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A member registered Jun 07, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the feedback! And that's understandable, I'll be sure to keep it in mind.

Ok, I got it working now. Your game has a really nice difficulty curve to it. Nice job!

I really enjoyed this game, it was cute! The switching mechanic was fun but not too frustrating (especially with the timer) and the levels kept the interactions interesting. It would have been nice to see how much health you had, and sometimes there was a bug where the player would flicker between the two characters which made it hard to tell which one you really were, but other than that great job!

(1 edit)

I wasn't able to attack any of the enemies in the game. What's the controls to use my scythe? The game looks pretty nice though, good job!

I liked your circular mini-map, it's really cool especially since you can loop around your whole level. Nice job!

It's kinda unbalanced and it crashed as I sent 30 people over a land bridge, but it was building up pretty nicely! For an RTS it was also nice to not have a huge learning curve.

Thanks, I really appreciate it!

Is this a local multiplayer game? Just by myself, there's not much of a game. It looks nice though!

Fun take on the prompt! It was interesting trying to figure out how best to manipulate the AI tank.

Thanks a lot! I wanted to make something really wacky, and it was fun to make.

Thank you, I'm glad you liked it!

This is a fast, exciting, and interesting platformer! It seems like beating up all the babies is always good, though...

Pretty good idea that can be expanded upon well, but I never saw any space waifus. All I did was have my ship fall apart before I could repair it.

I think it's an interesting idea to manage multiple regions, but none of the buildings did anything for me. Cool idea though!

I think this is a project file and not the built game.

I like how the play begins to fall apart due to certain decisions you make in helping the show go on. It's an interesting take on the theme!

Some of the abilities for the boxes were pretty neat! Nice job.

This game is super cute! I really like the TwinBee inspiration. However, it would have been nice if you could know which bell you picked up and how long it will last. Awesome job!

The idea is straight-forward, but it feels so weird to play! My high score was 56.

Are there any controls? I wasn't able to do anything when the game started that might just be the Out of Control though.

Pretty funny idea, and it looks really nice. Good job!