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A member registered Aug 06, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the feedback we try our best to make things clear than just add more non finished element

on start we want to make more fight but we have just time to make one

Thanks for the feedback on the art and i love to ear that you wan't to play this game in that way

And i understand what your experience was because it happened to me a lot during play testing my game

Hello it mean a lot to have this sort of comment and yes i also wan't to make the pawn jump from case to another but in 3h i don't figure out how to make the system work and i just teleport it instead but after the trijam end i can work on to make this work and add some juice to the game to make it even more relaxing !

Thanks for the feedback and sorry if my english is a bit messy i'm french

I have update the game good job for your result they are very good !

Yes I hope the final score will be update soon

it's for all i think

I know i am french so i design it for azerty keyboard please consider. I have made an update with key mapping ! I'm going to update the game after the jam ! Thanks for playing my game

Thanks after the jam i will update the game with a mapping system it's done i just wait the end of the notation ! Thanks for the comment

I give you a follow too your other game looks good if thinks i try them tomorrow your art style is so great !

I have just saw that you are the dev who make aplomb ascends i try it today and it was really nice i love the style it remind me like an omori vibes ! That was really great

Thanks it really mean a world for me ! I have also add a save and load system and i really want to make this game into a final state after the jam and polish it with some colectable and a sort of leaderboard like neon white at the end of each level ! I'm really excited for this project and thats really gave me some motivation to work on it so thank you and when i can update that's be great if you gave me some feedback if things doesn't play well or if you encounter some bugs ! Sorry for my english i'm french but thanks !

Im sorry for the controls i dont thinks in the rush of other keyboard than azerty but i have done an update version with key mapping so after the jam this will be great for all ! Thanks for the test and i hope you had a great moment on it !

I think it's because your not with an azerty keyboard. I had a key mapping menu but too late so it will be good in 2day ! Thanks fr the feedback !

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I'm glad you like ! If you want i have Magnet Industry in the Jam if you want to give me some feedback !

Very great game i love the art ! I want to play a full release of this !

Great game i really like the idea maybe loose some oxygen when changing direction make some extra challenge but really nice game !

I made a key mapping screen so you can play it easely from now !

I made a key mapping screen so you can play it easely from now !

I made a key mapping screen so you can play it easely from now !

Thanks i am french so i don't think of it but i try to make a key mapping screen before the end of the jam to make things easier for everybody. Thank you for your support i appreciate !

Thank you i appreciate and if you want i make some change to the level 3 and 7 with some rework to the skip. Try to beat my score if you want !

Thanks and after the game jam i want to make some controller control so it will be more simple and control mapping too, the game jam is just too short to think of the mapping but thanks for the advice i keep it in mind !

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Thanks i would have made key mapping in an option screen but time gone and today is the day for plateform but if the game idea receive great feedback i plan to work on it after the jam an manage to make easy medium and hard level because level design is time consumming for a game jam
