Vlad D.
Creator of
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This is a really good idea! Thanks!
The implementation contains some nuances:
Input.mousePosition return pixel coordinates. It needs to be converted to virtual coordinates.
// Moving player to left and right void MovePlayer() { // Get mouse position in pixel-coordinate system and transform it to virtual-coordinate system Ray mouseRay = camera.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); mouseX = mouseRay.GetPoint(10f).x; if (gameManager.isGameActive) { if (mouseX < leftBound) { positionX = leftBound; } else if (mouseX > rightBound) { positionX = rightBound; } else { positionX = mouseX; } playerRb.MovePosition(new Vector3(positionX, playerPosY, playerPosZ)); } }
The project has updated. You can test it.
Added a link to you in devlog ;)
I just set the high "Horse Power" (25000). For this course, this is an acceptable solution. I was interested in this question and I found a good video demonstrating the implementation of the car.
As a quick fix, I used WheelCollider.motorTorque:
// Remove force from the car // playerRb.AddRelativeForce(Vector3.forward * horsePower * forwardInput); // Add motor torque to the wheels foreach (var wheel in wheels) { wheel.motorTorque = horsePower * forwardInput; }
This gives a more correct behavior to the car.
Sorry for my English, I use Google Translate :)
Good implementation. But the car moves back and forth with respect to the global coordinate system. If you use the AddForce method to move forward, try replacing it with AddRelativeForce ;)