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Double Dot Studios

A member registered Sep 17, 2023 · View creator page →

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Ok thanks for the tip. I'll make sure to not use a raw .exe next time. :)

Ok. I’ll try again. I just thought it might be a bug where it never loads. I didn’t see that it was a 3D game initially which is probably why my old laptop is struggling.

Thank you for letting me know. I usually make sure this is not the case but obviously I forgot to make sure the game doesn’t reveal more of the map when maximised.

The game just sits on the Godot boot splash and doesn't load.

It's quite a fun game to play in a small amount of time. Great work!

I've been using Godot since around 2020 but with 4.x lots has changed and it's a bit like re-learning the engine. I plan on entering more jams next year

Thanks for the feedback! The switching weapons was a bit of a gimmick and if I had more time I would have made the gravestones give you an attack boost.

Thank you so much. Kenny assets are so good and were perfect so I didn't spend the whole week making art.

Thank you. I need to take some time to learn another way to create enemy ai.