Nice! I remember playing a demo years back, so it's great to hear this is just about done. I'm looking forward to it!
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Thanks very much! I'm glad you liked the board game style navigation. Its a style I try to improve on whenever I use it.
I'll for sure work more on battle balancing. I'm also experimenting with ways to make it easier to tell whose turn it is & which enemy you're targeting. And the battle presentation in general, honestly.
Nice to hear the music served its job, and that story style is a mix I have a habit of going for! I can never go too far in either direction, & try to get a blend of both (though I usually lean more towards the lighthearted).
I really appreciate the compliment on the character sprites!! & CANARY SWEEP!! I won't lie, "kinda hot angel" was the angle I went for when drawing him, so, its good to hear the intention was successful lmao.
Yeah this was planned to be longer, but sadly time wasn't on my side... The "go on without me" was originally gonna be more direct & in a scene that couldn't show up until after the demo (due to time), until I realized I could fit it into the intro scene. It ended up working better there.
& oh cool, didn't know you'd used the name Emvi in an earlier jam. Now I wanna check it out👀
Wow, I loved the battles in this game. I was gonna say that I'd love a bigger game with this Dress mechanic but I see you said the system was inspired by X-2... I've never played X-2 but this definitely made me interested in its battles, at least.
I will say that I found practically no use in thief, but the other 5 classes were fun to shuffle around. I mainly used Idol, Mage, & Gunner, but had some nice uses with Warrior & Priest. I didn't actually mind the health of any of the battles or bosses. On another note, I cant tell if it was my laptop was taking too long loading the battles, or if they actually take about 10 seconds to load in.
Also yeah everyone's said their piece about the final battle, and I basically agree. I do appreciate that the dialogue was different after each loss which made it feel like it was progressing, but yeah, either lowering the count or making the boss instantly 1-shot you each time to make it quicker would've helped.
Anyway, this was a fun, short game! I'll probably play it again just to experiment more with the classes. That part really was fun.
Thanks, Human! Glad to hear you liked it!
Thanks for the battle feedback. I'll admit, even I messed up with combos & resource management a few times in my playtesting, but didn't give myself as much time on the battle presentation. I'll be fixing those issues in future releases for sure.
Right, the optional boss. It was initially supposed to be beatable in the demo, but only because the demo was initially gonna have more content in it... The way the current demo is, it isn't meant to be beatable in it. Still, I'll lower its health a bit in future releases.
& its cool to hear you enjoyed Nina! She's got my favorite design from the MV Cover Art so I had to include her lol.
Thanks again!
No problem! And it's cool if you don't find the time to replay, I know life can get crazy.
Oh, now I see how the fight got more difficult. Unfortunately, it seems like the randomizer messed with you. All normal fights & F.O.E waves have randomized enemy sets, so you may have gotten lucky picks for enemies first time around, but not the second time. In future versions, I'll be making the F.O.E. waves have the same enemies (except for maybe 1 enemy per wave) to make it more fair.
As for the mouse chase event, whether you stop at the first or second part doesn't change anything. You either get into the fight after choosing to chase it twice, or leave the mouse at either chance you get.
Thanks! Yes, there's different combo combinations for each character. The skills inside the Techniques menu show what combination you must put down for the combo to activate. For example, Eric's "Bolo Punch" asks for Up + Up, so you gotta input Jab two times. If you do get the chance to replay, I hope you can get more enjoyment out of the battle system with the combos.
& yeah, that F.O.E. isn't actually meant to be beat in the scope of the demo (though I still put in the rewards just in case), but all F.O.E.s definitely will be beatable with enough experience in the full version.
Also, I think I see why battles seem more difficult once Canary joined. I didn't up the difficulty once Canary gets added, BUT the right side of floor 1 intentionally has 1-2 more enemies in each random encounter. The "envisioned" path is for a player to go left to get Canary, then go to the right if they want to, before fighting the boss.
And hey, it's actually good to hear you're relieved you played in the easier mode! I'll probably make it so that players can change difficulty at the rest point in future releases, so a player doesn't have to be locked into one mode before knowing how the normal mode's difficulty is.
Thanks again for the feedback, I appreciate it!
Hey! I'm happy to hear you had fun! I'll definitely take your feedback in mind. Honestly I planned to have something like a character cut-in when it was their turn, but didn't have the time to make the assets for the jam. I'll definitely figure something out for that.
Thanks Starmage, I'm hoping to have the full version out by the end of the year!
Right! I finished the demo a few days ago and that I REALLY enjoyed it! I'd been waiting to not play it until this recent update happened, and it was great! I love the feeling of the game, and how I can have each day play out different (I actually liked when I had a certain plan set for the day, and then I got curious about the person selling books outside of the main building which ended up taking my whole day's plans lmao). Battles are fun, and I'm excited to see what team compositions I can make in the future.
I've seen people point out the fairy shop error so I'll skip past that (especially if it's already been addressed ever since I played), but there is a name error where Jin seems to call you "Syle" no matter what (if that's also been solved... well ignore these observations).
...Also I love the gnome NPC's design, looks preeety familiar (in a good way)!
OH! I hadn't noticed this comment! Yes I'm doing fine, and thanks for the concern! I made posts about it on the twitter page & rpgmaker forums, but never made one here... Grand Core Release has actually been on hiatus the past few years while I work to graduate college (I tried to work on GCR before officially announcing the hiatus, but I honestly wasn't working consistently enough on the game itself, so... I had to call a hiatus...)
I HAVE still been working on Grand Core over these years, namely the story/character/progression, which have all pretty much been settled! A bit after I'm done with college (about 1 year) I should be able to announce the removal of hiatus on GCR!
Thanks for still being interested in this game!