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A member registered Oct 04, 2018

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There's a lot of issues and the like in comments, and while I'm sure that those people are being honest, I just wanted to say the work you've done is great and I love how simple this is to use, you've certainly made me happy :)

Seconding the noise level thing, that would be verr nice :)

I really enjoyed the visuals and music, and thought over all this was really well polished, nice job!

One critique I'd give is there wasn't much variation in gameplay so near the end it gets pretty tedious, maybe add some different enemies, or mechanics.

But overall, really good.

Normally I wouldn't like this kind of thing, but I loved this, the writing was really well done and always the perfect amount of unexpected, and super funny, the music and visuals also lent well to a really well rounded experience, I'm glad I played this.

Very interesting concept, needs some work, but I really like the creativity put into it. Would love to see this continued.

Oh and the music isn't set to loop, but I won't count that against you, simple mistake.

Very very well polished, the simplicity lent itself well to a really nice experience, the visuals were lovely, and the music was fitting. 

If I had any critique it would be there isn't a whole lot of unexpected here. 

This is by far my favorite of the jam, the realization that I could flip things inside out may be one of the most pleasant surprises I've ever experienced in a video game, the combination of the trippy visuals and retro aesthetic I found also to be rather pleasing, it may not be the most polished game, or the longest, but I really enjoyed it, my only critique would be to maybe make the inside out controls something I can hit while still moving and looking around, like Q and E or something of the sort, as it was a little bothersome reaching my hand down to the arrows for what was the main mechanic. Overall I really loved this.

I really enjoyed the voice acting, audio work was also really cool, and pixelated visuals were a smart decision as what probably would've looked kinda janky suddenly doesn't have enough detail to tell, and it made some things more abstract, things moving would always end up somewhat unnerving due to that lack of definition, and it brought the focus more to the audio.