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A member registered Nov 26, 2015 · View creator page →

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I love the look of that jiggle physics and butt displacement, how did you get that effect to work like that?

I've been trying to find a good and reliable way to get something like that to no avail.

This game is very silly and cute and I wanted to be fed Apricots K, thx, bye

Haha you're right, I originally had some sketches for wolveon as a cat, but I wanted to make Catda a cat so that Moushley could make some mouse on cat jokes. I also wanted to make a dog of the state joke about wolveon too.

I could have made them both cats, but thought that it being a bit more diverse would be a little funnier.

My research shows that unfortunately, if the game can't run in the web browser (which this game was a bit too dense for me to export like that), then it's likely that it will crash or have major issues on chromebooks since they've got weaker hardware. Sorry about that.

Unfortunately not, no, the android and mac builds were experimental and I'm reworking my system architecture to make it so that future games should work more competently on the platform (and im also getting tools to let me test and debug for it), but the versions are up as-is

I'm sorry to hear that!

Also this is how you would get your specs:

Find the “My Computer” icon on the computer's desktop or access it from the “Start” menu. 
Right-click the “My Computer” icon. From the menu, choose “Properties” down at the bottom. 
A window will come up which will provide some specs
If you're not able to do that, then no sweat, I'm just trying to get a better understanding of what devices can't run the game so I can make sure to explicitly list the specs for my next one (so that people don't accidentally buy it and can't play it!)

Sorry to hear that, please check out the comment thread a little below started by "TheLordOfCinder" there seems to be a few users suffering from instant crashes due to the way godot 4 renders and exports the game.

But you said it never gets past the loading screen? It might be that your device isn't powerful to run the game, can you tell me the specs of your device and the operating system you're using so I can double check if there's a different way to help make it run?

(1 edit)

Hello to all users receiving this glitch. I've uploaded a build that's no longer in debug mode, and removes a function call that I believe was causing some glitches (titled BUGFIX_WINDOWS). Please let me know if it fixes the black screen error. If it does not, could you please let me know what kind of device you are using, if you're running it through a virtual machine, and, if the glitch does not immediately happen when you run the game, what steps you took in the game before it happened (that you can remember)

I'm very sorry this issue is avoiding my attempts to replicate it. I've got a feeling it must be a device specific issue since it's affecting such a small minority of users (that have reported) and I want to fix it if we can figure out why it's happening.

Unfortunately the android and mac versions are experimental and may not work on every device, If they fail to run I would recommend trying the windows version. I've been trying to figure out why this happens, but havent been able to fix it yet.

Please check out the comment thread a little below started by "TheLordOfCinder" there seems to be a few users suffering from instant crashes due to the way godot 4 renders and exports the game. Hopefully some of the suggestions there can be of help to you and I'm sorry that the game isn't working on your machine!

This is what my research has said to do, however, it requires command line stuff, which is weird and I'm not fully sure if this works properly:

  • You can either go to a terminal and run
    • C:\path\to\game.exe --rendering-driver opengl3
  • or create a shortcut (.lnk) and edit its properties to append
    • --rendering-driver opengl3 to the path to the binary.

If that and updating your drivers still does not work, try this:

  • Uninstall the “OpenCL™, OpenGL® and Vulkan® Compatibility Pack” and then attempt to run the software

If those attempts *still* do not work, then that means your hardware can't support the game and I would recommend requesting a refund for the game or attempting to run the game on a different device. Hopefully one of these suggestions helps!!

I've been researching into this specific issue since it's come up a few times and it appears to be a problem with the renderer godot 4 is using.

  • here are a few options you can do to try to fix it
    • Make sure your graphic drivers are up to date, and if they are not try to update them
    • Run the game with the --rendering-driver opengl3 flag to force Godot to use the old opengl3 drivers
    • If you are running and older GPU or something like intel integrated graphics you may need to consider upgrading to a newer GPU

Those are the current recommended solutions as the issue has to do with the renderer and not coding specific issues on my end from the looks of things. Could you also let me know what the OS that you are running is and what graphics card you are using, that could help me isolate which users are more likely to get this issue

It sounds like the crash is an issue with how I'm loading the assets for the different rooms at runtime. I'm planning on restructuring how it instantiates objects into rooms so that it'll be a bit more streamlined, but knowing this puts it at a higher priority. 

