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A member registered Apr 22, 2021

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One quick comment on the latest update: In the newest Annie scene (Nighttime Cookies) protag's dong is way too shiny, like it's already lubed up even though he's only just whipped it out. It looks like the model is using a different material which has more lustre than the rest of his body. Not sure if I've just not noticed that detail in previous scenes but it really stood out in this one

Other than that, fantastic work as always. Looking forward to the next chapter!

You've got a solid foundation here, looking forward to seeing where this project goes! The fundamental gameplay loop is satisfying, and though I think there's some tweaking to do with the difficulty scaling as you get further into the run, overall things feel balanced and challenging without feeling too unfair.

That said, there is a significant difficulty spike at about 800m that seems to kill most of my runs. Random run-of-the-mill enemies seemingly go from dying easily and not hurting much to being nigh un-killable and obliterating me in 1-2 hits. I wouldn't complain if that gets smoothed out a little bit.

Out of curiosity, any plans for a "final boss" of sorts? Or a way to "complete" a run without dying?

Why do people think the solution to making scarier games is to just make louder jumpscares? Obnoxiously loud jumpscares ruin a lot of otherwise good horror games, it's one of the reasons I have a hard time enjoying FNAF. 

There's so much more a game can do to make it scarier than just turning up the volume on the jumpscares.

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Found a pretty major bug, if you stand between the drill and the right side of the doorframe during the second drilling sequence in the beginning (after replacing the drill bit for the first time), the moving drill pushes you out of bounds and softlocks you.

Surprisingly good gameplay so far! The mushroom boss was unexpectedly challenging and as a dark souls player I appreciate a proper fight.

One thing that stood out is the English localization is pretty rough. A lot of the dialogue feels very unnatural, like it was run through Google Translate. Hopefully as your project continues you'll be able to get a helping hand with that!

Punch all her illusions and then go back to the main platform and wail on her until she knocks you away, then rinse and repeat.

Excellent work as always! Just a quick typographical error I noticed, right after the first Eternum session with Dalia (where you first encounter Thanatos), after you log out, main character says "I don't even know in what year I'm in". One of those "in"s should be removed.

I got a real kick when I realized that Magnus' Manor is the very same mansion used in the original "Escape the Ayuwoki" game before it was updated to the Steam Edition. Total flashbacks to Markiplier's playthrough! Appropriate too cause that game was scary as hell.

This game is the definition of "Came for the titties, stayed for the story." 10/10

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Very fun and surprisingly sexy! I might have run into a bug (possibly?) though. If you manage to catch the deer without dying/while still fully clothed, the cutscene starts with your pants off. Since there's CGs for that scene starting fully clothed I'm assuming that's a bug? I did die once on the way back to the house (may or may not have been on purpose :3), possibly the game is forgetting to reset state properly when it transitions there?

Very nice! One tip for the writers though, it's much more immersive when all the writing is in present tense w/ active voice. Ultimately it's your creative choice of course, but if you're willing to experiment with the style, I'd highly recommend giving it a try!

Still really fun and just the right amount of sexy, looking forward to more.