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A member registered Nov 12, 2016

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It's a false positive. That happens all the time with indie games.

(1 edit)

It's a royalty free song named "The Flower of the Wilderness" by Wingless Seraph. I'm not going to post a link here in case it's against the rules, but Wingless Seraph has a website where you can download all their music for free.

(You can't legally reupload it to youtube without buying a liscense from them though)

I'll look into that. I have enough friends that know my steam account that I wouldn't want to play a game like this on it though.

Sounds interesting! I'll try to get this game someday if I can budget for it then.

I'm considering buying this game. Could you briefly tell me how much hypnosis actually happens in the hypnosis level?

I finally had time to try out 1.3! Here's my thoughts:

Wisper is really good! I thought for sure I wouldn't like them, but they turned out to be great. I like their personality and writing a lot! Also Wisper's color scheme is amazing! Wisper's spiral set to 13 speed with the Spiral event is, no exaggeration, the most mesmerizing thing I've ever seen.

The new voices though, I'm really not crazy about. It'd be nice to have an option to switch back to the old ones, since the new ones are so weird and distracting.

My biggest request though would be a way to display the visuals from the spiral or yo-yo event all the time. I wish I could just stare at Sal's Yo-Yo or the Spiral Event (especially mixed with Wisper's spiral) endlessly without having to wait and re-trigger the event over and over, which really breaks my immersion. 

Overall, another great update! I'm waiting eagerly for the next one!

Today I noticed that the pendulum event doesn't seem to work in this update. Every time I click on the icon it just disappears without triggering the event

(2 edits)

After having played the 1.2 update: It's pretty good! I like the new character quite a lot (despite me not really being into guys), and the new inductions are great. His personality and humor was funny and I liked seeing him grew more confident. My only complaints are the "Back and forth... back and forth" objective is too vague, and I'm not even sure how I got it. Also, it would be nice to be able to skip the 2-3 minutes of waiting during Sal's "A Fun Game" test.

A possible suggestion I have for the future if you want to add adult content is to have Dr. Faustus give you a consent form (an item you can pick from the shop that lets you enable/disable adult content), which could go great with the theme of the game not forcing you into doing stuff you don't want.

This game is just amazing, and seriously has potential to be a masterpiece! Since you asked for feedback on the game, I figured I'd give my 2¢:


The concept is great, it's got a lot of functionality for an early build.

The fact that the game asks you to "advertise" it is pretty cool and definitely in-line with what a "game that tries to hypnotize you" should do.

The writing is great. I like the humor and the way the game always leaves it up to you if you want to do something.

Dr. Jen Faustus is amazing, I think Pinkanator's comment summed it up very well.


I'm not a huge fan of the snake guy. Extend.Unpack and Mirage Oasis's comments do a good job of explaining why.


1. More trances, and more depth in the trances. I love Spiral Clicker and always wished Helen inducted you in more ways than just the 5 inductions she currently has. Also, including "triggers" and conditioning could be fun.

2. Sexual Content? Having Dr. Jen Faustus naked, using trances to make the player masturbate, etc. would be amazing.

Also, do you have a Patreon or something of the sort where people can contribute to you? I wouldn't mind helping this game's growth!