!remindme 2025-08-14
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This weekend I was hanging out in a local coffee shop and grabbed the backgammon board off the shelf for a quick game. It was missing a couple checkers as well as both dice. But luckily I had my playdate and qnd with me! We made do with two fewer checkers each, and qnd worked great! In fact, it was arguably better than using a dice cup and physical dice because it was much quieter.
Thanks for saving the day, professir!
PS. I won 2-0 :D
Hi! Glad you like it. Let me know if you try it out. I’d like to hear how it goes!
Yes, I have been playing that you can immediately spend XP as soon as it is earned. But you can still only ever spend XP to turn a die into a six for the purposes for advancement. So the only time you should be able to spend XP directly on the failed roll you gained it for would be for Do Anything 1. (Or some other 1 die skill.)
I hope I explained that well. Let me know if it doesn’t make sense.
Yes, you are right! Risky actions are inherently stressful, and so you always start with the stress die.
This was a rule change included in the v1.5 update:
This is an amazing compendium and reference, as well as a super game in its own right.
I love so much about this! Can’t wait to see what it might grow into :)
Big update! Thanks for sharing.
I shared my thoughts about it on a “Stuff I Been Reading” post:
Also, sorry, one more question.
How does monster combat work?
For example, say a monster has Ferocity 55. If they roll under that, do they automatically do damage? Or can the Player roll under combat to avoid damage?
Or for Horror, does the monster succeeding on their role automatically mean success, or can the player roll Brain or something to resist it?
Hello, thanks for making an awesome game :)
I have questions about Low Magic.
If the player chooses MOXIE as their magic stat, then do they would roll moxie as usual to cast a spell?
What is the GM secretly rolling against? What is the 15% threshold of? Or does the GM roll to establish the target, and the player has to roll 15% of that?
What is the player’s starting pool of MAGIC POINTS from?