Hey, thanks you like it! :-)
Yes, there are reference games on Steam right now. As the tool NESbag 2 and GBCbag 2 technically the same, I share you to two games that got an update on Steam the last days:
- My own game "Anna: The Magic of Words" for NES (Windows + macOS version): https://store.steampowered.com/app/2963990
- Flea by Lowtek Games: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1346330
On our discord is a developer around who is testing his GameBoy Color game with GBCbag right now. Because the public release of GBCbag was only a few days ago, his Steam game isn't up to date yet, but will follow. :-)
About the Windows version: The developer at Lowtek Games and also another dev confirmed, that NESbag 2 and GBCbag 2 are fully compatible with the Steam Deck.
Compile for Linux works well too. As there are to many different Distributions and possible application variants to share it, I didn't pre-compiled it right now.
The macOS version uploaded to Steam also works well. A standalone shared version for macOS needs an Apple Developer Account to sign the .app package, funny enough this process isn't needed for share a game via Steam directly (I assume Valve is handle it somehow).