This game is a reason I started to draw pixel art. I thought that I will increase my skill over time and then come back to this game... But actually I see that it isn't a case...
Additionally when I knew that the music that I thought was CC0 but then become proprietary.... (which really was CC0 but author just didn't understand license and then changed it to proprietary) I understood that FLOSS assets should be done by yourself or as a last resort searched on OGA... The wooden UI and font aren't mine so it is a vulnerability, especially because games identity (the plate with game name from letters that mimic gold and slime) is fully based not on my assets... I can be sure that asset is FLOSS now only if the author is about FLOSS. Kenney and maybe some other... And actually I but can I prove it to someone? -As much as any other person..
This game is full of bad code. I didn't knew about theme capabilities of godot and created inflexible trash UI system. Environment tile size is 32 when the character is 16 so one day I needed half-blocks. 🤦♀️ Plus I was enough stupid not to commit and loose code of version with main menu you currently see. It isn't a problem thought because recreating it (with normal ui system) should take 5min but.... Anyway I understand that I can't replace wooden assets by mine, I just can't create any replacement to it...