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A member registered Jun 07, 2023

Recent community posts

Hey Man. I have a little question. Can you contact someone from Staff of hyao discord server? I got banned couple month ago cause someone hacked me and posted some invites to crypto scam servers. Can you contact with them for me? I already wrote here hoping someone would answer me but after long time no one respond. My id: dzindzel. Thanks you in advance.

It depends on your relation with them, their dicks will only show when you have it high enough

Thank you so so much❤️

Hey i have issue with your discord server. I got banned cause i got hacked and someone sent scam links on your server. Can i please get any help with it? My tag: dzindzel 

Hey i have a problem with your discord server. I was hacked some time ago and i got banned. I already did safety improvements and stuff. Can i get unbanned? My id: dzindzel or Dzindzel 51

finally bought it! 

I really enjoyed first chapter so i think im gonna buy the second. I don't have much money but this game is really a must-have so enjoy your money man, you did such a great job :3

I cant wait to see this 2 chapter. Also i have a question. If everything goes really well is there a chance to reveal the game a bit earlier? Like 29/28 June. I know theres propably still a lot to do but i hope you can make it.