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A member registered Sep 15, 2017

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Very fun and original game indeed. I wish there were more tracks though.

BTW I set this girl as my desktop image on the phone. That's how I liked your art style. ^_^

I'm kinda surprised that although its clear that the project is on the very early stage of development it has already pretty good core gameplay and excellent gunporn! Seriously it's very important for shooter game make shooting fun. Most games with guns just don't have this feeling and you're already achieved it! I like the action here is already more than in Brigador. And your art style is very cool! Hope you'll finish the game so looking forward for its further development!

Really took me two tries and about half of an hour to finish. ^_^ A pleasant game. Just remember not to play it at night!

I know that this is an old game but it would be cool if you'll implement some easy mode with no receiving damage from obstacles or probably some restorable shield after 5-10 seconds. Couldn't complete it unfortunately both then and now.

Честно говоря, не думал, что это критично. Так бы, конечно, сказал. Кстати, раз уж помимо двух стрелков теперь есть два звероподобных рукопашника, полагаю, стоит в будущем ждать второго мага?

Retribution у нового персонажа сильно замедляет игру почему-то у меня на ноуте. Подобное только в главном меню есть, у остальных персонажей такого не наблюдается (проверил на всякий случай на саламандре в новой версии). Ещё заметил, что у оборотня при атаке в воздухе используется та же анимация, что и та, когда он стоит на земле. Честно говоря, у саламандры это выглядит гораздо лучше, потому что когда она в воздухе, даже при атаке одна её нога чуть выше другой. Никогда не задумывался, почему мне некоторые платформеры кажутся кривыми в плане анимаций, теперь понимаю почему - как раз там зачастую тоже используется та же анимация атаки в воздухе с расположением ног, как если бы персонаж стоял на месте. Ну и да, всё-таки хотелось бы какой-нибудь изи мод с более лояльными чекпоинтами. Первый-то уровень я зачистил ещё несколько месяцев назад, и даже непостижимым образом мне хватило терпения, чтобы забрать секретки, а вот на второй меня, увы, не хватило.

Damn checkpoints on level 2 are even more insane. Sorry not sure if my patience would be enough to finish the game. Loosing 10-15 minutes of really hard progress is very demotivating. -_-

Ah yes. It is equipped indeed.

And one more crash on that giant bone hands boss.




action number 1

of  Step Event0

for object obj_player_push:

Unable to find any instance for object index '301152' name '<undefined>'

at gml_Object_obj_player_push_Step_0



stack frame is

gml_Object_obj_player_push_Step_0 (line -1)

Not sure why but exit opened before I killed that second roll snake.

And again game crashed at the same place when I teleported.




action number 1

of  Step Event0

for object obj_player_push:

Unable to find any instance for object index '125421' name '<undefined>'

at gml_Object_obj_player_push_Step_0



stack frame is

gml_Object_obj_player_push_Step_0 (line -1)

Can I check it now somehow without quitting to character select screen?

Oh no. After so many tries I completed those arenas as sorceress and could go a little further than usual in that spike zone afterwards and that's what I got. -_-




action number 1

of  Step Event0

for object obj_player_push:

Unable to find any instance for object index '137843' name '<undefined>'

at gml_Object_obj_player_push_Step_0



stack frame is

gml_Object_obj_player_push_Step_0 (line -1)

It happened when I teleported to that green slime thing on the wall.

I mean - this segment is very hard and I failed it dozens of times already.

BTW - I stuck here again, now as sorceress. ^_^ Indeed check-point just after the third arena, near (or even instead) health altar would help a lot.

Not sure. Played as sorceress. Encountered it two times.

And one more camera problem here.

Yep. It wasn't difficult to get outside - just a pounce attack with double jump.

I broke something hitting through the wall here.

One more bug/glitch found.

Camera locked on this room after I took a secret up above and cleared this room (god knows how many tries it took...).

I think there should definitely be a save point in the crypt after three floors of arena fights. Just near the health altar. Counting that there is also a little starting segment on the graveyard after you defeated Overseer it's very tiresome to complete all these areas again if you fail near that huge statue of cobra.

Not sure that someone mentioned it already but I think I found a bug. Changed reloading button from V to D but reloading function stayed on a V button. At the same time charged special attack works on a D button.