Thank you so much for giving me the details on what you tried and the device as well!

Yeah, unfortunately, the Mac and Android builds are VERY experimental, since I don't have an effective way to bugtest and iterate on it in a reasonable span of time. It's my first time building for those platforms too, but I'll try to see if I can find out why it would crash on startup!

Here's a quote from the bonus section of the game (that you get if you unlock all 3 cheeses):
"The sex scenes were removed due to a desire to keep the focus honed into ENF and clothing damage."

But to elaborate a little more on that, I had trouble fitting it into the narrative in a way that felt good to me, without breaking consistency with the characters, and that didn't make people go "well why isn't there a sex scene for every ending" so instead it got changed into a sketch and added to the bonus pages.

What were your favorite things in the game and what did you want more of? I haven't committed to my next project yet so I'm still mining for ideas!

Are you running the windows version, and can you delete the game files and redownload it from the page? If you were able to advance past it the first time, then something weird might have happened with the game files when you reached this room again since this is the first time I've seen this bug and haven't been able to replicate it

How many runs have you done before this and from what room did you enter here? Looks like you got the first cheese and probably came from the top door, did you interact with anything first?

Thanks!!! I'm glad you liked how the final version came out. Thanks so much for playtesting too!!

Oh my god I spent at least 100 hours on this game as a child, I cant believe someone would remake this thank you so much I'm so excited to download this when I get home!!!

Tottaly valid criticisms, I wrote in the comments of LQ: Flirting in the forests that it was a remake, but didn't include it in the title image, or game itself, so it likely just flew over people's radars, even had a few people mentioned that they didn't realize it was one, so that checks out.

Someone once suggested to me to work on putting them together in a "definitive edition" but the way I stored the dialogue trees back then was way more annoying then I have now, so it'd be a LOT of text editing and a major pain to fix, which has led to me not doing so until I get enough motivation.

Though that is interesting to know that people are thinking that LQ ICE isn't a sequel, but also my fault for not branding it properly at a glance. I was going more for a "chronicles of X: [new title]" which is more of a book thing and less of a game thing.

Was there anything in the games that you have played that you really liked or disliked?

Thanks! This game is still weirdly my most played game and people keep coming back to it, so I'm happy to hear comments like this about aspects you liked the most

Discovered this game while looking for unconventional uses of the RPGMaker system and found myself pleasently suprised by the mechanics and implementation of combat system.

The RNG of the dice being used as movements on the board and used as numbers to hit foes felt like a really intuitive system, and the various values of different abilities having affects on combat or on the board felt really good.

The theming was simple and felt good for what it was, loved the humor of ("Why are you a fairy" - "The hell if I know, what kind of shit have you been watching/reading") and thought it was a fun abstraction of the mind of a creative as a person who went to school for game design himself.

Sad to see there's not more interaction or that more people haven't played this game (at least according to the number of comments), and I'm definitely looking forward to try out your other games to see just what other ideas you're throwing out into the world!

Glad you enjoyed it!

If you're okay with trying to parse the quest format (read the posts with images and text and skip over the other ones) you can find the other parts linked here on the wiki page:

I liked Aunt Vellan's overworld sprite, it made me and my friends chuckle.

There is not currently a third option, that appears to be a bug, thanks for catching it. There USED to be one in the past but I thought that I removed it since I wasnt able to finish all the art and writing that was needed for that scene and it got a bit darker.

You're not doing anything wrong. thank you for the report.

(1 edit)

cheats are currently internal for tests, I’m open to suggestions for cheats to implement for people interested though (but only on my newer games)

Issue fixed! Somewhere along the line I accidentally messed up the connecting dialogue node, breaking it.

oh no! Thanks for reporting this, I’ll investigate the issue.

