thanks, probably a weird glitch that menu didn't show on my end the first time. also i think you could update your manual so players know how to restart themselves.
Recent community posts
I think the only one i stuck longer than expected was stage 5, which i think is because L Door without magnet lock was introduced once in tutorial but not in stage 1 ~ 4, so I totally forgot about it XD.
Mostly fun. Neat aesthetic, responsive control, and indicators are clear enough for most part. And I never knew there's back to hub button after I accidentally click Escape.
Foundation is neat, some opinions
- Fix game over screen, it's stuck.
- Add some sound/music to draw attention
- Lower down foe hp
- Higher exp gain to fast forward reward
I don't think 3 hits is fair when MC require stop to shoot. Foes take more than that to beat, and some of them could shot projectile. It favors enemies more than player.
For me it's hard to get hooked.
tried it. love this idea. (i was working on same stuff but got into a deadlock).
Since i didn't find any exit or endgame treasure all my runs 'cause i starved to death each time, I presumed there's none.
Here's what i think.
- Lower some foes HP, or increase some card damage.
Some enemies just ATE all my cards and still manage to survived 2 turns and they left no loot. It's unclear either card not working or just because foes were that tough.
- Let player able to discard cards for movement points.
I once had 2 cards require 4 points and a few require 3, 2 points in my hand and that's not a fun run.
When getting food is top priority, defense or high cost utility cards were basically useless. If they could treat as movement points, players could play more freely, and maybe sometimes discard decent cards cause they need to run away. - A map please? got lost in 5 mins lol.
- i fell into the Abyss and cannot get out.
(turn won't end, game just stuck except exit button)
maybe add a seed number later to debug faster?