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A member registered Mar 30, 2020 · View creator page →

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It was my "first" released game so I wasn't thinking about it. But after the jam some people said its easier for people to play your game if its in browser so I will reconsider it for the next ones. Thanks

Really beautiful game, I'm already following it on Twitter and every artwork is gorgeous. The gameplay is great, you can feel the weight of the character and the combos make it fun to kill the enemies. I'm waiting for the release on Steam.

Thanks for all your compliments, the good side of using an engine that uses code is that you can use what you learn for other languages, also you have more freedom to make what you want. I like to learn unity in my free time so my progress takes to long to be noticed, I'm sure you will have great results sooner than you think.

Cryptid Invasion

I know that feeling but while coding may look like something you have to spend a life long time to learn, its not true. I started using Unity not long ago and stopped the online course in 50% of it.

As you saw I cold make a game and submit it to a Jam, so I believe you are able to do the same. Just take your time to learn things before starting for real, thats what I would say. Also, if you think Unity is too hard there are visual script engines like Construct, ClickTeam Fusion, G-develop and others.

I dont know if I understood the quedtion, but the pose is good, you just need to think about how you are going to use it. Since the game is a sidescroller (I guess) there will be rare cases that the character will be looking to the camera.

I know how frustrating it can be to look for a solution and nobody helps. I am not an expert on pixel art, actually, usually I am the one who makes the questions but I've seen many people asking about walk cycles so I can give some tips.

Larger pixel ratios takes too much time, if you are a beginner I think your sprite size is ok. Small px ratios are easier but I dont think this helps (personal opinion). If you keep working on your sprites the way they are you will get better and in the future you probably will remake them all, I keep doing this unfortunately.

Yeah I downloaded your sprite and noticed that even the lighter colors are too dark. Are you making your own palette or did you get this one from another person? 

You can get palettes here:

Using a lighter palette is not something you must do, but one thing I use to do is keep testing lots of palettes and chosing the one I liked most.

Make the changes on the sprite and then choose your palette, I believe you will get better results and if you want you can share the results so we take another look

Hey man, I saw your sprites and you dont use different colors for the legs, this cause confusion about which leg is in the front and which leg is in the back.

Look at the image below, as you can see the leg in the back (left leg) is darker than the right leg, the same can be said about the arm.

You don't need this much number of frames, some people in their first walk animations believe that adding more frames will make the animation smooth but this is just true if every frame is there for a reason.

I believe that even with 4 sprites you can make a good walk cycle just keep in mind the last sprite needs to match with the first sprite. I added an example below that I made a walk cycle using the sprites 3-5-7-1 of the image above.

Tell me if that helped.

I submited this project to a Game Jam and since its my first "complete" game there are things I would like to discuss for possible future updates:

Game link: Cryptid Invasion by Drahedron

1- Questions:

a) Now its impossible to kill the cryptids, shooting them just makes the creatures to be knocked back a little. Do you think this is fun or do you prefer to kill the cryptids and receive a loot for it? (I prefer the way it is but people might think this is odd)

2- New features I'm thinking about, please give your opinion about them:

a) I will make more cities (stages) so the game will have a beggining and an ending, new weapons, new cryptids and new NPCs.

b) Do you think it would be cool to have an army base where you can collect bounties after each "completed mission" and buy gear? Or would you prefer to finish one stage and goes to a more complex/difficult stage getting new gear on the stages?

c) Do you think it would be fun to have some puzzles to solve. Example: The helicopter is inside inside a locked place and you need to find the key to reach it.

d) I like NPC farming games, so I'm thinking about trying to put this in the game, what do you think?

Thank you for your feedback!

A fun game with stunning art. The cutscenes and artworks are so beautiful that definitely worth your time to complete the game.

Shikari Rising community · Created a new topic Steam

Any chances for this game to be released on Steam? I also would love to see more works from this pixel artist, do you know his/her page?

That's cute, this game must be great

That's a really great game. If you are thinking about playing this game you should definitely try it.

The machanics are simple and you learn fast, some enemies are stronger so you need to level up to kill them and I liked that. I don't know much about the story because I couldn't enter in the city yet. If this game have a great story it will just be one of my favorities on

Also, I'm still learning how to make games and I want to make a RPG too. I read the comment of Firecat1311 and it's something to think about, because I was also thinking about making a game that the player should farm more before taking new steps. Now I will try to think about a way to make it cool, so I thank you both for the lesson.

Again, I really enjoyed your game!