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A member registered Sep 19, 2020 · View creator page →

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Amazing work! This should be in the tutorials of construct! What would make it even better is an extension that makes it work for mobile :D

Have to say, i love the concept, very creative :D I actually considdering trying to do something like this! 

Hi, i checked it through and it seems that firefox changed something with the input handling. However, now its working for me :) It would be great if you could try again and let me know! Thanks again for reporting.

Uhm thats very odd there should be a loading screen right away... I am still working on the game but it will take a while till i can get back to it... 
Thanks for letting me know i can indeed confirm this error in firefox. I will look into this. Strangly enough in chrome its working...

Hey, very nice font, i like it! Are there any licence information available on how i can use it? :)

Thats a bug currently. If you die in a level and then complete it the girl from the first level will appear. It will befixed soon.

Hey Bogudan, would you mind trying it again? I currently dont have access to my PC so i can only try in a while...

Thats fantastic :) Would you mind telling me what you like / dislike about the game? i am trying to get some feedback, so i know hot to continue after my hiatus :) if so or so, thanks for the feedback!

Thanks for reporting, should be fixed now :)

Thanks! ill try this later tonight!

Ufff, never heared of this, thanks for letting me know, i will see what i can do :D

Hi Bogudan, thanks for reporting! 
1) You can disable fullscreen in the options. I changed this in the next version defaulting to "No Fullscreen" :)

2) can you elaborate on this? I am sorry, but i dont understand. For me the controlls work fine, maybe i am missing something? 

Thanks again!

As of yet its not planned, maybe i make another version in the future...

Well thanks ^^ i accidentally published it to early haha :D uploading a fixed version right now!

Hi, thanks for pointing this out. I will add this to the discription and delete this comment eventually. Any specifics on the copyright issues?

Well thank you :) Currently there are no tranlations planned, as the text is not relevant just now, maybe if i extend it with a storryline maybe :)

Thanks :) 
Jea, depending on the feedback thatl take a bit ^^

Thanks! Season 2 will take a while, also depending on the interest in the game :)

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Android version is planned, see roadmap :) The pictures should be loaded after a while, should be faster then...

Hey, its available in most countrys but not in all of them :) you can write me a mail if you want for more informations :) You can find my contact on my profile page.

alright, thanks :) Let me know if you decide to make it for 3d :D goodrays would be a nice addition to any dungeon!

kind regards

Does this somehow work with the "3DCam"? I want to purchase and use it when the cammera is parralel to layout so there is light comming from the ceiling... :D 

These are rly amazing, thank you man!

Hi, the enemys are rly cool, but it would be good if you also include seperate PNG`s. Depending on the engine. Now i have to cut them all out seperatly :( Or a psd with seperate layers for massexport would be good. 


Hi BtJJ, its simple, i never had the chance to test it on Windows 7 :) So i rather put Win 10 in the requirements. Or are you speaking of Windows 11? I havent tested it on 11 yet either, but i will do so in the future.

Kind regards 

Many thanks for letting me know. I could not reproduce the issue, who knows what it was...

Hey MrNull, actually i cant release the full version here :( But it will be on steam in a few weeks :)

Hi AlbinoSquirrel, would you tell me what kind of pc you have? I testet down to a integraded grafics card (VEGA 8) and it works pretty well. When your pc is at 100% the game slows down to calculate the ball physics as it is a real simulation and not a scripted flightpath of the ball. 

Thnaks for reporting and kind regards

Haha :D Well, i just released my first nsfw game so i should have more time for pinballs soon. Currently i am thinking about doing a roughelike / topdown or rpg style game... on the other hand Arcade is what i like and thre are so many rpg games out there already ^^

Hey, thank you so much for testing again and the feedback :) Ill think about how to make it better, but yea, the game is a bit grindy...

Hey Liquid Funk, i finally had some time to work on the game again and the clipping issue should be gone now. Would you mind another round of testing? :D

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Hi Knowlessman, 

thanks for the feedback. I noticed this happens for me when i have a youtube  tap open on my other monitors, but as it seems to be a bug in chrome there is not much i can do about it :( Would you kindly let me know which browser / operating system you are using? 

Basically its aproblem with the collision detection gets skipped on very slow machines. Weve tryed on several machines and the only ones i could not solve this problem where linux pc`s with no graphicscard or when youtube / netflix / amazon prime is open (especially with chrome)

+1 for the snow biome :D


there will be a second girl for the first table.  Also the game will get a big update with new menu icons, a better gallery and better physics. 

Other than that there is no more content planned for the free version. 

There will be a download version with 3-5 Tables and 5-15 girls :)

Hey Liquid Funk, 

Thanks again for reporting! I was able to recreate the issue and at least fixed it particially! There will be a new version in a few days (i first have to finish some stuff), I will let you know once i uploaded it. :)

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Thank you very much for reporting this. I noticed that there are some issues when FPS is "lower" than normal. It does happen for me when i open youtube or netflix on another tab or screen. Currently i dont know what to do about it, as the physics stepping should already be framerate independend.  

Would you test a little more and tell me when exactly this happens?
A "bad" way to solve this would be to slow the whole game down when the framerate goes below 60 so the engine has more time to calculate everything. However, this should not hapen on PC`s build after 2010. 
Would you mind telling me which browser you use?

I could also provide an executeable downloaded version so we could check if the issue peresits or if it is maybe browser dependend. 

Anyways, thank you so much for reporting, it helps me a lot!

Kind regards


i added a tilt function in the last update, you have to press space. But there might be another problem regarding to your first comment.

ive added a simple tilt :D just press space to use it ;) 

Thank you :) The shake feature is planned but not implemented yet :)

I will update the game in a few minutes which contains a fix for this issue!

Uhm that should not happen, can you tell me where exactly? Was it on top of the triangle? meaning the 2 heart symbol?  I will try to reproduce it and fix it in the next Version :) Thanks for reporting!