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A member registered Feb 02, 2023

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Hallo there 👋

Dropping in a day late (/silly) but I'm still here,

This has been quite fun, and is a welcome departure from the others. Though the story mode is short, it was fun. It's been a while, but I remember playing a CAT in one of the earlier games. So its fun to see more of what they do.

Also-  ya' did the scenarios really well. It's a slow rise, then when it hits scenario 5 you can really feel that stressful spike.

I also find Enrich Flavor waving around a bunch of clip-boards to be quite adorable-

I had just short of 5000 points on that last scenario, roughly 4700 if I remember right- (Short term memory, /silly)

1:08:00 on the dot. That was fun, it'd be neat to see an actual ending though. At-least a final tower level at the end. Still enjoyed playing a lot.

Ah- the game might've fell into the depths.

But I was searching such depths for interactive fiction/text story based games with dragons

Soo- I kinda stumbled upon this, as there weren't many other games of such type. Still, enjoyed this one quite a bit.

This was awesome, though I wish there was a way in the text to go back after 'story clarifying options'. Instead of forcing the player to use the back button

I'm glad it made your day :D

Dear, dear...

That was... Honestly wonderful.

I was feeling goosebumps by the end of the story.

Alright- this was adorable. And very fun. I find it adorably silly that the kobold reverts back to old sprites when your hit and when you do the retreat combo (grounded light attack, then grounded heavy attack in a short time frame)

That was pretty fun, Tbh- ending #3 was my favorite. (Rot 13 translation if ya' don't want spoilers)

Vg srryf... Pnfhny, l'xabj? 

Abg yvxr- 'V'z qngvat fbzr ryqevgpu orvat', zber yvxr 'V fheivirq-' be rira 'V'z sevraqf jvgu-' na ryqevgpu orvat. Nf fur fnvq fur'q or onpx.

All Absolve (Bones): 5 hours 47 minutes (Including the time I kept the tab open in the background, but not the time the game was closed.)

All Execute (KAWN): 7 hours 49 minutes  (Including the time I kept the tab open in the background, but not the time the game was closed.)

Use a rot13 translator to decode this post, this is to avoid spoilers for those that haven't finish the game

Qbrfa'g gur raqvat whfg srry... Nagvpyvznpgvp gb lbh nyy? Be vf vg whfg zr. Lbh unir guvf njrfbzr onggyr jvgu gur png nsgre lbh trg n FBHY. Gura bar bs gjb guvatf unccra. Lbh rvgure trg 'grezvangrq'. Be, jr qrsrng gur png. Naq bhe pubvpr qbrfa'g znggre vs jr rkrphgr be nofbyir gur png. Vg whfg tvirf n 'gunax lbh sbe cynlvat' fperra. V unq sha jvgu gur tnzr, ohg guvf raqvat whfg srryf... 'Oynu'. hasvavfurq. Yvxr gurer jnf ZRNAG gb or zber, ohg vg jnf whfg- guebja bhg orsber vg pbhyq or svavfurq

Aight- that is a cool detail. This is why I like these games XD these little details

(1 edit)

Wait- I got a message that... May or may not be intentional? Is this intended or have I tripped a debug message? (Rot13)

Lbh unir artbgvngrq na vzcbffvoyr qrny. Guvf pna arire unccra. Guvf zrffntr pna arire qvfcynl. V unir ab vqrn jung'f unccravat.

(Currently trying the NORMAL ending)

On the note of NORMAL, I have a theory of what our cargo is. (Rot 13)

Vf vg n fnir cbvag?.. Gur cvax tybj tvirf zr gung frafr.

Glad to help :D I made my edits before the hotfix, so I have restarted my browser now and am looking things over.

(Responding to the "Thanks and sorry and thanks! And sorry. And thanks." part)

  XDDD yup, everything's alright. Still absolutely awesome.

