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A member registered Jul 27, 2021 · View creator page →

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I saw the videos of your stream earlier this week! glad you got around to this one 😄 Thanks for trying it out and the feedback in the video!🙏

Personally I just fixed bugs that rendered the game unplayable but didn’t introduce new features so it’s still fair and doesn’t give me an advantage over others

I.e. my games FPS was really bad, like 20fps at times b/c of high vert count, so I fixed it and submitted, but I’m not adding full features like proper health bars and new content

Basically it’s allowed but up to your judgement, just don’t go too crazy with the updates - simple bug fixes should be fine from my understanding! 🙂

reminded me a lot of cat mario just without hidden obstacles 😛 music would have helped, good job overall!

(4 edits)

TYSM! Glad you enjoyed it!!

  • Enemy models by @yas.pes on Instagram

    rest of art is from the unity asset store + some modifications on my end

  • music by context sensitive (existing music tracks that are free to use)

  • Programming was me 👀

SFX is bonk + modifications in code to make it sound pleasant and not repetitive 😛

It do be like that sometime

hollyyyyy wow, this game was super in depth and the mechanics felt extra polished!

love the throwing mechanics, the character controller is on point

couple of notes for improvement:

  • I used a trackpad on my mac (forgot my mouse somewhere else…), made it really hard to aim but i got used to it after a bit, maybe a slight aim assist would have been nice (a toggle option maybe since i know not everyone likes it)
  • the purple animation for boost gets in the way when the camera is low, maybe change lower the opacity?

overall these are super super nitpicky, game is amazing as is!

this is probably a weird thing to mention but the select sfx was really really satisfying and i kept moving in the menu left and right to hear it 😅

ok ok now actual review:

I love the browser graphics, overall from a game design standpoint and aesthetic very impressive and thorough with amazing attention to details!

couple of notes:

  • not sure if intentional, but you can only move in one axis at a time, and if you click say left, then click up while still holding left the speed resets, you have to do some sort of quick switching click-release-click if that makes sense, hard to get used to but you do get used to it at the end

  • i just kept moving garbage cans to block roads - would have been neat to have an intro page with the various things you can do maybe also a tracker to where the car is or a path of it would be also neat (maybe make it a bit too easy? but i feel like you can play around it and tweak it), i wasn’t sure what road to block usually so i kept blocking the roads nearest to the house hoping for the best

great work! 🙌

Finally got around to playing this! Had to wait for a windows machine to play it on 😛

So glad i got to play it! That was very impressive, felt like a game I’d buy on the switch for a couple bucks - definitely agree with the others saying this was a full experience!

The graphics made it feel very very polished, amazing work on that, noticed you created it in the credits 👏

few notes for improvement:

  • more game juice on impacts, such as slight screen shake, scale changes, position nudges, etc. (noticed a bit of juice like the boss’s attack, and the paper effect), this little work on impact would make wonders!
  • not sure why exactly but sometimes my movement speed got halved, I don’t know what triggered it at all 🤷‍♂️ i thought it might have been me walking diagonally but it really just happened randomly (maybe not using fixedDeltaTime?)

but i’m really nitpicking here, amazing submission! 🙌

re: dialog system, check out dotween, you can probably make the same thing with it and make it even more dynamic, i started making one for this game jam but ended up not using it due to time constraints

(You can see it here in action:) https://twitter.com/drowsyfoxgames/status/1425070218615853056?s=20 it’s super easy to use

I don’t mind sharing the code if you are interested! way easier than using the unity animation thing, i try to avoid it like fire tbh, i find it very clunky and not fun to work with or automate so i dont blame you for avoiding it later on!

Got to play it after downloading with the itch.io app! (on mac)

room/level generation is awesome, gameplay is pretty fun too!

few notes for improvement:

  • performance was really bad :( i’m on a late 2019 macbookpro with 555x radeon pro graphics card, it is unplayable with anything larger than 3 rooms, are you maybe rendering all the rooms even if they aren’t in focus? that’s my first guess
  • one of the generated room put me on an obstacle/wall after moving through it forcing me to restart

overall great submission! awesome job :D

very impressive, especially the visuals!

couple of notes:

  • the restart button after death goes to a black screen and doesn’t actually restart
  • i feel like in the beginning of the game i was quite lost - just kept pressing space to keep moving and moving the mouse thinking there might be something to click on but there wasn’t until the tv portion

love the camera system, and again very impressive for one week of work!

I did it!

great submission and super impressive! very thorough and great attention to details imo!

few notes for improvement:

  • i was able to cheese the system a bit by shooting rocks through the ground at certain switches 😛
  • the big boss on top left (i think before the green barrier?) was a bit confusing because it shot back the rocks at me instead of just absorbing them like the rest of the enemies, made me think i couldn’t kill him so i tried to pass by without killing him until i killed him by accident
  • I unlocked a couple things with the huge red buttons but i have no clue what they were still lol
  • took me a while to understand what to do with the ground stomp

btw, I LOVED the dialog system in the beginning of the game, would have been neat to see it again after collecting an orb or something with some funny dialog, and the option to click to move to the next sentence would be neat too!

overall loved this! 🙌

I can definitely see this game being addicting with a few tweaks! love the SFX btw for the gold orb collection, & the music really fits.

a couple suggestions for improvement:

  • imo if the world size could have been smaller or the character speed a bit faster (even with limitations like stamina system) it would feel less frustrating - especially since i spent most of the time exploring the map slowly to look for things. would also be useful to have a way to dodge the AI - once they spot you they speed up and it’s basically game over lol
  • a tutorial is a must, even just a short block of text in the itch.io page because I was very lost for a while - i was looking for the small temples that spawn aliens for a while on the 2nd level b/c i had no clue that the first time i played the level i accidentally summoned them by shooting the main structure.

