Thank you very much for your opinion about the game, I'm glad you liked it, it motivates me to keep working on the projects that are in progress, thank you for your support n.n
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Hi, I hope you're well, I've seen you here before, thanks for your support, I'm currently in my last year of university and it's complicated to find time to advance in the new project, I've felt the support of different players for "Valorie's Life" and have no doubt that there will be more things in the future.
And who knows, maybe there will be some "Valorie's Life" stuff too.
Hi, hope you are well, sorry for taking so long to respond. I'm Check the files and I play the scene where the image you mention in the comment both in English and Spanish, there were no problems, likewise I changed the download links and now it will be a single download through Mediafire, if that does not solve your problem I do not know what else I can do.
I am a spanish speaking creator, the reason why he calls him "little brother" is because of affection, in spanish it is "hermanito" diminutive of "hermano", as in japanese "onii-chan" is used only in the form of affection, I don't have much practice in english, so to translate I must resort to other tools, that's why the translation could look rough. But, in each update I always try to improve the translations, but as it is not my native language, there will always be flaws.
If you have any recommendation, I will pay attention to it :)
I checked the android files, no problem detected, make sure you download well the two parts of the file "Valorie's-Life-1.1.1-android.part1.rar" and "Valorie's-Life-1.1.1-android.part2.rar", unzip them with the application you want (I recommend "RAR"), if the problem persists probably is your phone and I can not do anything :(.