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A member registered Mar 19, 2022 · View creator page →

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(4 edits)

Hey, thanks you like it! :-)
Yes, there are reference games on Steam right now. As the tool NESbag 2 and GBCbag 2 technically the same, I share you to two games that got an update on Steam the last days:

On our discord is a developer around who is testing his GameBoy Color game with GBCbag right now. Because the public release of GBCbag was only a few days ago, his Steam game isn't up to date yet, but will follow. :-)

About the Windows version: The developer at Lowtek Games and also another dev confirmed, that NESbag 2 and GBCbag 2 are fully compatible with the Steam Deck.

Compile for Linux works well too. As there are to many different Distributions and possible application variants to share it, I didn't pre-compiled it right now.

The macOS version uploaded to Steam also works well. A standalone shared version for macOS needs an Apple Developer Account to sign the .app package, funny enough this process isn't needed for share a game via Steam directly (I assume Valve is handle it somehow).

Thanks for testing and your kind reply! ☺️ Great that it's working for you.

We've talked about this yesterday on Discord and will definitely give it a try. Have never worked with HDPacks and will check out how them work.

You're right, thanks for the addition. I'll add the information to the project page.
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Hey :-) Great that it's working for you.
To start in fullscreen on start, please add a "/fullscreen" to your starting parameter.
For example:  ./NESbag2 /fullscreen

Please let me know if it's working and how it's running on Steamdeck, to learn about the compatibility. :-)

The "ExclusiveFullscreen" is needed for another functionality.

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Thank you, that it's helpful for you and thanks for using. 😍

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Thanks for saying that again. 

I struggled a bit over the last 2,5 years while coding but to see how you were able to improve you skill in the first level over half an hour was eye opening that everything is on a good way. Some fine-tuning after finish all worlds will be follow anyway. 😃☕

Thanks mate! It was a cool experience today with you and your community. I'm pleased that the game was well received in its current form (demo 0.1.4). Keep working motivated. :-)

Well done! It makes fun. Like the colours.

Whoohoo, thanks for this great news! 

Shared this on to get a bit more attention to your work maybe.

An amazing port! Congratulations!!

Thanks for making this tool. It's the de facto standard for prepairing graphics for NES and Famicom and it save so much time.

This is one awesome game! I'm in love with such "puzzle games" (not way near to meant to be negative!). Thanks!!

Hey abraxas, thank you really much for testing the demo. Good to hear, that you liked it. :-)

A nice project, please do not stop developing for the NES, please. :-)

Thank you. I hope you will have some fun with it. :-)

Nice to meet you too btw. 😃😃

The optic of it will be fixed a bit in the future and maybe I will be able to add some Filters or Scanlines for the games itself.

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Hey, it would be cool if you come around on discord (Link on to discuss this in person. I have some ideas to implement such a thing but as the code of this is opensource I am not able to make such secure-the-ROM code public because anyone could read about how it would be done.

Hey Adam, I'd like to inform you about a new tool named NESbag. It's a fork of NESTEK and with it's first release it fixed the strange window-resize-bug. Greetings from a fellow NESdev.

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Thanks Jordi, cool that you like it. Since the demo update from two days ago, the respawn has a short animation and time of 2 seconds (until then it was instant restart - if you like watch an older video on YouTube) because of the feedback from people with epilepsy and other conditions with sensitivity to light because this would a breaker.

But you know what, it's a development process and I'm not finally sure about a (let's name it) "speedrun" mode without lives but with a counter of "deads" and a timer from 0 to >.

Really appreciate your feedback and download. :-)

Well received! Thanks for your work over the last years and congratulations. :-)

This is one awesome example of modern C64 game! Great to play and addicting.

May I ask about the sourcecode? Did you published it somewhere? I am interested in modding the game. :-)

Lovely art, lovely audio and a lovely character. This is a wonderful game, I really look forward to play the complete version. :-)

I like the random level selection and the game idea and how you've done it. It's wonderful casual and great to play in short breaks. The sound is nice.

This is wonderful! Great work!

Awesome :-) do you got some other face impressions and/or clothes? Planning a new project and look for a female character. Cheers.