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A member registered May 06, 2021 · View creator page →

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yo when my game is done would you mind making like some quick music /sfx if you can

(1 edit)


speedrun game

its a bit hard

cool game nice implementation o the theme

just one thing I think this game would have been way better if you used the full week to make it, add some polish and stuff.

InGenius Jam 1 community · Created a new topic Theme

What is the theme to the jam if there is a theme?

thanks for the feedback all these positive comments making me smile :)

ty dude means alot to me, this being my first game jam ever!

I liked it but i dont think the theme fit

i donloaded it Awesome!

it might be my computor but it wont get past the unity loading screen

is there a downloadable version?

Game doesnt start :(

Very well done but WASD controls would make this so much better. Great art (art pack?) I enjoyed it very much.

Nice concept but it isn't very fun to play the prices are too high and rules are pretty confusing.

Nice art but the controls are a bit janky and the levels are a little bit hard to navigate but anyway, good job!

it is a bit hard i cant pass the first level

thats awesome man

np cool

nice very well done just the controls were a bit weird. if it were me i would stick to LMB to attack and space to jump but other than that very well done

I know this has been done before but intentional glitches

I have the same bug