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A member registered Jun 07, 2022 · View creator page →

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I have some art advise if you don't mind.

To avoid having your characters look like they are dolls or staring off into space, just move their pupils a little. Example: 

Why? Be specific so that there's something useful.

Pretty good actually. I like that you can be hyper-sexual right from the start and I like the general plot.

Improvements: More background images, even if Ai. Something to establish where you are at each scene would be nice.

I also wouldn't mind a profile image of your character that changes expressions with each scene. LIke normal, horny, during sex, after, etc. The faces can really bring a lot to the text adventure. if that's too much, Ignore this, lol. But it's something I think would be a nice touch.

I really recommend some quality of life changes to make the app more playable.

1. Please add a sound adjustment option right from the main menu. The turn-off BGM option is only available after a few minutes of playing and I just wanted to adjust the volume to be lower for the game while playing music or videos on the side. The UI sound effects are especially piercing in my ears.

2. If a character is at a location, could the tabs to go to that location be marked in some way? Like a little exclaimation point over the number so that it shows a new event is there or a person you can interact with is there? Same for traveling around the map.

3. If possible, please include a way to have border-less full screen or just unlock the resolution so we can maximize the window without going into fullscreen mode.

Thank you! I've been enjoying the game overall and love the direction it's going. 

I feel like the only issue is the jaw line and eye shape. Everything else is fine. I feel like Hazel lost a lot of character by making his face more generic.

Oh my fucking god, Thanks for spreading this. I had no idea after the first round of allegations came out.

Damn incel pedos... ick.

Is there only one ending to reach right now? The one with Nancy? On the dance floor, you can only highlight the two dancing. I don't see any other clickable options to move to another character?

Congrats on your computer upgrade!

I like it so far!

One suggestion: Don't cut the music when animations starts. It's really jarring and makes the animated sections feel awkward. Let the music play throughout the sex scenes.

Other than that, I look forward to seeing how you progress!

So we can never delete the old versions of the game?

It's still impossible. I just downloaded the new version. The issue is the hit box. There doesn't seem to be a consistent way to kill the bugs in time before 10 of them spawn and are already on top of you. Plus, each click doesn't seem to actually cause a hit. I clicked very fast, right on the body, the tail, the head, and only sometimes it would hit.

(1 edit)

Nah man, programming is really difficult so don't sell yourself short. You did a pretty good job and I didn't run into any critical errors. Plus, you actually released a game, even if it's a demo. That's massive and an accomplishment.

Keep going! I look forward to seeing how you develop your skills!

Great job with this update! I appreciate making the grind less tedious.

That starting screen needs a lot of work. It's really ugly and makes it incredibly difficult to tell what is going on. I had to hover over icons just to realize where the start-game button was.

My recommendation: Just fake a real phone screen with icons and stuff, but make all the unclickable buttons darker or more gray'd out and leave the Messages app button bright and obvious.

Also, Maybe the whole screen should be clickable to progress messages. Decisions can just block out the screen so you can't click to progress yet until you decide what to type, but allowing full screen clickability makes it more user-friendly.

Finally, it's a decent game idea and I like the pale/goth gf character, but the AI art is really inconsistent from image to image and there isn't much build up at all to her cheating. I appreciate the pixel style, but then the art stands out even more as an odd contrast to the pixel style.

Maybe if you redrew the images in pixel form, simplified but at least created by hand instead of AI, it would mesh better with the overall pixel aesthetic.

Sorry that this was mostly criticism, but I do like the game's design and overall idea. Just some key elements took me out of the experience quite a bit.

Decent tech demo of sorts (ver v0.1). Good first start, keep it up!

Every day, there are just tons of AI generated games all over. I get it; not everyone can do art, but it's genuinely refreshing to see some actual, genuine art being created. A+ Just for that.

thanks so much!

Not everyone downloads and plays the game on the same day and when you start the game, there is no reminder, warning, or disclaimer that shows to hit x on the title screen.

Clicking doesn't work. Hitting space bar, escape, or E didn't work. Hitting all the other keys on the keyboard didn't work. My instant thought was that the game was broken and that should never ever be the first impression for any game. 

Just askin for small text at the corner of the title screen that says "press x to continue". That's not difficult nor unreasonable. 

strange... I've never run into that and I've downloaded quite a lot of games here on

I will believe you, but it is always better to show players what the controls are; especially when not everyone has played other games before.

All games I've played on itch has been WASD if they used the keyboard at all. The majority of RPGMaker games use WASD and/or arrow keys. When that happens, it's explained right away. You know what I mean? Don't make players assume, basically.