Just tried the demo yesterday. Must admit that it's very addictive. If you would ever like to support additional languages - do not hesitate to write me, I can do Russian translation (translated Bot Vice and Shotgun King).

My first impressions - it's a very addictive game! I played it until 5 AM. To be honest that thing with 100 goblins in one unit was always the main reason why I didn't like HoMM and King's Bounty series.  But this kinda RTS battles are gorgeous! Can't say that I like graphics a lot especially interface design. HoMM 3 looked more pleasant. But it's not distracting either. Hope that in future versions there will be an art for towns like in HoMM or Disciples. It was very satisfying to see how your fortress grows. Ah by the way - it would be much more convenient if the game would be set to pause not only when you chose some spell but also when you open a spell book. It will make possible to read spell descriptions without harsh and decide what you should use.

Just passing by and thank you once again for your great helicopter games hoping that one day you'll make a helicopter coop game. I'm sure it will be devastating! BTW - you could make a bundle with all your games so it would be easier to get all them in collection and support you.

Hello. We've found a bug. Just completed challenge with 10 combo tried to take the reward and it can't be taken for some reason. I press A on a gamepad and Enter on a keyboard and we hear a sound but nothing happens.

Excellent game! Hope to see its further development. I also hope that in future different weapons (probably including default) will act more differently. Like in Dead Cells or Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. We also noticed several bugs. Once we had soft lock and I was killed by box several times when I tried to pick it up (seems like physics glitch).

So I tried it at last with my friend and we had some fun with it. ^_^ But noticed several issues also. First of all sometimes after changing controls menu freezes for some reason. At the same time it definitely works cause we hear some sounds. Another thing - in case if we press shift the game slows down. Pressing shift again put it all back.

P.S. It would be exciting to see from you some coop game with helicopters like Hornet Virus or Night of the little birds (not necessary with two helicopters, probably two players controlling one copter).

So... what about fuel regen system in Air Patrol? Will it be updated?

BTW is there some ending in the game? I've tried to complete mission 10 but it seems that it's infinite.

(1 edit)

Oh really? In this case player can also get additional fuel depending on what target he destroyed (like 1 for trooper, 5 for submarine or so). I also suggest just to stop rotor in case if fuel is absent but helicopter is on a ground. It looks kinda strange that it blows up in this case. Not that it means a lot but it would look like more logical.

Tried Air Patrol again and noticed that there is some fuel regen system. Not sure how it works but I would suggest to make it that way. If you have 4 bases - you get 1 fuel every second. If you have 3 bases - you get 1 fuel every two seconds. And so on. It would stimulate player to defend bases and also would let to die from fuel absence not that often (for now it's the most common ending in my Air Patrol runs).

Well the thing is it's not always possible to approach slowly to the cargo. Sometimes enemies just don't give this opportunity. As for parachuting - well I know how to do it but during action it's easy to forget right button or press wrong button. It would be more convenient just to press E again in the air to open parachute.

(2 edits)

Also lift system works not very convenient. Especially with mission delivery cargos. I'd say it's better to make a cable a little longer at default and then make it a little shorter when you take the cargo to make it less possible to crush the cargo when you take it.

I also think that parachute system should be redone. For now I fail it in 9 out of 10 cases. ^_^ I think parachute should work either automatically with a little delay (let's say 0.2-0.5 seconds) or at least should be also activated by pressing E again. There is also can be a system for preventing accident leaving helicopter while it flies (player should tap E button twice in a short period like 1 second or hold E for 0.5 second). I couldn't imagine I need it but that happened with me several times. ^_^'

You've made it again... A great game about helicopter in less than month! It seems I found a bug though. When you pause the game and then unpause it - your status bar disappears.

Ну в том же BD демонстрация смерти управляемого игроком марина занимает несколько секунд и скорее служит этакой небольшой передышкой. Да и в Дейве там анимации смертей занимали всего несколько секунд. В конце концов всегда можно дать возможность пропустить анимацию по нажатию той же кнопки стрельбы.

Ну если ты уже помер, какой тут ритм-то?

It seems that Steam version hasn't been updated yet.

Just completed four archipelagos in Air Patrol mode in Steam but haven't received an achievement for this. -_- You can check highscores for proof. I'm on the first place at the moment.