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A member registered Oct 10, 2015 · View creator page →

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I won, but I'm still missing a command. I unlocked the following: uryc, uryyb, yvfg, haybpx, erpbire, cnefr, vafgnyy, cvat

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Dittoing all three of these suggestions for a future update. I can't get past the second level because I can't seem to figure out how part of a name is spelled. (Is it with one L? Two Ls? One S? Two Ses? Is that final vowel an E or an O, or something else?)

Bug reports:

* The butler is named Henry in his dialogue, but clicking on his name adds "Michael" to the wordlist for some reason.
* There only seem to be 11 clues in the introduction, not 14; likewise, there are only 32 clues in the main case, not 34.

Other than those two bugs tripping me up, and the occasional slightly-off word hitbox (might be a good idea to darken the box the cursor is currently over when a word is being dragged over it), I had no other issues with the game.

I suspect the reason it doesn't install in the itch app is that the game executable isn't in the top-level folder of the .zip file.

I ended up with a puzzle during the introduction to Rule 3 that requires the not-yet-revealed Rule 5 to disambiguate. :/ (Unfortunately Itch isn't letting me post a comment with a screenshot, which has since vanished from my clipboard.)

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OK, I just checked today and it looks like this has been fixed!  Guess we can close this topic now.

Rules ended up being simpler than I expected. But I still have five puzzles left to finish. :/

As per the title. I've bought both the Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality (2020) and the Indie bundle for Palestinian Aid (2021). By default, these bundles are hidden to avoid flooding my library, which I'm not too concerned about. However, if I go to the page of a game that is in these bundles (e.g. Celeste from the latter bundle), there is no indication that I own the game. Contrast this with a game from a smaller bundle (e.g. Family from The Detective Bundle), which does say on its page that I own it.

Right now the only way to tell if I own Celeste (or indeed any game that doesn't tell me on its page that I own it) appears to be to use the search function individually in each bundle, which is inconvenient and will only get more inconvenient with each new large bundle that I purchase.

(As a related suggestion, a nice feature to have would be a way to search one's own library, including hidden bundle games.)

So it turns out you're a couple of years too late; some guy called Azlan Iqbal has already created a chess-problem-creating AI called Chesthetica.

Novel solution for E12.

Ooh, very nice. Was Recursed (2016) an inspiration for this?

Hi, it seems like someone is trying to use screenshots of your game on a phishing website to try to get the users to download malware. Just thought you might want to know.

The ability to eat the walls. And the timer. (At a drawback, of course.)

Well, I obviously don't have access to your game's code, but it seems possible to me that if for some reason no difference is generated, the game might throw some kind of exception and thus fail to generate the hint text as well. So if this turns out to be a bug that multiple people are experiencing, the code that generates the difference between rooms should probably be the first place you should look.

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Haven't been able to make it past room 1. I'm convinced that the game is bugged and that there are no differences between the two rooms...

Also, I can't tell what pressing the "Hint" button is supposed to have done. Nothing seems to happen except that my hint counter goes down by one.

This game currently can't be installed from the client. I suspect the fix is to put the game executable and folder in the top layer of the zipped folder, instead of putting them into a folder inside the zipped folder.

Since Flash is dead, do you plan on finding a way to make this available without Flash?

Very nice. Was this at all inspired by the game Recursed by Portponky?

The game seems to just be a title screen for me.

I see. Also, what's "one-shot" here?

In the Defense Trainer, I've had a couple of times where I've discarded a tile that I thought was suji (e.g. 6s when the riichiing opponent had already discarded both the 3s and 9s) but wasn't, as well as a couple of times where I didn't discard a tile that I thought wasn't suji (e.g. 1m when nobody had discarded the 4m), but which I should have because they were. Am I misunderstanding suji, or is this a bug? If it's the former, is there documentation on what counts as suji and what doesn't?

1784. That was really hectic.

Is there any rhyme or reason to which of the many wall symbols you're supposed to input into the buttons? Or do you have to just try them out one by one?

Some features that would be nice to add to the game:

* A counter on each section of the chain to show how much of its current capacity is used.
* On the graphs for the reports, additional lines showing the resupply thresholds for each part of the chain, as well as additional bars showing the various random events.

Also, 20 rounds seems really long. Maybe track statistics mid-round (for better resolution on the statistics) and make the game last only 5 rounds, say?

Very nice. Is 105% a full complete? Do you plan on extending the scope of this game?

The visuals are comparable to those of RiME and The Witness. Both of these games are also set on an island.

This was surprisingly tactical. Several times I was able to win no matter what number came up. Brilliant!

After playing the game and pressing the "replay" button, the game froze in full-screen and I had to restart my computer. :C

I'm currently stuck on the level with three low-pass filters. Anyone have any hints for this?

I'm finding it somewhat difficult on my screen to tell the difference between the four colours (including grey). Is there any chance of you making the diamonds larger, or giving an option to bump up the saturation, perhaps?

Ah, alright. I'm really used to undo being Z in such games; didn't think to try Backspace. And do feel free to send me a new build.

This should be standard for all games of this sort by now.
(Also, make sure you tell the player that they need to hold down SHIFT to extend. Took me quite a while to work that out.)

Anyone have any idea where the "secret place" is?

Besides what Devil's Garage said, I encountered a bug in which I was unable to place down any new structures, because the game seemed to think I was trying to place down a bridge no matter what I had in my inventory. Yes, I tried pressing E; that only brought up the build menu. Selecting another structure to build would give me both a transparent red bridge and a transparent red version of that structure.

Also a little annoying was the fact that sometimes, the cursor wouldn't snap to where I wanted it to be. As well as the odd bug that sometimes, I would be unable to place a bridge on water, even when the ghost silhouette was exactly where I wanted it.

Oh, and I can somehow place bridges on land?


I thought I had, but it turns out I hadn't, because the "update not found" bug appears to also have affected the update for the Itch app itself.

I'll reinstall the app.

Wasn't fixed on my end; I had to uninstall and reinstall the game.