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A member registered 86 days ago · View creator page →

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First jam! My friend recommended to participate.

Thank you! And sorry for making you cry…


Thank you! :)

Aw, thank you so much! :)

I'm really glad that you enjoyed it🙏🏻 Reminding something to people is a very important task I'd say! We're forgetting so many things around us every moment… 

Tempo increase was like a river stream in my mind – stronger flow. So glad you liked it, thank you!

Thank you so much!

The best thing we can do is to perpetuate them in something eternal like music. Also I can say that writing for me was some kind of healing… Hope that it was same for you!

Nostalgic indeed, thank you!

Thanks! :)

Thank you, glad to hear it!

You definitely can say that I put my emotions into it :)

Thank you!

I'm glad to hear that you like it! :)

(1 edit)

Oh, this is Reaper with FL Studio theme!😄

Thank you so much! To be honest I didn't even hope to receive such good comments🙈

Because there is so much good music by every single person!

Thank you! :)

Oh, I see! Did it!

Thank you again, you are very helpful :)

Thank you!

That was my intention from the very beginning :) And if you can catch something like this so that means I did a right thing!

Oh, thank you very much! I'm glad that you liked it :)

About making a simple video… There is a link to YouTube page. Or are you meaning something else?

And I don't see a “trailer” thing…🙈

Hello everyone!
This will be my first jam, so I want to know... Can I make a music for a game that already exist? Like music redesign/rescore (with video). For example, Final Fantasy but with my battle music, theme, etc.