Awesome work!

I think a leaderboard would be a dope addition 😛 so far some friends suggested this should be a mobile game instead of desktop, would love to hear your opinion!

Oh btw! Did you get a new high score?? One of my friends got to wave 16 😂

Tysm!! 🙏🙏🙏 I live for the stress 😬 lol I was making last minute changes before submitting, this game started off as 2d and I started clean 48 hours before submission 😅 so I needed every second I could get

I didn’t want to modify the health bar and other major suggestions yet because I didn’t think it would be fair since it wouldn’t be just a small tweak and could give me an “advantage” over other submissions 😅 but I hope to take a couple days and improve it after the jam is over!! Building a todo list with suggestions so yea the health bar is on it! 🙌

Again thank you for coming back to it, it means a lot to me 🙏😭

I tried both, look at the line above, the one without a ,1 is my second attempt after the first syntax error 😞

(1 edit)

I accidentally played this game the longest out of any of them so far!

TYSM that means a lot to me! 😭🙏

the health bar were glitched and i didn’t have time to fix it! on my todo!

re:no quit button, oops! I added proper menu settings and options such as quit and resolution change to my todo list!

2: yea the AI is pretty dumb right now 😛 hoping to use unity pathfinding next, just learned about it from a previous comment!

super glad you enjoyed the game!! thank you so much for the kind words!

Thank you so much playing the game and for the kind words! 🙏 added tweaking the spawn area to my todo list! thank you for the feedback!!🙌

thank you so much for the kind words 🙏 spawning and enemy movement were pretty late in the jam so i just jotted something down really quick, recently learned of Pathfinding in unity and i’m hoping to apply it in this game in the future! lol yea i noticed the healthbar issue, I didn’t have enough time to debug the position per model, on my todo!

thank you so much for playing! I agree a break between waves would be useful - added to my todo! thank you!

here is a screenshot of the game - just tried again, i’m using the web version

did i do it right?

tbh went a bit over my head 😅 Gave it a couple shots, typed “poke 53248,1” but kept getting “syntax error” and “Ready” Would have been nice to have the instructions built in to the game and not have to go to an external github source code to analyze in order to play the game. (I know you said the hints are in parentheses, but I couldn’t get the initial POKE command to work and if it did work i had no clue what to do next)

having a reference page with available commands and options to use would be neat and make it a lot more user friendly. Love the aesthetics btw!

went to try and play the game but the webgl one freezes my browser, and when i downloaded the mac version it says it’s damaged :(

any chance you can re-export for mac please? 🙏

at the beginning i was like “oh a platformer, so mario with billy as the enemy?”

then… i got the gun 😈

the gun was a GREAT touch and kept me on my toes, especially since the spaceships were shooting at me too!

couple of notes/feature requests:

  • would have loved to use space for jump, using w felt a bit unnatural at times
  • some sort of “shield”/“second chance” would have been awesome - i died so many times at the boss fight even after destroying the system b/c you have to run through the spawners to flip the lever - ended up stacking up on bullets and spawmming them as i ran through 😛

Great job overall! loved it!

lol +1 to spamming every book I was curious if one was an easter egg like one of the greens ones leans or the right most-red one, definitely an awesome feature - must have been so much work 😅 imo it was worth it! gave a great feel of depth to the game!

Come and BONK the evil console & peripherals!

check out the game here: https://itch.io/jam/n8jam/rate/1158782


review & Drop a comment on the game page, and i’ll make sure to play your game and review as soon as I can! Let me know what you would improve, what you liked and hated about it, or just send a meme 👌

I’m trying to play as many games as possible & leaving meaninful reviews 🙌

(1 edit)

wow, the polish on this is amazing! This was really fun, I actually loved the AI voice - it was a really nice touch! btw, the lava/red levels were hard to orient myself in btw, so much red and not a lot of contrast, making me feel kind of lost. super polished imo for a gamejam game! great work 🙌

also, holy difficulty curve 😅😛

A quick bug report:

  • the pistons in the tutorial pushed me through the floor sending me out of bounds, had to restart with the escape menu
  • after i restarted, the secrets stopped showing text once collected

wow! wave 15, that’s really impressive actually - you actually beat my high score by one 😛 I managed to get to 14 while testing it

Thank you so much for the kind words!🙏
would love to hear any notes for improvement if you have some! 🙌

Lol I added the sounds effect about 1 hour before submitting the game and after about 30+ hours of no sleep, so i took the easy way out and just added a “bonk” and reused it 😅

Thank you so much for the kind words btw 🙏 means a lot to me!

re:pathfinding, lol yea i just found out about it after someone mentioned it, i had no clue it was a thing - I only ever worked with 2d and never needed proper pathfinding, this is my first 3d game 😅

maybe i’ll publish an update for this game one day after this jam is over with actual pathfinding and not just “move in direction of player” 😛

Awesome to hear that you were able to play! Glad you enjoyed it 😄🙏

lol that was fun, text was super amusing!

After you cross the first couple thousand dollars money just speeds the heck up so fast i didn’t know what to do with it i just bought everything and the monkeys put an end to my reign somehow 😅

super impressive for a couple days’ work!

Reporting back, will steal my gf’s laptop and give it a play soon! 🙌😁

Wohoo! Can’t wait to try it out! Will play when I get back on my computer!

Awesomeee! Will try it when I get home!

Would love a Mac version if that’s an option 🙏

TYSM for the kind words 🙏❤️

  • Enemies after death still hurt me
    Aw man I think u downloaded it right before I patched it! 1.0.2 fixes this
  • I was able to continue playing after the game over screen
    Oops, an unintended “feature” 😅 will fix it when I get a chance 😛

hey, is there a mac version available?

the one marked as all platforms only had windows executables in it 😞