Okay! I fixed it and uploaded a new version. The idol is in an easier to reach spot and I have double checked to make sure it has the dialogue script associated with it so that you can get the dialogue option to interact with it. My apologies for this being broken as it was.

In response to your other comments, the game is intentionally as short as it was, the previous projects I've worked on took much longer to produce both in terms of writing and designing, this one took significantly less time, and is a remake of Lust Quest: Cannie in a better system with more programming options for me to add content.

Combat right now does not include any sort of leveling curve, this is both because I have not programmed it in yet and because I'm trying to decide the best way to approach leveling, the game is also short enough that it doesn't really need it.

I'm so happy you want more and that you find the quality to be a massive improvement!!! I was working really hard to make this game as polished as possible so that people would feel it to be a higher quality product. (though some bugs end up sneaking through sadly)

Once again I'm sincerely sorry that you were plagued by this issue and it didnt let you see the rest of the game. This should be properly addressed now, please let me know if it isnt. I also fixed an issue with resetting the game that caused Cannie's dialogue to break and included that in the update.

Thank you so much for taking the time to message about the issue and provide feedback.

that’s the one, I’ll put it in an easier to reach spot tomorrow

It’s on the floor near the masked figure fight. You have to look near some blocks on the ground

I'm realizing now I didnt reply to you earlier. Thank you for the reply and clarification!

Okay, so after tinkering with it for a few hours I found out the problem. It's super strange. This is an example of what I had before

In the "Let's Test" passage I had a single line of text, then at the end of that it would check to see if that value was true.
BUT what ended up happening is that it would just pick the first link in the chain as if it said true. Now I tried this with the <<!visited>> function too, and it caused the same response which nearly caused me to tear my hair out because I saw it work before. So I tried this:

The only difference being that I put no input text on the first passage. If there's no text then it will check the values first and function properly. But if there's ANY TEXT AT ALL in the passage it refuses to acknowledge it.

I have no idea if I ran into an extremely fringe bug or I coded something strangely to cause this to happen.

(1 edit)

Thanks for the reply, I'm having a little difficulty wrapping my head around how to do this.

From what you said, inside of the visualnovelexample you use the drawstring class to manage custom commands. I believe you are referring to the following:

You subscribe to that delegate event by using the drawstring.RunCommandEvent+=Runcommand; and it leads me to this line

By following that rabbit hole to the drawtring script I see an event called RunCommandEvent and underneath that the bool for Runcommand()

Unfortunately that bool only lets me run commands in the "Raw Text" portion of the fleece dialogue line editor. Trying to put it in the "Link Raw Text" portions when you have a branching choice causes the text to not be read or parsed properly.

So now, after reading through your message several times, I've tried instead to look through the parsers and figure out how to resolve it that way. I found the "FleeceDefaultParser" that comes included with fleece and the script associated with it and am now trying to figure out how to implement something the returns "true" or "false"

I made a function "isLeader" to check if you had an object or leader of a specific type in the leader slot of FleeceDefaultParser (this is in the parser.cs file)
It checks and in the inspector displays it as FALSE if the leader is not correct (as intended)

However, whenever I test this in the live game it completely disregards the "False" text and plays that line of dialogue that should have been rejected. I haven't done anything different than you have for the visited or !visited line. Using a debug string prints out False which means it should technically be rejecting it. But it does not. I tried deleting those passages and making new ones but it still is rejecting it.

I followed the same format you set up and tried to establish things to be as close to how you did it as possible but was wondering if there was something super obveous I was missing, or perhaps it's that I just dont have a good enough foundation to understand how to make these kinds of edits.

Thanks for your time.

(1 edit)

Hello again! My sincerest apologies for making another post so soon after the last one. 
I was browsing through the documentation and noticed that there was a feature for defining and checking the value of variables, I wanted to use this to similar effect of the <<!visited("passagename")>>, only by allowing it to gather data from a script and checking if an item or character was in an array.