Ah ok great! Yeah, i'm not a fan of vore so disabling would be nice so I can still enjoy the game

ahhh that's great! Are you considering controller support? If you let users change the button layout, we can make it mostly one-handed instead of using a mouse and keyboard.

Im glad to know some of these are being implemented. I can tell this can be a really fun, uniquely colorful game.

Any info on the types of lewd content tags that are being planned?

i always try to avoid using the hints because if you give them that much help, it might be better to just remove puzzles altogether. 

When you run out of things to do in one round, you should automatically move on to the next. I was stuck multiple times only because I didn't realize that going to the next round was entirely manual so I kept trying to find something to do and that really kills the pacing for the game.

Either that, or maybe put some kind of glow or icon over characters that you can interact with to continue the plot. Without it, it's just "click everyone until you can't do anything else" over and over again, and that's not fun.

Hey, just played the 0.1.1 demo.

Some ideas I wanted to throw out there. Feel free to ignore or use as you'd like:
- Mouse-only movement?
- Run mode or run button? If no running, maybe a walking speed increaser in the settings?
- For the battles, maybe label the options? Like the 5 main options; could there be a little label over them that are grayed out if they aren't available for the player?
- Add the ability to hit space/e in the right timing to block (and reduce damage), or crit-hit your opponents for more damage, similar to Paper Mario

So far, like the art style and music. The battle system seems simple and intuitive enough. I like the characters so far and I look forward to see what lewd content you might add.

ah thats fair. No worries

Personally, I enjoy also enjoy futa and transwomen options that are optional, but it's totally up to you, dev.

I was so confused at the title sequence. Just downloaded this game and the first thing that happened was I was unable to access anything. Turns out, the default controls are arrow keys and the X/C buttons!?

Is there anyway to change this? No one would just assume this. Could there be WASD and E/R/T/F/G/Q controls? It's instantly intuitive with every game out there outside of point and click, and it's easier to guess than x.

I had to hit every key on my keyboard looking for how to access options and start the game. That's not a great start. If you just can't do that, at least put a little note in the corner of the title screen that explains these unique controls.I know you show the controls in game, but I legit was about to uninstall because I thought your game was broken.

Not everyone has had experiences with this game engine so you don't want the game to start off tricking players into thinking it's broken right from the start.

im seeing the same thing. Can't download anything.

Just finished playing this version of the game. I liked it! I like this style of art a lot better than the other one and it was a sexy good time. Pretty good dialog and characters so far.

Only critique I could give might be to make the darker scenes a little bit brighter (trying not to give spoilers). It was really hard to see anything in some of the shots where it's nearly entirely black.

Other than that, good job! Following this project.

Just wanted to say, keep up the good work. I see these daily updates as someone with passion working actively on this game. Do remember to take care of yourself and I appreciate your hard work. Loving the game and it's style.

ah thanks for the response. I appreciate your hard work. 

Oh great! Yeah, I'll definitely check it out, I just need some free time, lol. 

(1 edit)

Hey, I had a critique: I don't recommend allowing the player to set the relationships for characters without really specific information because we don't know who these people will be in your storyline later.

Just saying that someone is "really special to you" isn't enough for determining who they are in relation to the main character. I don't know if they will have dialog later explicitly describing their relationship together or not. I don't know their ages compared to the main character, I don't even know if I live with them or if they are strangers in the intro to the game.

I started reading the actual plot parts of the game and then realized that all my prior choices were wrong because I didn't have any context. Now the dialog is confusing because it turns out that I was naming my parents. I hope I explained this properly. I basically had to restart the game by scrolling back and redoing all of it.

If you have a certain idea in mind like family-related content or something, put that as the default and then have the player decide if they don't like that or not. Then they can change it to their own preference (like renaming mom to landlord, sisters as other tenants, etc. This is similar to how other games handle it).

Anyways, sorry for throwing some criticism at you right away. I'm liking the overall product so far. It's writing can be a bit clumsy here and there, but it's forgivable since it's your first project.

Also, just curious, what 3D program or assets are you using for your scenes? 

So many fingers... I know this is a common issue with AI generated images, but is there time for you to do something about the many of the images having that 6th finger? It's inconsistent but when it's there, it's pretty in your face.

Ah, nice, much appreciated!

Issue with Demo 3:

When restrained, there is no way to remove the restraints without going into a menu. If there were some kind of way to remove it after having the restraint applied, it would be more fair. Especially when trapped in an animation with another enemy, you can still get restrained if they fired a rope circle before the animation happened.

There's gotta be a better way than entering a menu to remove it.