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A member registered Jan 14, 2018 · View creator page →

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this was a really interesting game to play. i already knew a bit about cults, so i kind of understood how accurate this story is. one big point: desperately needs a reticle! every time i had to focus something in the exact center of the screen to highlight it, i would think, "argh, no reticle!" also if i hadn't noticed the run button i might have stopped playing because the movement is so slow. and this is just my personal bias talking, but i think a jump button would have been great too. 

either way, it was worth playing, and the graphics and landscape were beautiful. thanks for making this.

(1 edit)

this game is great! thanks for making and sharing it. there's so much more depth than i expected. i've been playing for several days now. i appreciate the thorough manual, too.

i've noticed that the game (in browser) crashes to a black screen once in a while, sometimes apropos of nothing, sometimes immediately after a save (which is alarming, but i found that the save actually was successful), and sometimes when trying to enter or leave a town. also, one time it crashed to a command prompt that was full of error messages, which i didn't have the foresight to copy and paste for future reference. anyway, the crashing doesn't bother me, as i just save constantly. i don't know if this information might be helpful to you. 

also, could you please offer a hint as to where i may seek the Spectacles?

i loved it. thanks for make

i haven't finished it yet, but to be fair, i'm not very good at video games B)

(1 edit)

this is great! the controls take a little getting used to, and i've had at least one map where i was walled off from making progress, but still really good

(oh also i've phased through blocks a few times, and just now i died and my tombstone just slid right off the map into the abyss)

i got one that looked like a cassowary

this was a wild experience. thanks for sharing

the controls on this game are SO nice. i wish every platformer was like this

this is really fun! thanks for make. there's so much nuance that i'm slowly understanding. the controls are good too. i wish there was a windowed mode.

i had that coin item that you're supposed to sell, and in a shopkeeper's room, i pressed E (to try to sell it) and got this fatal error:

___________________________________________ ############################################################################################ FATAL ERROR in action number 1 of  Step Event0 for object o_p: undefined value at gml_Script_scr_spells ############################################################################################ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- stack frame is gml_Script_scr_spells (line -1) gml_Object_o_p_Step_0


deaths: 1059

playtime: 01:44:36


i really like the art and animation! all the little stuff you can see in the house is cute. but walking around is sooo slow, and i can't even dash constantly... also, it feels awkward to try to line up properly with the enemies to attack them, and i can't tell when (if?) i'm getting hurt. 

i really like this, but i run out of mana so fast and keep having to start over, and all the chests i get are either empty or spider B')

this game is really good! thanks for making it. here's some things i've been thinking about while playing.

the controls are unusual but simple and easy to get used to, and i like that.

the graphics are good too, although at first, it's kind of difficult to distinguish between "objects you can pick up and interact with" and "objects that are just obstacles or background scenery." and there's one object sometimes dropped by enemies that looks like maybe a gold necklace but could also conceivably be a transparent gold-bordered mushroom...

i like the mechanism where the score counts down like a clock. it's a good incentive to move quickly without the usual stress of a time limit.

the enemies should flash or something to indicate that they're taking damage.

it seems like weapons have varying properties besides differing reach/color, and it'd be cool if you could tell what those properties are. as it stands, it's hard to tell whether switching weapons will be an upgrade unless the new weapon is the same color but longer.

it would also be cool if you could see the effects of wearing different hats (if there are any).

and it would be cool if the player could clearly see the status effects imparted by various mushrooms. also, the mushrooms pretty much all look the same... well, maybe that's intentional? and once, i saw one that was flashing either red or gold (i don't remember which) but it didn't end up doing anything special when i ate it, as far as i could tell. and the mushroom that makes you feel invincible doesn't actually make you invincible...

the levels are awfully big and hard to navigate. it would be nice if they were smaller or if there was a minimap (or an option to zoom out or something) to aid navigation.

the only glitch i've seen was when a stealth skeleton tried to rise up out of its pile and got stuck at the point in the animation where it's almost done getting up, so it was just kind of bobbing up and down forever, harmless and unkillable. i have only seen this happen once.

keep up the good work!

i quite like this! the graphics are really nice, and the music is pleasant. it could really use a midpoint in the second level, though, or at least respawn you right before the boss.

this is a great little game! thanks for making it. here's a few things:

- thanks for having the option to turn off that filter that makes everything super blurry. it's too blurry otherwise.

- when you pick up the chalice, the message that appears on screen is in spanish even when playing the game in english.

- the chalice run is so hard. i'm dying. i have all the hearts and i'm dying