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A member registered Jul 18, 2021 · View creator page →

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Grałem, testowałem, polecam, czekam na dodatki ^^ 

Hello, Neil Walker!

I am a polish indie TRPG content creator and I saw that your Character Sheet is not fillable - so just for fun, I made a Fillable Version for it because I mostly play online -> and it's easier to play with fillable .pdf

I sent you a copy on your email, so you may check it out when you got a time ;) 
Much love from Poland

O systemie chciałbym rzec, że miałem przyjemność w niego zagrać razem z autorką i pozostałymi osobami grającymi - to była naprawdę supi-dupi sesja, pełna delulu i zwariowanych scen, zapamiętam ją po dzień dzisiejszy!

W mej ocenie systemik może mocno się skojarzyć z Delicious & Dungeons - a jako, że bardzo lubię te anime, to bawiłem się znakomicie :3 

Nie umiem śpiewać, ale zostawię tu link do pamiątkowej muzyczki z Suno.AI ku pamięci Mięsistego Wojownika ;3 


Przygoda w sam raz na szybki, dynamiczny i zwariowany jednostrzał, tak na 4-6 godzinek ^^ 

Hello Aaron Medina, greetings from Poland!

We played your game and we were deeply interested in translating it to polish language altogether with creating a fan-made content about it. And that's why I would like to officially ask you.

Are you OK, if I translate your "Berserk The Prototype Arc" to polish language and send you a copy?

We would like to make polish translation available for anyone for free and that's why we are asking for your permission.

Michał "Elán" Sułkowski

W 2023 roku zagraliśmy w Eliksir z Dyni. W naszej przygodzie rozegraliśmy sceny rodem z bajki "Piękna i Bestia", gdzie Osoby Grające wcieliły się w różne sprzęty domowe, a ich dusze zostały z owymi przedmiotami związane. W pamięć zapadli mi szczególnie Pan Gitara i Pan Zegarek, którzy wspólnymi siłami stworzyli Dyniową Zupę i zjedli ją, aby sprawdzić, czy uda im się wrócić do życia - i udało się! 

System ma bardzo słodką oprawę graficzną, czcionka jest czytelna, a zasady proste i przyjemne. Nie ma dużo systemów dostosowanych dla najmłodszych, a ten taki właśnie jest i nie bałbym się go poprowadzić dla osób w wieku nawet 8+ mówi, że SixLegsGames ma jakieś warningi i potential behaviour, tak jakby ktoś go zreportował miliony razy i nałożyło cenzurę na pobierane pliki.

A ja mówię SixLegsGames to porządna firma i żaden ef-be, czy inny algorytm mi nie przeszkodzi we wspieraniu.

Niech Piekło Pochłonie Fałszywe Algorytmy. 

Much respect for answers, thanks :) 

Hello M. Kirin, greetings from Poland.

We played your game and we were deeply interested in translating it to polish language altogether with creating a fan-made content about it. And that's why I have two official business to ask you about:

1) Are you OK, if I translate your "One Page Left" to polish language and to publish it on
You'll of course get a polish copy of our translation, credits etc. and the polish translation will be available for free to anyone.

2) Are you OK, if I want to record a YouTube movie in polish language (as a fan-made content for polish TTRPG-players)? I do not earn money when I made TTRPG fan content and I have disabled all the monetization options on YouTube/Twitch etc.

Zagrałem raz jako prowadzący. Na bazie feedbacku od osób grających - gra na ten moment mechanicznie wydaje się być zbalansowana i działać dobrze. Razem ze mną grała także współtwórczyni, Neerdie, która wspólnie z nami przeanalizowała w trakcie gry możliwe elementy (drobne) do poprawek kosmetycznych/językowych.

Gracze z gry czerpali sporo zabawy, kombinowali, jak to dogryźć rywalom, albo jak samemu zwiększyć swoją popularność i generalnie, bawili się znakomicie, zatem mój odbiór systemu jest jak najbardziej pozytywny i polecam go znajomym. 

Szukamy ekipy i Mistrza Gry, który nam poprowadzi ;) 

Dodajemy do kolekcji i zaczynamy szukać drużyny do grania >:) 

Myślałem, że to One Page po ilości zdjęć w publikacji, ale sympatycznie się zdziwiłem (pozytywnie!), widząc 42. strony.

