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Drakita Project

A member registered Apr 07, 2022 · View creator page →

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he's not romancable in Sylving.

but after the main story's done, we'll be working on a spinoff after the epilog where most male characters are dateable.

no chapter 4 this year, but there'll be an updated version with some changes. chapter 3 will have a big rewrite, but it should be possible to get that done before the end of 2024.

there's no sprites for the tape measure and Brumm holding dishes. the measuring scene only happens once, so it's not neccessary. but I can make one with Brumm holding a plate of food.

thanks for bringing it up!

don't worry, we'll be working closely together. I'm trying to be more lose over the writing, but I'll make sure it's still within how I invision the story as a whole to be.

thank you!

I do love a good steak!

thank you. we'll make sure it's cooked to perfection, hehe.

as of now, I don't want to use any voice acting. maybe later on, as the scenes with animations becomes more intimate, but it's still a maybe.

I hope I'll get to finish the beta of chapter 4 by the end of August or somewhere in September. I do near all the work myself, with great help from my friends around editing and grammar mistakes. soooo much work I,3 which is why I never put on dates because I burned out working on my VN easily.

yup, SNFW will come, but the first time having it will probably be in chapter 5.

no worries, I don't update here on Itch often. I usually post in my Patreon monthly with my progress, upcoming characters, animations and raw scripts. 

I finished writing the script, but I'm doing some editing first before I get help with the grammar and possible changes. and I got two more characters I have to make the sprites for, which will sadly take another while to make. but I hope to release chapter 4 in late August or September.

hi there!

thanks for the invite, but I'm afraid I can't join it. it's 1 am here in Norway, so I must miss out on the stream sadly. but I would like to watch the recording when it's uploaded ^.=.^ 

have fun with Sylving!

thank you, I'm glad you enjoy my VN so much ^.=.^

I got a Patreon  with a Sylving tier for $10. you can get a look on new characters, screenshots, sketches and illustrations. you'll get your username put in the end credit in Sylving as well.

I hope to release the next update between Jule or August. takes me a lot of work making Sylving, so the releases of each chapter will always take some time.

awesome! been working alot lately, so taking a break to play this update will be great! can't wait to see more of Tom ^^

you should take your time with these updates. it's always great reading Socially Awkward no matter how long it takes *huggles you*

yup. I'm trying to focus on the story and worldbuilding for Sylving, so Agnarr is the only one to romance in this story.

I hope to make it every 6 months, as I'm still working on the sprites for the upcoming characters and writing chapter 4 before I get help with editing.

I don't have a set schedule when the next chapter's out, but I'm doing my best to get time working on it whenever I can. hope to get it ready somewhere this summer.

chinese ver.
here you go

I'm aiming for at least 20 chapters. Dalset (current location) takes about the first third of the whole story.

it's called "Our Comfort", an original song made for Sylving, by Yafettimotius.

that's cool hehe x3 makes it a step more immersive for you then, and I'm glad you're enjoying the story so far!

yeah, Mikkel's a little camp. having some fun with his overreactions and how much in his own head he gets x3

I hear you, I edited that scene with Brumm's sprites to make it less jarring. you'll see it in the next release.

I aim to make it in less than 8 months for chapter 4, having less new assets to make so I can focus on the writing for it. thank you for giving me your thoughts about that scene and I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter ^^

no worries, I have no plans for Agnarr to fuck someone else in the story. but it wont be any less dramatic and hot I3 huhu

that's a good point. I'll add more of an reaction from Agnarr about this for the next update. thanks for the comment about this scene ;3

yeah, I found that bug too. after Renpy had its update recently, it gave Sylving a small bug that I couldn't do much about. it only bugged the savefile, but you might have to delete them and start over from chapter 1.

already loving this story! the visuals are great, and the story is really interesting. can't wait to read more when the next update comes out :)

sunday 25 of February.  just finished the full beta today, so it'll be published in 2 weeks.

I'm glad you like the song ^^ it's called "Agnarr's Ballad", an original song I commissioned for, by rajattiwari23 from Fiverr.  he did an amazing job making it.

why's the logo to the right? it should be to the left, and there's a strange, uneven black line and has a light box around it, so this is certainly not from Itch. 

did you download an unofficial android version of it before downloading it here on Itch? that might be why you can't update on your phone, as this one messed with the codes for your phone.

does Mikkel have brown or orange hair? chap 1 had brown hair, but I changed it to orange in the next release. if he has brown hair, then I don't know how to help you ><;

I downloaded it again, and it is the second chapter version. the first chapter never had the android release. where does it say it's chapter 1?

chap 2 is the one available for download. I'm giving the number in the corner for the chapter released (ver 0.2), so you can see what chapter's up by that number (chap 3 will be ver 0.3 and so on)

glad you enjoy it so far!

as for donation, I'm not sure. I only use Patreon for this. you could do a one-time payment there, if you like.

it'll be optional.  there's censor one to avoid the few nude parts in the story. when the sexual scenes comes, there'll be the option to do it or just have a short cuddling moment that doesn't affect the story.

no, this is a free VN. I forgot to add "to be continue" in the latest release. it'll take me years finishing this story.

glad you're enjoying my VN so far ^.=.^

as for the size of it, yeah it's a little big. there's a ton more assets made for chapter 3, so I'm doing my best sizing the files down without losing the quality.

thank you, I'm glad you my VN so far and that scene ^.=.^

like you said, it's easy to make a main character frustrated, but I really wanted to build it up, both to see MC's frustration for being stuck in another world so suddenly and to show Agnarr that MC's not some godly figure that's been described to be around Sylving(humans). Agnarr's not sure how to really be around a Sylving as there's been no such thing for 600 years, and they're said to be mighty beings that's put as someone with mighty powers to help them in need back then. but him seeing MC's frustration and breaking down in tears shows how he's a normal living being capable of emotions just as much as the Dyrs (animal people) do.

it won't be an easy road ahead, but I'll do my best to write them come together through ups and downs. it's gonna be a long story, so I hope you'll enjoy it as it goes on :3 and thank you for the ted talk hehe *big hugs*

hi there. sorry it took a week to reply, I had to ask around about this issue. the one answer I got was that you should be able to simply launch the .sh file from the command line. 

if it doesn't work, maybe you could try the Windows version of it. I've seen some VN's having them both in one dl file, so maybe that's it.

I'm glad you enjoy my VN so far ^^ there'll be a lot of worldbuilding over the story, so no worries about that hehe. I'm working hard to make chapter 3, but there's plenty to write and there's 5 new characters I'll introduce and make new backgrounds for new locations, so it sadly takes a lot of my time I,3 I hope you'll have a good time reading it when it comes out.

the current android download is with both chapter 1 and 2.

it should work. click on "Download Now" and it'll lead you to the front page of Sylving.

that's really kind of you! my Patreon content is more sexual and bigger-in-size, so I wasn't sure about if you would like that. but thank you for the support!