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A member registered Jul 31, 2020 · View creator page →

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I really appreciate ur time in playing the game and giving feedback :D, i didn't focus much on the player movement then cuz I wanted to get the main mechanics and level up and working :P. Sorry for that, won't disappoint next time :D

(1 edit)

Ah yea i there were only 2 levels :P, i was still working on juicing up the mechanics you see. Thank you for playing the game, i will be updating the itch page soon with more levels and better gameplay ;)

tysm, im working on the details and further levels as we speak :D

thank you for playing, im working on the juice rn ;

Thank you for playing my game ! I'm sorry for not improving the world further,  i was restricted by time :(

Thank you so much for playing the game, sorry for the trouble caused by the g+click mechanic, i made the game within a couple hours before submission and improved what i could within the extra 24 hrs , hence couldn't polish much or improve works design. Will work on it :D

yea sry, i hadnt made any tutorial for the inventory that time,  have fixed it now, you can press i to remove limbs, thus allowing you to enter the tiny gap



quite well made, good job

thank youu

thanks for playin my game, sry for the difficulty 😅

good job boner

(1 edit)

I really like the game concept though its implementation could be better, for example

  1. the menus were very static and the font was kind of illegible
  2. the soung effects related to breaking stuff were perfect but there was no background music, i think the game lacks in that aspect
  3. more levels, i know that setting up the available two levels must have been hard but more levels would make the game more fun and playable
  4. the UI elements could be made more bold such as the timer

other than that solid game, good entry

Loved every bit of it, i have no words for the game, its too good, very well done👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

Thank you so much 😄, the high difficulty level and peculiar controls have been common grievances amongst players, and i have addresed them through replies to their comments, I request you to kindly go through them as it would be difficult for me to explain it to each and every player. Sorry for the trouble and I'm really glad that my game appealed you😄😄.

Thank you so much 😄, the high difficulty level and peculiar controls have been common grievances amongst players, and i have addresed them through replies to their comments, I request you to kindly go through them as it would be difficult for me to explain it to each and every player. Sorry for the trouble and I'm really glad that my game appealed you😄😄.

Thank you so much 😄😄. I've received multiple comments suggesting a decrease in difficulty level, I realised that making the waves spawn only after the player destroys all the asteroids in the previous wave makes the game much more easier and fun to play. I will implement all improvements in upcoming versions, stay tuned for that ! 😉.

Thank Youuu 😄😄

Thank you so much 😃😃

Thank you so much 😄,  i'm really glad that my game appealed to you, (i will be decreasing the difficulty level in the updated version 😉)

I'll keep making games alright 😄😄.

Thank youuuu 😄

Thank you for playing my game 😄 and yes the music does suck i felt it so myself 😅 i'm sorry for it and will try to make a better soundtrack for the updated version that i will post after the rating period 😉.

Thank you so much 😄I'm glad that you liked my game, i'll surely make more 😉.

Thanks for the feedback 😄, I'm glad you liked it 😉.

Hey everyone, I'm currently working on making improvements to the game, any and all suggestions are welcome 😄.(pls provide the suggestions as a reply to this comment)

is it just me or are the machines not firing anything ? and after a while i wasnt able to shoot at all and the game kept playing after the timer hit 0. Couldnt get the full game experience 😕

Thank you so much for playing my game and giving your feedback on it, i really appreciate it 😄😄. I did try to do something like that by scaling the size of the asteroid slightly when the mous hovers over it, but maybe thats not noticable ? Anyways sry for the trouble caused due to this, i intend to fix all issues soon and upload an updated version after the rating period 😄. (Btw i really enjoyed your game too 😉)

Thank you so much for the feedback and the support 😄😄😄.

whoaaa man this game is soo good, expeciallly for a first game, superb. i really dig the song too. And the art is just awesome. I would like a better start menu and a pause button cause currently i cant pause the game 😉. Overall great game, good job 👍🏻👍🏻

Thank you 😄, ur game is similar to mine eh ? i'll surely check it out 😉

ohh i see now, actually the way i've coded it is, the misssiles will only destroy the asteroid you have clicked on and will ignore all other coliisions. I could maybe add combo attacks in later versions of the game, anyways thanks for suggesting 😉😉

Thank you for playing my game and commenting 😄 i apologize for the game not being intuitive enough for you 😥, will improve in later games 😉.

duuuude this is so awesome everything is so polished and perfect.

I'm really glad that the game appealed to you in all aspects 😄😄. I did add alot of post processing, i'll dial that down in further games for sure, thanks for the suggestion😄😄.  Could you tell me what AoE means ? (sry i'm a noob gamedev😅).

so sorry man the game just isn't loading for me 😥😥

Thanksss, i'm glad you liked my game and happy that you noticed the meme sound effect i added to the death screen 😄

(sure i'll check out your game 😉)

Thank youuu, i really appreciate you taking the time to play my game and comment on it 😄. I'm really not that good at music production actually, even i feel that my game lacks in the music aspect, will definetely improve on later games 😉.

oh ok 😥

By the way, can some one tell me if can make changes to the game and re upload it ? i mean will it be taken into consideration for the jam ?

Thank you so much for taking time to play my game and comment on it, i have realised that difficulty is quite challenging will surely do better next time ! 😄😄