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A member registered Mar 01, 2017 · View creator page →

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I've been waiting for something like this for a long time --Loving this tool so far! Is there any roadmap or list of features you plan to add later on?

Also, looks like others have asked but are there any plans to add a noise wave for drums, etc.? Or will that be limited to samples?

Would love to see a reference list of FX either in the menu (similar to FamiTracker), or better yet, be its own panel like in FurnaceTracker. Being able to access documentation from the program would be useful overall.

Can't wait to see future releases of this!

Just played it and it feels super smooth. I suck at using the homing missiles but other than that it feels just challenging enough that clearing each wave of enemies is exciting. Really nice work!

This is an excellent little game! Love the art, really smooth movement, overall very nice. Would love to see this developed into something more fleshed out!

Wow, thank you for the kind words! I'm glad people are still enjoying Space Ranger. 

The space limitations was killer but also had a lot to do with how the final design / aesthetic came out, so it was beneficial in some ways. I do want to try my hand at a larger/expandable project, either in Picotron or another platform and am experimenting with different ideas right now. 

Thanks again for checking the game out!

Very nice! I find myself getting annoyed now if I can't sustain a full combo since I've playtested it so many times at this point :P

I typically go for the Options first as well. I've been trying to think of how I could have Magnet and Weapon synergize with each other better as I feel like there's still a missed opportunity there, but hopefully all three powerups are still useful.

Hey, just wanted to follow up and let you know I was able to reproduce the powerup issue you mentioned and it should now be fixed in the v1.2 update.

Thanks for bringing it to my attention!

Gotcha. Yeah I'll check it out and see if I can make some adjustments.

Quick side note -- You do amazing work btw. Absolutely incredible shmup you made with Praxis Fighter -- You're one of the folks who inspired me to feel comfortable about making a single level shmup experience.

I would love to finish a roguelike that even comes close to the elegance of Into Ruins as well!

Interesting. I'll do some testing on my end to see if I can reproduce. 

I'd like to gather some more data on this -- Does the issue occur when the powerup sprite is still fully visible? Or is it partially out of view when you're unable to collect it?

Hey! Thanks for playing and providing your feedback. I agree the sprite should change when powering up. This has been fixed in the latest update so you should now see a visual change on each power increase.

Regarding shot speed, this is actually technically already in the game -- the closer you are to the top of the screen, the faster you shoot, so as to reward riskier playing. The effect may be a bit too subtle though.

I'll definitely consider this for future versions!

I realized shortly after I posted what you were talking about with the constantly increasing score -- this was originally intended to be a "survival" score of sorts, so you would be rewarded for staying alive longer. If it diminishes the satisfaction of the game however it's something I'll need to go back and revisit.

I discovered a couple of bugs that need sorting out anyway so I may end up revamping how scoring works a bit.

Hey! Thanks for trying it out and providing your feedback.

I struggled with what to call some of the powerups (originally the pickup was called Magnet, but I changed it to Tractor Beam so it would stay thematic. To your point, though, it may just be more confusing. Would Magnet make more sense? Or Pickup instead?

I plan to go back and adjust the Weapon / Power so that it does change sprites, I just am not great at sprite work so I couldn't find a sprite I was satisfied with at the time.

I agree Shields could be called options, though they do also damage enemies on collision. I only recently learned of the term Options for those and thought it might be confusing to newcomers, but perhaps it's more confusing not calling them Options. I'll give this some thought.

I don't recall the scoring working the way you're describing, but will do some experimenting and follow up on this.

Thanks again for the insight and for playing the game!

Nice game! It would be cool to have the start and end locations be randomized a bit to add some additional challenge. Good job!

Loooove the music in this, as well as the art. Beautiful little story.

Really impressed with your use of the Mrmo tileset too. Any tips or insight into your workflow?

Thank you for playing! Glad you enjoyed it :)

(1 edit)

Hey All!

I just released a new top-down arcade style shoot-em-up (or shmup) called Space Ranger

You play as a spaceship shooting down space pirates and collecting their doubloons. Check it out and let me know your thoughts!

Love the style of this game. The music is excellent!! Great particle effects too. Can't wait to see more!

Would love to see a Steam release of this as well!

Ha, gotcha. Yeah the project is pretty old, and would need to do some research to see how I could prevent having to guess. Happy to add it in though if I can figure it out.

Thanks for playing btw! Hope you had fun :)

Hey! Thanks for the feedback. By preventing 50/50s do you mean preventing needing to guess?

Seems like references to references don't work well in the built-in plugins either sadly :\

First, thank you for making this. It simplifies the process a lot.

Just want to throw it out there that I'm experiencing the same issue with the method juicelink uses as well.

Referencing globals resolves it as you suggested, though this does end up creating a lot of extra global variables when trying to make a UI with numbers that change (displaying dynamic stats for example)

Being able to pass in variables, or even better, being able to set the Tile X and Tile Y to variables, would make this plugin even more useful.

This is one of the only games I've seen that actually looks educational while also being fun. Outstanding work!

Thanks for looking into this further and sorry for the delay.

The rocks.fbx didn't seem to have any missing faces, though rock.fbx did in one of the corners.

For some reason it happens with nearly all of the models -- 3 piece turret, alien craft 1, 2, 3, and 4, alien battlecruiser, all terrain pod drill, cannon barrel, etc.

The pivots are also way off center. Is that by design?

Just wanted to mention -- your models are great and I would love to use them, but when I tried downloading some of your catalog and importing them into Unity, I discovered there were missing faces on many of the models. 

Not sure if the normals are flipped or if they were exported without showing faces on both sides, but unfortunately made them unusable :(

I also noticed the pivot points were off with some of the models.

That said, I'm curious if you've heard any other reports of this, or have any suggestions as I'd really like to try using your models in some of my projects. I love the low-poly 3D aesthetic you've got.

Fair point, it could be equally as jarring with the music not resetting. Might be worth testing but honestly with how challenging game dev can be to create a polished product, it's a small annoyance in the grand scheme of things.

This game is fantastic. Outstanding job! One bit of feedback is not having the music reset with each new level, as on shorter levels it made the music sound a bit repetitive. 

I only noticed this during the initial levels however since the later ones take longer to solve. Just a suggestion though, not sure how easy that is to implement, and certainly not a deal breaker for an otherwise excellent game.

Really enjoyed this and am trying to make something similar myself. How did you go about keeping track of entity positions and the like so that enemies wouldn't run into each other? 

I've been trying to use a dictionary of Vector3Ints as keys and a custom Entity class as values. Perhaps you found a better approach to this?

Very nice concept and well executed so far. This could definitely be expanded and be a great puzzle game.

One thing I noticed though is, unless I'm missing something later on, the flying monster seems to be a bit overpowered since it can both move over pits as well as exit the level. There were multiple times that once I got the flying enemy I didn't feel the need to switch to anything else.

Perhaps one way to balance this would be to remove the ability to move between floors with it, but leave everything else. That way it could be used more strategically as a means of traversing the level but primarily as a means to reach other monsters (which seems to have been the original intention anyway).

Aside from that the only other issue I ran into was the looping music cut out between each loop. 

Great game so far though!