Wow, the art and designs are stunning!
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First of all love the atmosphere and art. I'm hooked on mystery and want to know more.
Played on a gamepad and had problem with dashing. Sometimes jumped instead. And if you want to change direction it's almost impossible in combat because you need to move stick left/right, then down+A. And dashing trough enemy most of time is not enough to avoid hit. Also maybe shooting should by just RB/LT but way it is now maybe is makes sense with other weapons.
Will play more.
Oh and btw. creative pitches
That's cool idea. In fact we use similar mechanic in game in the making. But there's the twist that you can connect those evidences in different manner so you get different output. So in dad's scenario it would be like A) Connect dinner receipt with plush toy and you get memory about time when father took you to amusement park and won this for you and after you went to dinner B) Connect receipt with divorce papers and yo got the "dad's cheating" story.
It could be a thing. Some dusty archive room, with boxes and papers and photos. You have to cut the tape to open the box. Particles flowing in air, some 80's music from old radio you've found, and you can have a break for eating a sandwich. But you can play only for few real life hours that the magazine works. After that there's a fire - everything gets burned down. You can leave game at that with story you've made so far or start over with digging. Maybe with some things different/missing so over time there are just empty boxes. Only fading memories.
Totally agree. For me you either have something new that's hard to explain in "one sentence" or you do a remix(because everything is a remix) and go like "My game is Mario Kart meets Dungeon Keeper but with mature themes."* which is not so interesting as "one sentence".
For me theme is a deal breaker. Let's do a shooter. Nah. Let's do a cyberpunk shooter? Fuck yeah! Lot of people in gamedev think that setting is just something you pick after deciding what game you want to make. Like you decide to go for a walk and just need to grab hat or cap. No, you grab a fancy fedora and it's not just a walk it's a stroll down the Al Capone's Chicago ;) If we strip shooter games from themes there is almost no telling from one another. Setting adds flavor that speaks to people, that helps them identify with piece. Meet lots of people who tend to get obsessed with "game needs to have unique mechanic" or that just don't think that games could be about specific feeling/atmosphere. But it's another topic about games with no gameplay.