Ah- good to know. I run on Chrome sooo- yeah- also. Bunch 'o new edits ✨

(9 edits)

Another wonderful point'n'click game, neat to see the little art bits for the characters. I love how each game has bits and pieces of similarity. But their very different in their own ways. ...If that makes sense-

and this is someone who doesn't really take interest in such a genre.

first time I got the 2nd ending, now I'm trying for the 3rd. 

They're kinda short, but that actually makes them more enjoyable. They don't stay their welcome for too long in a single playthrough, whilst still having a decent amount of replayability.

Tiny bug I found, (Translated to rot13 for the minor spoilers):

Vs lbh urnq gb gur ivyyntr ng gur fgneg naq pyvpx gur qvare orsber gur qvnybthr cbcf hc, gur guvat gb vagrenpg jvgu vg jvyy cbc hc juvyfg gur qvnybthr vf fgvyy cynlvat sbe jura ln' tbg gurer

(Edit) Another side note (in rot 13);

Forir qbrfa'g tvir nal rkc sbe ybbxvat ng uvz

(Edit 2-4) Another tiny bug (rot 13):

Jura lbh trg gur ebbz jvgu Gryv nf n ohfvarff crefba, gur havdhr qvnybthr gung cbcf hc frrzf gb unir n zvf-glcr, nf gurer vf n fgenatr [20n3] flzoby

Nyfb, ng gur pbzzhavpngvba gbjre n fvzvyne guvat unccraf ng gur pbzchgvat rdhvczrag

Guvf unccraf ntnva vs lbh gnyx gb gur gbhtu yvmneq (Sbetbg gurve anzr- nsgre lbh'ir svtherq bhg gur pbzcbhaq, ohg orsber lbh tvir ure gur ybtf)

(edit 5): 'slightly' bigger spoilers, and a bug (rot 14): (qiffsbhzm cb hvs fcihs kvsfs W VOJSB'H pssb gvch, obr W vojsb'h pssb gssb og o zwnofr msh) Wt mci uc hc hvs forwc hcksf kwhv o vozt-twbwgvsr rwguiwgs (Bc gvokz) mci zsofb hvoh mcif rwguiwgs bssrg o twbwgvwbu hciqv, pih mci ofs ibopzs hc ogy tcf Fmob'g gvokz

(edit 6): MAJOR bug, MAJOR spoilers. (rot12): U'hq uzfqdmofqp iuft ftq tmzp, (fiuoq zai). Saffqz ftq dqmxufk xaipaiz rday Fqxu. Mzp U'hq pazq ftq baxufuomx qpgomfuaz ftuzs iuft ftq budmfq cgqqz xuwq- 4 fuyqe. Ngf U my efuxx gzmnxq fa ftq oazoxgeuaz rad sqffuzs naft

(edit 7, continuation of bug/spoiler above, (rot12)): U my mxea gzmnxq fa uzfqdmof iuft ftq omdsa, (Ur ftmf tme eayqftuzs fa pa iuft ftq efadkxuzq rad zadymx) euzoq U tmhqz'f bmeeqp ftmf bmdmyqfqd kqf. Mzp my gzmnxq pgq fa ftq rmof ftmf U pupz'f yqqf ftq budmfq cgqqz nqradq U saf ftq puesgueq fa sqf ftq yueeuaz rad ftq bmowmsq

(Edit 8, no major spoilers. Just conclusions (as of 1/11/2025 at-least). Along with a few ideas. Anything distorted/possibly slightly spoilery is in bold and rot 13):  Despite the few bugs, this was a very fun experience, I wasn't too lost in the story. I had a few 'oh dear...' moments when I realized what was about to happen. And I was wrong about a few guesses, but they were solved only a little later in the story. And I love how most things are tied together. I loved the references, I think I got at least 2 of them- (Haqregnyr jvgu gur 'Vgf lbh', naq 'vgf fgvyy lbh' zveebe) and Metroid for... Obvious reasons.