Zawsze miło zobaczyć polską produkcję ;) 

Wolę gry kościane, tbh, bo nic nie przebija dźwięku turlanych kości. Narracyjnie z użyciem karta ZAMIAST kości jeszcze nie prowadziłem - but I'm willing to try, zwłaszcza nocą, przy ognisku, na konwencie lub wyjeździe.

Powiem znajomym o Twojej gierce i jeśli pozwolisz, to poudostępniam linki ;) 

Hi Cri-ten, I love breaking fourth wall you've introduced in your game, especially dialogs with receptionist girl :)

Also, a question out of curiosity: do you think MC will be able to learn some spells/learn any magic or carry bow/crossbow later in the game or is he limited only to his trusty sword?

Following and watching with great interest. I've never been good with making my own TTRPGs systems but I do enjoy playing or being DM to some official TTRPGs. This looks promising and I wish you best!

I have played the game in the last version 1.0 PC from and I'm ready to post my review.

The game is a point&click genre, built on Ren'Py engine, with three minigames - one of them is a puzzle game, second one is fight mechanic (mash Left Mouse Button in order to win) and the third one (my favorite) is riddles. I believe there are no other minigames. 

Anyway, let's get to the point. 

'Train your skills' in order to be able to fight back enemy or do sneak lewd scenes is a very nice feature. The relationship system is nice and standard thing but very logical. The narrations seems thoughtful and consistent. I mean like, a lot of fantasy stuffs are illogical or irrational but aside of that, the characters are acting in a most logical or natural way.

Personal opinion starts here: I kinda do not like the moment when you become demigod and suddenly got ridiculous pool of health and mana. Erasers are not threat anymore and you can't die (again xd). I felt like all my training was in vain and doesn't even matter for the story. Same thing is with the hidden clock of Chronos which allows you on 'god mode' from the very beginning of the game and it even wasn't hard to obtain  Such powerful item should have at least very difficult mini-game or riddle.

The more you're diving into the game, the more it seems rushed and unfinished. The latter characters get less scenes, less interactions and the 'boss final fight' is really disappointing. 

Also couldn't get the feeling that the Laptop is unfinished work with only 2 games and "Movies" button which does NOTHING for the whole game. 

Also there was a note on the Sylph lady with her pictures & costumes that there should be more costume scenes but currently there is only one or something like that

Also after reaching the end, I went to a cosplay party to play again with Spin The Bottle and still, some characters refuses to kiss each other :/ was that meant to be? I don't know.

Final score is 8.5/10

Looks like this game is dead.
Provided link on Google Play doesn't work.

After installing from .apk, there's an error and the game says "Internet connection not found" (double-checked, google are working, so it must be that the game is simply dead).

Windows 10
AMD Phenom(tm) II X6 1055T Processor
AMD Radeon RX 6600

The problem is with V key, which should work as a block. It works correctly in the test room but not in a chapter 1 game mode and I dunno why

1) Click Right Mouse Button on .rar
2) Select "Unrar" or "Extract Here"

If those instructions are unclear, do the below steps:

3) I can't believe you're not able to find it on your own in the Internet, how to deal with .rar or .zip files :) so google it: "How to use WinRar" or "How to use 7zip" 
4) Follow the instructions you will find on the YouTube Videos, official sites etc.

You need to have any type of program, which can deal with .rar I recommend 7zip because it is a free programm and allows you to do all the things you could do with .rar

5) When you finally manage to extract all the files into the same location (for example, create a folder Lewd Knight, extract all files from .rar and put them in there), then you just run .exe and you can play :) 

Yes, you are supposed to lose the first fight with the biker. In my case, he just regenerate his Health and no matter how hard I tried to win, I end the fight losing every time.

Game is very nice, some of NPC dialogues are still not fully translated to English. There are some places where you can stuck or broke the game animations/moving etc. but if you don't experiment too much and don't walk in not necessary places, you shouldn't get too many bugs.

There are also one more fight I know that is impossible to win with 1st try and you'll always end up losing so don't worry too much about winning or loosing. Sometimes you may want to loose on purpose to see new sex scenes.

Very well, I didn't check Patreon, so thanks for update :) 

Last update here on Jan 18, 2020
Last update on Steam: Feb 3, 2021

I think there is still a hope

I have never seen such a game with such an unusual scrabble-like battlesystem! Definitely gotta check this out

Gotta check this out with my friend

I can't join your discord :(