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Distorted Vortex

A member registered Sep 16, 2015 · View creator page →

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you can do diagonal jumps, are you that braindead that you can't do diagonal jumps anyways how you do it is by pressing 2 buttons on the keyboard in this case D and S or on the Arrow Keys, Right and Down, on controller (which is the same as touch) you just use the analog stick while sprint jumping (you also need to sprint jump to make those jumps on keyboard too, really easy to do)

nah i see this more like VOEZ then Phigros (most of the charts aren't as crazy as stuff you would see in phigros)

pretty sure i have the save on my browser

you'll probably use cheat engine

tbh i'm on the grind myself

for the bosses, getting black bricks to disable the attacks will be my biggest priority because boi the attacks are stupid to deal with i mean that freezing one is annoying then add the shielding yeah fuck them they can get disabled. 

so far my dispersion tactic for the balls has been working, i gotta admit it took some prestiging but i feel comfortable with this save of mine, also don't know if the import works crossplatform just in case it doesn't i'm playing on my browser which i recently switched to Opera GX yet this isn't a GXC Save.


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Question, if i Buy Episode 6 do i get future Episodes as it's updated

just cheat engine your way to getting it by slowing the game down.

for ToS you have to hit the ghost and the pumpkin together otherwise you don't win so you don't have to be dead center aswell it's only a chance you'll get it.

why do i have to do a fucking 4x4 slider puzzle to continue on with janet

any game even if you have to get money from a loan shark the game doesn't penalise you for it

unless it's Xbox

i know

more or less, publishers won't do it for free but if let's say someone like one of us do it then maybe maybe it will be up.

The only hurdle would be getting Permission.

i know but at the same time depending on what the dev said then it might not be paid like on PC i think Xbox is the easiest to get onto since if you have a Xbox you basically have a Dev Kit because Dev Mode exist on Xbox but Switch and PS4 will might to have a dev kit however i think if they where gonna go for a platform first it would be either Xbox or Switch then probably playstation later.

i think with how open it is to get the game onto the Store it shouldn't be a problem as long as they got permission from the Devs however idk how they will get the engine to run so more likely it will be a different engine if they can't get it to run.

it is a demon and atleast you tried

if you can't tell this is my character

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i was thinking of bringing the Quest Build to Oculus App Lab (obviously i won't make any money from it) but only if you let me do it.

I Think it would be nice to do just so that Oculus Quest Users can just use App Lab to download the Quest Build.

aswell i recommend putting the Quest Build up on Sidequest because you will get more people giving this game a try

still waiting on the fix for searching on Rhythm Taichi for Quest

and thanks for a fun rhythm game

Colours are purposely in the beat saber colours since why not.

Just did my first video on Rhythm Taichi aswell i brought the no ads to support you guys.

it's the A button

I'll check that out but normally the Menu Button on Oculus Quest Games is to pause

Keyboard shows yet in a awkward postiton below my waist

Does not search after typing

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Oh and there is no way to pause using the button with the 3 lines unless you press the oculus button forgot to say that

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Another thing i noticed is that when downloading songs it does that thing where it only shows a bit of the screen while everything else is black until a song finishes downloading however this isn't a problem for me and when i did the beastsaber download (downloaded DADDY and My songs know what you did in the dark) it doesn't do that

Tested on Oculus Quest and the gameplay works well however stuff like searching songs on Quest doesn't work and when Recording using the built-in screen recorder it's out of sync even though gameplay is in sync to the one that played it also another thing that would be nice is seeing the score and combo without needing to turn to see it.

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Oh and i have played Rhythm Taichi on my phone and i find it fun it's similar to Synth Riders but in a Beat Saber way which work really well in 2D (this is before i tried the VR support),  the guide line help you plan where to go so if you screw up, it's your fault.

I'm also interested in having some of my music in it (i understand if you don't but it would be cool to hear some of my music being able to be played) since i can see myself playing this game alot even though i suck at it and when i do have the money i'll get the Ad-Free thing to support you guys and because i hate ads.

Once my Quest is Charged i'll do it

Will do

i could test it out for you guys since i do have a Oculus Quest

My 6th Album that i worked hard on.

also if you can share Malware's Adventures with everyone you know :)