Hi there!
You can absolutely include it - it is very cool to see it on handheld devices like that! Is there anything I need or could do on my end to make it more compatible?
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Thanks so much! I'm glad you've been enjoying it! I'm not currently planning anything with this overall concept, but I might revisit it at some point (I hadn't planned on expanding on the first game initially either).
I will probably have to set aside some time to do some bug fixes though! it sounds like a few things fell through the cracks - I don't remember off the top of my head what the upgraded thopter was meant to be called, but I might have it in my notes somewhere (and forgot to put it in the game).
As for difficulty, it "stops" once all available spots are filled and upgraded, but that would be pretty late (and difficult) - I think like level 176 if my math is right?
Thanks very much! I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Elite enemies have a variant of the normal enemy behavior or attack. They're all a bit different and - I think - a bit harder, but that depends on the player I think!
As far as an in-game enemy guide/log book, I'd have to think about that, since it's a lot of information that I'd want to be presentable and not too cluttered. But I will look into something along those lines!
I have just completed "Salvagette", which is an updated and enhanced version of the game "Salvage" that I released a couple years ago. It is a turn-based bullet-hell shooter, where time moves when you do.
The original game was coded from scratch in Javascript, and was not the most reliable experience (especially when it got busy)! For the new version, I rebuilt it in Godot, which also allowed me to create versions for PC and Mobile.
While I was there, though, I decided to add some new features - new enemies, upgrades, the ability to "replay" games in real-time, game stats, and more music.
I hope you enjoy it! Let me know, of course, if there are any problems!
Hey everyone!
I just released a little game called Arachnowopunk - a hybrid of infinite-runner and metroidvania. There is a free html5 demo if you want to check it out - I greatly appreciate any feedback or comments you care to give!
That is not a bad idea at all! I think for an updated version I would want to make the game more strategic where possible, so enemies with more varied move-sets would definitely be a part of that.
I may try to do some bug fixes soon, but if/when I have anything more concrete I would definitely appreciate your help!
Interesting! I hadn't known about most of those - the last one is particularly worrisome (it isn't suppose to happen!)
The one thing that is at least intended is that the bullets aren't damaging for a narrow window after they are created - I wanted to make it so you wouldn't get hit by a bullet that was too close to see or respond to. But that 'activation' window might need some tweaking.
It's a little game, partly inspired by "SuperHot", I suppose. You can play it here: https://e1sif.itch.io/salvage
(Arrow keys or click to move, if on mobile swipe in the desired direction)
I have an almost-complete HTML5 game called "The Jersey Shuffle" that I would love some feedback on!
The gameplay is very basic, but what I am most curious is how well the controls/difficulty actually work. I have been working on it (and playing it) quite a bit, so I have lost my frame of reference for that sort of thing. So that's my main question:
1. Is it too hard/too easy?
2. Are the controls responsive/intuitive enough?
3. Does it get frustrating/repetitive due to the simplicity of the game?
Thanks everyone!
I made a little game about ships!
Feedback and comments are of course appreciated!