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A member registered Nov 17, 2014 · View creator page →

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At some point I will download sources and see how possible that is, maybe I will do a pull request if I figure it out.

First thing I tried was to edit draw_circle in lesson 1. I thought it would work like The Book of Shaders or like A Tour of Go, but it didn't allow editing. Maybe that's a strange thing to expect.
But then I had my 12 year old student try the course and the first thing they tried was to edit draw_circle.
They don't have to be editable but I think the lessons would be slightly more amusing.

Do the followers do anything besides look cool?

Kinda reminds me of Nanosmiles by Dong.

For the first several hours all that existed was the rope and the player. At first even the cart was replaced with a fixed post in the ground. It took some iteration to make the rope work.

Blank background also makes it difficult to track motion. I will do better next time.

(2 edits)

The seed of the idea comes from something I read on Stupid Movie Physics ages ago about conservation of mass and bullets (I can't find the exact statement). But when I heard the theme it's one of the more obvious ideas I had. And when I thought of the name I knew I had to do it.

There's other items that I got art for that didn't make it into the jam version. Once judging is over I will see if they can fit in somehow.

I see that you also have a taste for silly names.

Birds are terrible. Reminds me of GIRP by Bennett Foddy, where if you took to long near the top the bird that was annoying you the whole game would win instead.

Thanks! I think there's a lot of potential with the idea, maybe I need to make a post-jam version to better explore it.

I spent a lot of time trying to make it as smooth as possible. I got artwork for other enemies and interactables to add into the game, but I thought it would be better to refine what did make it in before adding more stuff (at least at the rate of work I currently do, Godot is a new framework for me).

It is a bit easy right now. It would be harder if there were more than 1 independent path that needs defended.

I notice that the beam width isn't always the same and I don't know what controls it.

Yeah, that's a bug where the physics isn't stable. It mostly works and that's never happened to me, but with things jittering around as much as it does that's not surprising.

That's why it's a secret instead of the intended way.

Sounds added.

There is a secret that lets you skip the tutorial.

That's about all the gameplay I have time to make. I will try to add sounds and maybe music.

(1 edit)

It requires pygame >= 1.9.4

The link to github is broken, typo in protocol.

It's a bit hard or I'm missing something. After launching the ship I can defend myself until the time runs out but then nothing happens? Maybe I am dying early since I haven't found a reliable way to defeat the enemies.

I'm uncertain of how this fits the theme.
EDIT: It's a roguelike or turn-based platformer where you can carry only one item at a time.

Thanks for playing! When I was making levels I would end up wondering if a thing was impossible and so slowed down the speed so I could get perfect timing, but later I turned it up a bunch and since I knew how to navigate I could still pull it off.

Thanks! I really like the idea of the player creating something without knowing it because it implies the game is watching you when you don't expect it to. When I was thinking of what to do at a level end I added a list of every action position, it took me less than 10 minutes to implement.

I just assumed the upper platforms were not actions I could take because it took too long and I am bad at platforming. I could get there but it would be too late. There's a glitch in the game where two things are active after a relocation and I abused that to win. A fun game, it could be a special sequence or mini-game in a larger more complete game.

Once you learn how things work it is easy but when you start it is hard because you need to get close to the enemy and the enemy gives you less time to dodge the closer you approach.

First levels are easy. It gets complicated at level 8.