about current state of dungeon generation

* made it so player starts in darkness (a minimal backlight light is present) and has to equip torch or cast light for 'good' light level

* torch now provides light when held in either hand, and goes out when removed from hand(s)

* thrown objects no longer insta-kill the player ;-), as such added ability to throw certain items back into gameplay

* added torches to potential dropped loot

* BugFix: monsters should no longer spawn on players head/spawnpoint

* Bugfix: tentatively fixed bug where occaisonally an 'invisible' wall would be present (player cant move but no wall model visible)

* message console no longer prints the number of seconds since game startup at the beginning of each message

* added additional fields to equipment data base items to support having 3d world objects

April 14, 2017 devblog

  • upgraded to Particle Playground 3.1
  • fixed bug in spells collections not posting to player UI sometimes
  • modified loot distribution to favor armor as there are many more slots of armor that need filling than any other category of loot
  • greatly increased loot drop chance for all monsters
  • health/damage/armor resistance ratings better balanced for level 1 gameplay
  • refactored magic attributes to match attribute names AKA Smartiness rather than Intelligence
  • Bugfix: setLevelUpSequence when called from UI was not loading character stats properly
  • Pluck now effects players damage for melee weapons ,each point of Pluck adds 1% damage
  • when player equips weapon it now mounts the appropriate 3d model in the players avatars handestablished proper InputManager mappings so that players may now remap the movement and inventory keys via the launcher
  • Bugfix: Palega clouds had turned white after Particle Playground update, fixed back go green/brown
  • Bugfix: could not always throw objects ; moved method to the OnEndDrag method instead of OnDrop (ondrop requires a canvas to always be present and that was not always possible)

April 8, 2017 devblog

So last week on Saturday, April 1st I released the first build of Chocolate Pants .. and things went relatively well!

In the week I had 205 views and 24 downloads. I think that's pretty good for a nobody developer and I'm super happy to have caught so many eyes.

After that I began working on the next set of features for Alpha .00002 and got the following done:

(4 edits)


I'll be posting updates frequently here as to the progress of current and upcoming features.

This thread will be updated over time so check back to keep up to date with current information!

Feel free to leave comments and questions.

Current build: Alpha .01 available on


Updates below this line are in development and have not been released yet:

- May updates

Week of 4/30 to 5/5

So the big feature this week is I took the Debuff and PlayerEffects classes that were tightly coupled to the player and made them generic so they can be used for both the player and the monsters in the game.

I started the work late at night on a weeknight (I work fulltime so that's the main time I get to do any dev work is about an hour a night before bedtime).

I copied the players tightly coupled implementation of these classes into their own new classes and stared at the wall of errors that the compiler was now throwing.

I knew it was a solvable problem but I was quite tired - so I decided to start with just commenting out everything that doesn't work so I can save/compile and keep moving forwards.

After getting that done it was almost bedtime so I went ahead and pushed my work to Git and went to bed.

The next evening when I opened my IDE back up I took a look at the classes and had this flash of clarity - *those comments were the template of what had to be refactored/generified* .. which I already knew in a way but really it was the way I said it to myself that made things click in a much more 'this is manageable' instead of ' crap I have a ton of errors to deal with here' that made the difference.

Having had that flash of clarity I was able to refactor most of the code that night and did the final bit of adjustments this Saturday morning so we now have a screenshot of a [Skeletal Footman with a flame debuff on him and a UI element above his head showing a small fire debuff icon.]()

I also understood the code beforehand in such a way as I sort of talked it out in my head as if I were giving a lesson or tutorial on it -- really weird sense of understanding/clarity on code that I'm not always accustomed to having!

In the case of a fire effect that already has a nice whole body visual effect this seems a little redundant but the icon also tells you that it has 5 rounds of effect left - and there will be other effects that will not be obvious (stun, hold) so the icon will be the indicator for the player to know that things are actually doing what they expect.

I'm also experimenting with visual UI name of monsters, and a health bar. You'll note the skeleton in the upper right and the spider in the lower right have slightly different UI elements as I'm seeing what I like / do not like until things look right.

Note: These changes are scheduled for the June release and are not in game yet

* Debuffs can now be placed on monsters as well as players! With some specific exceptions (undead vs living) any effect that a player can have a monster can have now (positive or negative). Only projectile spells or weapons that have proc effects will trigger this at the time (single target castables in the future?).

* new EntityEffects system that allows debuff effects to both be placed, and expire properly on monsters as well as the player

* solved race condition to initialize enemy on level change that could result in null pointer in enemybehavior

* BugFix: the above created a bug where Traps would no longer trigger; fixed that!

