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A member registered Oct 28, 2022

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Can't choose a version to download. Like in, there's NOTHING.

Interestingly, that Wonder Woman costume bug we talked about got fixed without an update (But not Harley acc).

Seems to be a repeating issue, as I had the same with the previous version until one day it just worked.

The game sort those in the order of getting, so to find out, what are those we'd need to know every other unlocked scene you got

Either just start typing of press enter to accept defaults

Hey, it's me again.

I had 235 gold, Ashoka's "Padawan" dress is 230, but it says that I don't have enough money.

Next day it's 251 and I was able to buy it for 230, as it should. 

Not sure if you had this bug fixed, but letting you know anyway.

All of that AND "my feelings being hurt", huh? No harm in dreaming big, I guess...

Yeah, yeah, keep being pretectious little blob. It's not like you done anything else in your life anyway.

Here, let me google it for you.

Oh yeah, Luz DOES wear leggings, not thighs. I somehow forgot it was the case. Probably because of opacity in-game. Well, in that case adding footwear might be a good idea... but you do you ;)

As for the rest, gotcha. Adjusting to CG would indeed be pain in the ass, and we're not talking anal :D

Speaking of ajusting CG, repeated sex scenes ignore Moana's tattoos. I can only assume it is for the same reasons (more or less). And with ability to purchase The Book for Belle resque storyline again it's so you can see those repeatedly too, I guess? Just because it doesn't make sence continuity-wise.

Few things:

1) All the panties go over Luz socks slot and it might be just me, but it look weird. While we're at it, shouldn't those be full thighs? Because with no boots it doesn't look right...

2) "moana_acc_harley is not found" is there instead of properly shown accessory

3) Wonder Woman only got Braclets and Hairstyle in the wardrobe. I don't think it's intentional, especially since it's present in promo-screenshots

4) According to gamefiles there's supposed to be sexy maid thigh highs with garterbelt. Are they hidden after some event, or was I supposed to get them with the rest of a Maid Suit and it's another bug?

5) Are there any plans for skintone changing option, like a tan/skin lightener cosmetics in-universe? Don't get me wrong, it's just with some of the costumes adjustments would fit beautifully. And when I say costumes I really mean hair, mostly.

And update the description, so newcomers won't get confused. Yeah.

Do staff-related quests. You get the points as a reward for those.

Space is designated for going for a next line of dialogue. I can only assume you need to hold whatever  android uses for the same thing. Is it just a tap? Then it's a long tap here.

To quote the author few comments below, "We plan to add a female MC in upcoming updates. It is up to supporters which update we do next."

It's almost as if themes are right there in the description...

Go to Miss Magix event, don't intervene. When you leave, find Lucy at the Red Fountain Forest.


(1 edit)

Can't install, "Property Build Undefined"

PC, in case it matters

They not even full first season in, so not even Aisha/Layla is here, let alone Roxy

Even more damage dealt with the sword. You might need to lvl-up before you can manage it though.

Go to Cloud Tower at night, deal enough damage with Phantom Blade to strip them during battle.

Just hit update. All saves are fully transferable between versions, sodon't worry about it.

You can copy save files from /(YourHeadmasterFolder)/game/saves and put them in the same folder of the new version if you feel extra worried. First number in the name of the file is page, second is slot of the save. 

Только неофициальные.

Apparently, gallery depends on the order you got images, so the only way to know what's missing is to know, what you DO have.

> A little suspension of disbelief is required

Well, it IS a porn game. Not that much scenarios where you don't have to suspend it for the premise alone ;)

Go to work with Stella, after your shift would be an option to spy.

See description:

From version 0.13.2 onwards we will no longer be releasing a dedicated android version. Please use the windows version on Joiplay. Instructions on how to do this are provided here.

Nah, don't worry, Trixie will come back either way down the road. Something-Something Dancing Teacher. Don't remember exact point though.

Bruh... at this point you're either just trolling or you're THAT stupid. PIck your choise. We're done here either way.

Git gud.

No seriously, fighting mechanic here is about as easy as it gets. Hell, work with Stella is arguably harder!

O jogo em seu estado atual segue vagamente a primeira temporada da série de TV, com Aisha entrando na 2ª. Se ela for adicionada (o que é obrigatório), é improvável que seja em breve. Minha aposta não é anterior à versão 0.2.0, pelo menos. (Obrigado, Google Tradutor!)

You can find your saves in  /(WhateverIsYouHeadmasterFolder)/game/saves. First number in the name of the file is page, second is slot of the save. That being said, you don't need to do anything specific – update doesn't delete your saves.

As for the second part... Idunno. Don't remember, rather. Rule of thumb is to try and clear other quests in hope it'll unlock the path or something, but other than that I can't help.

I've checked before answering and doublechecked again.

"Coming Soon" is right there.

> Sunset Shimmer

> by Racoon-san

A person of culture, I see!

That was supposed to be a counterargument? Because my every point still stands.

Look, Girl-on-Girl action is VERY popular among hetero men, in some cases even more so than straight. No guys in the scene = nothing extra. "It's like solo girl, BUT BETTER". Cuz, you know, it's not about the fact that it's hetero or homo sex. Hell, some hetero games leave the protagonist out of picture for that exact reason (and sometimes because you can choose your sex as female, like in Hunie Pop; others go for strapon aproach of that, like Lust Affect – but I digress). It's about naked girl(s) doing arousing stuff. And from here I can only repeat the point from before, because it's not a fucking (pun fully intended) rocket (sexual innuendo partially intended) science.

Not implemented yet; it's even said in quest description

Seems to be Honey Select Studio (or something on the same source, idunno). Can clearly see many of the stock costumes from there, for example.

(1 edit)

IIRC, you get +1 Horniness for "Liz And Faye on the roof" Weekend Patrol Event. Well, when you get them both naked.

UPD: Nevermind, I just double-checked and if it is the case, than only when you open this version, not every time afterwards. Same with Raunchy Movie at Friday Night in the dorms.

It have nothing to do with homophobia. You want to fuck (or be fucked by, idunno) a guy – you need a game that have respective premise. 

You don't go to homosexual game and ask for hetero sex. You don't go to Hardcore BDSM section and ask for vanilla missionary. You don't go to MILF category to ask for college girls. You don't go for JAV for Blacked Latinas. Leaving porn, you don't go on Disney movie for gore, you don't play Starcraft to get FPS experience and you don't buy yourself a beef stake when you're vegan. 

It would be reasonable to "add more gay scenes", if it already was bisexual, but hetero wouldn't want or need homo POV.

Lack of western "Gay Men" would be it's own problem and in no way a reason to shove theme where they're out of place. It's porn. There's a reason why those things are separated everywhere except trash places.

Those rules are decided on Friday Meetings.

You need to finish staff quests to gain influence, as well as level up your discipline. When you have enough, you propose rules change there.

IIRC, Jimmy have them and will either give you them later in the story or at some point there will be opportunity to ask him about it.