I've been using the FleeceVisualNovelExample as a template for this so far and making my commands through the bool RunCommand()

However, when I tried to make something like <coin()> from the shop example, that would use commandInsertString to leave a "true" or "false" statement behind, thus allowing me to run a check for if player A had Item "the mcguffin", Then it would come up as true and the dialogue would progress as normal.

However when I did this, it turned out /ALL/ my results came back true. This is because I made it in a separate script, my own "VN" script, which is not the parser or default parser scripts and I'm not sure what I need to override so that I can make a function similar to those. Especially since the DefaultParser and Parser classes are inherited, so I can't just put one in the scene and give it a variable that lets it access my player stats script in the scene.

I'd like to know how to make something like <<Coin()>> or <<visited("nameOfPassage")>> in a separate script, like in the FleeceVisualNovelExample so that I can reference other public variables and not have to instantiate them at the beginning of dialogue. And then use these to allow or disallow players to see certain dialogue chains.

I'd appreciate any assistance in the matter, or to be pointed in the right direction on how to resolve this. Thanks.

That appears to have completely solved my problem, thanks! I was just hesitant to replace passages with the passageID because of this line on the documentation: "This is the passage id that this jumper will reference. It's recommended to set passage instead of id through code." But if I'm instead just giving it a null passage through the ID, the problem is resolved. Thanks again!

I'm nearly done setting this up to work properly in my game and this tool has helped me out immensely. Thank you for your prompt responses and assistance.

(2 edits)

Hello again. I've been working with your asset and ended up adding quite a few custom commands to the parser so that I need to jump into code and add stuff as little as possible.

Right now I've hit a snag and would like some assistance in attempting to figure it out:

What I've done is made a function that will replace a passage with another one, it searches through my story for passages, can successfully find one with a matching name, but then when it goes to the final step, which is replacing the passage on a character with a new one, it breaks.

I was trying to stress test this and tried a few things, first I set

Envmgr.Charactersinscene[i].Dialogue = null;

(Dialogue is just the name of the jumper variable)

And then kept the rest as is, I could clear the passage once, but then if I tried to set it to a new passage, it gives me an error and crashes my game client.

So I now have it instead of setting that jumper to null, it now sets it to clearJumper, which is a private variable that's just a jumper with nothing in it.

This let me set the jumper from something to clear to something to clear again, but when I tried to set it for the third time in a row, it crashes.

This is already better than before, but I wanted to know if there's a better way to set passages because for some reason it's saying that my jumper.passage doesn't exist and crashes, instead of just telling me that it's null.

Perhaps a way to, in code, create a new jumper and then set it to that new jumper

I also tried doing:

Jumper j;
and setting the jumper to j, but it tells me that it's the use of an unassigned local variable, so I got kinda stuck.

Thanks for your time.

P.S. Oh, and this is a VERY minor thing unrelated to the above, consider it a feature suggestion:

but it's a bit strange that every time you click outside of any text box or passage it just deselects the passage. I like to click on the titles to change them, but sometimes I click just 1/2 pixels too high or too low and it deselects it so I need to select it again, if there's a way to make it so when you are clicking on the inspector window either on the title or the raw text and have it so that it doesn't automatically deselect I'd appreciate it.

(1 edit)

Hello! I recently had this issue in the older version of Fleece, but I spent the majority of the day today updating it and making sure no features I had were broken.

After updating Fleece the issue still persisted, here's a screenshot showing the specific error:

Essentially, when I tried to add a jumper to a custom ScriptableObject that I could create and edit in the inspector it will clear itself upon resetting the unity client. It works normally if I run the editor window though.
The error flag pops up whenever I click on one of those windows and it's calling out Jumper.cs, line 180 as  causing the issue, that and UnityEditor.Undo:RecordObjects(Object[], String)

Letting me know that the "UndoObjects may not be null"

Not sure why this is happening and would appreciate some assistance in identifying the source of the bug. The asset is functioning perfectly otherwise, and I have a few alternative solutions to this that I could take, but would really rather have it be in the inspector because then I can do most of my character work there, rather than in the scene.

Thank you for your time


Bug has been fixed, it turned out it was just loading the other enemy from the same zone's cut scene. It's good to go now.