 Vg'q or uvynevbhf gb frr n frperg raqvat jurer lbh qb npghnyyl orpbzr Eulaa, ol trggvat rabhtu YC gb znk bhg nyy ure fxvyyf (V'z pheeragyl 7 cbvagf fubeg vs V pbaireg nyy zl KC)

Quite fun I must admit, the art-style is so cute. but the atmosphere and music is just- soo eerie and I LOVE it. ★★★★★

Woah, I saw this on my little front page and went 'Hey, this looks like bookworm adventure- holy, I played that game LONG ago. Lemme check this out-'. So I did, and even seeing that its inspired by bookworm on the front page. Seeing it all laid out. It fills me with nostalgia. (And I haven't even tried the demo yet XD)

Hah, finally beat the demon. All it took was 6 levels and a hurricane book. That was short but pretty fun-

(1 edit)

Certainly agree with this person here, I love dragons so I'm glad for the change we could make.

It'd be intriguing to see a sequel with more hijinx  🤔

(3 edits)

I had fun pulling the strings ;)

I hope to see more of this

(Minute spoilers, Here's my stats)

Kindness: 1.5 out of 1.5
Rudeness: 0 out of 1.25
Humanity: 2.25 out of 2.25
Funniness: 0 out of 0.25
Suspicious-ness: -0.5 out of 0.6
Weirdness: 0.25 out of 0.25
Eli friendship: 0.25 out of 0.25

I love how just... eerie it is, doesn't use jumpscares or anything like that. It just has a natural spooky ambience

Into the good games box ✮✮✮✮✩

This was fun,
Here's how my playthrough went

Attempt 1: Remove everything

Attempt 2: Remove everything but the knoif

Attempt 3: Remove nothing

Short but fun,

Alright, that was fun, 

Semi-vague spoilers bellow

I truly /loved/ the story,

the stat boost/level up Charity got was a nice touch,

And most of the story was adorable in general, I always love the party at the end of the game

D'awww... Adorable, just like all the others, 

simple, 5 stars

(1 edit)

0 hp, still alive, that's what we call a determined soul.

(SPOILERS for an ending)

maida vale, hm..

(SPOILERS for an ending)

I must say that I enjoyed being a CAT,

60139226497, decent items, and tough enough to not  be an absolute cake walk, also allows for almost any class to work

take all the time you need for updates, like I always say,  a rushed game is a buggy mess, and don't forget about motivation, work too much and you might lose said motivation, we all care about ya' here :D

Ohh my, this is amazing, just like Bad Ritual, (I know they're compared a lot so just another grain in the bucket)


I personally love Zed (and his family's (and possibly other characters)) abilities to speak with the plants, and I can't wait to see more from this game,


I'm personally playing serene-tone and mixed routes (2 save files (haven't gotten to triggers route yet), all serene set)

That was just a DEMO?

holy bajesus, that was fun. I can't wait to see where this leads,

here comes Adbaldar the blight-caster, but that's just a side note-

I wish that when ya' finish the ending, ya' would be able to press the back button whenever, since- you're pretty much in sandbox-time at that point,

Oh my wow.. after playing the first three chapters of summoners gate, I understand the connections

alright, I must say, this is one of my favorite text based games, despite there being only 3 chapters, I am excited to see the fourth, no matter how long it takes, I'll be sure to come back one day, even if it means just replaying the 3 current chapters

sad that there's only 3 saves tho, I wish I could have one save for each demon

Darn, quite short, but I really see this going somewhere, but for now, its short and sweet, and I shall wait until it be complete.

I would love to see a sequel to this,


everything EXCEPT the orange area is possible without killing (or consuming) ANYONE,

Personal note:


its easy, just press space right when you start,

(1 edit)


darn, sorry Biscuit #3,  I regret blowing you to bits, but when the developer (or the narrator I can't remember) said that my actions have consequences in this game, I just went 'oh hey was does this button do' 

oh, is it a consequence remover? I think so- let me press it... Oh! Yup, Biscuit is back! Yayyy!


this is the highest I got, dynasty is BROKEN if you can get enough in a row

I just had a lot of fun creating a dragon, here's a few of the pictures, thank you for making this!