* spike traps now each have their own interval of triggering set randomly at creation

* refactored some utility code for deleting child game objects ( weapons, objects that fall to the ground, projectiles) into a utility class so it only exists in one place instead of in each item that has this kind of behavior

* BugFix: mace 05 was lacking world item scrits

* added experimental health bar to some monsters (not sure I like it)

* added experimental name bar to monsters

Updates that are moved below this line are released as version Alpha .01 :

April 28 Devblog

This week I have my first update which includes the last 4 weeks of content. (see previous weeks Sharing Saturdays or the community forum).

The big accomplishment this week was to change the loot drops into real 3d objects that drop in the world ; previously a 'bag' would drop and all loot was represented by icons. Given the game is in a fully 3d world I wanted the ability to have loot physically drop on the ground (done) and the ability to drop/throw the loot (coming soon).

This required making tons of 3d models for all the armor types and weapons and associated prefabs, scripts, and effects to make them visible in the game world.

[Heres a screenshot in 3rd person of the character holding a long sword with a glow effect]()

[And heres a screenshot showing a loot drop in front of the character near the top of the screen highlighted with a yellow glow effect](another )

* added additional fields to equipment data base items to support having 3d world objects

* all dropped loot is now represented by a 3D model dropping instead of bags that have icons of the model. The models are non-unique; meaning a leather armor of the owl and a leather armor of the void will have the same model; but they both look like leather rather than cloth or metal.

* Bugfix: Fixed bug where upon death if the player hit restart the new level gen would fail due to index out of bounds error ; AKA game may now be properly restarted upon death without exiting to main menu.

* world items now have glow effect when dropped (easier to see in dark dungeon areas)

* weapons now have world item support

* Bugfix: player portrait now resets properly after restart

* Bugfix: loading screen properly shows status after restart

(2 edits)


I'm the developer of Chocolate Pants the Unicorn and I'm hoping to engage in community interaction as I finish this game and polish it through the alpha and beta process in the months to come.

Current Status:Alpha Level 1 Demo .01

(updated 4/29/2017)

Alpha status means the game is incomplete and many features are missing .. however I have released the demo because the core gameplay which is procedural dungeon generation with turn based combat gameplay and the first level of content is now available

Updates are planned approximately 1 times a month - and I will attempt to prioritize community feedback.

See the devblog thread for weekly development updates here.

Planned features coming soon (month):

* level 2 content "CandyLand"

* improve dungeon generation with algorithm that determines if dungeon is solvable; if not discard & regenerate

* improve sounds on level 1

* design monsters AI for level 2

* sounds for level 2

* improve/expand item database for random item generation

* add procedural random generation to enemies (size, strength, abilities)

Planned features a little farther out(month+):

* level 3

* 3d models and animations for level 3 monsters

* design monsters AI for level 3

* sounds for level 3

* additional spells for player character

Thanks for trying out Chocolate Pants and leave a comment with any feedback you have for me.

(2 edits)


I've just released the demo / alpha version of Chocolate Pants the Unicorn here on today!

Info :

Chocolate Pants The Unicorn is a Roguelike video game where Chocolate Pants is a supreme being who lives in the 11th dimension (as proposed by Quantum Physics). One day Chocolate Pants snarts (which is to sneeze and fart at the same time - but getting more out of both ends than you bargained for) upon doing so they rip a hole in the 11th dimension with their horn and fall through space-time fabric and into Pandora's box.

Pandora's box attempts to harness Chocolate Pants power - but is unable to fully do so. The result is the creation of a 10 dimensional dungeon that Chocolate Pants has been trapped inside of and your hero must rescue them from!


Hack and Slash dungeon crawl Roguelike - (procedural generation, perma-death) 10 unique dimensional themed dungeons A focus on tactical combat and new enemies on each level Unlockable characters as you progress (after death) ALERT: VERY EARLY ACCESS

Chocolate Pants The Unicorn is in very early access phase. If you do not wish to deal with incomplete gameplay, incomplete content, bugs or other frustrations please wait until beta access is announced.

If you are prepared to deal with all of the above and would like to game play test and provide feedback I'd love to have you as part of my community!

This game will be a commercial paid for game. At some point in the future I hope to provide both a demo (free) download with limited content and a paid for version that is the full version of the game. If needed this project page will be reconfigured, removed or edited to support that.

Current Status:

Chocolate Pants will eventually be 10 procedurally generated levels - however first level is the only one available at this time. More levels will be added over time.

This allows me to focus on adding gameplay features and balancing the first level of gameplay before adding additional content.

Community Feedback is welcome and encouraged - this is why I am releasing game content early in alpha status to engage roguelike players to improve and refine game play as I go - with your help!

Systems / Technical Info:

Current Platform(s) : Microsoft Win 7 or Windows 10+ (DirectX 11 capable) (possibly Mac OS and Linux at a later date) Requirements: Have not yet been determined but expect a mid-range gaming system with 4GB of ram, a dedicated video card for the best experience and approximately 1G of disk space required to install.



3d isometric

First person

Third person