I forgot how do you move forward in the h scenes?
Dr. Lomography
Recent community posts
Everytime I save the game and then exit, when I return the relationship between the two main girls get set to none. So instead of the lovely landlady it's now the lovely none. I downloaded the compressed version of the Android version so maybe that's the problem but never the less I thought I would mention it.
MagicNuts I decided to try playing the pc version of the game using Joiplay. And now I have found another scene that will make the game crash. And just to see if it was just a problem with Joiplay, I tried the android version to and it crashed at the exact same scene. It is the scene where Rose's Demon is on top of you. So not only can I not continue with Rose's story I cannot continue with the main story. I really love your game, I do. I promise I am not railing against it. I just want to finish it but there are two scenes that seem to crash the game and I cannot get past them. One with Rose's demon and the other I mentioned earlier where you and Lana are in the barrel togethere. Is there anyway this can be patched? Or will it have to wait until the next release?
MagicNuts I really love your game but I am unable to finish it. I'm playing on Android and there is one scene that is just completely crashing the game. Whenever I get to the bath with Lana after your break out Lady Goldenbrush the game crashes. This is game breaking because no matter whatever I try, skipping or auto it will crash around the same part before the scene starts. Is there anyway this can be patched? I cannot progress, and I have downloaded several versions of the game and all of them have this glitch so to speak.
To NoMeme,
I wish to inform you that I have tried every single one of the APK downloads and they do not want to install saying there was a problem parsing the program. I tried the direct APK download, google drive, and Mega no dice. I then thought maybe it's my tablet so I tried BlueStacks a android emulator for the PC since I do not have an android phone. And even that wouldn't install Virtues and I yet again tried all three of your downloads. So I just thought I would let you know as I do love Virtues and since my laptop is out of order and I don't want to use the my main desktop which is strictly business only I hope you can help. Thank you!