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A member registered Jun 25, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much! We will ;)

I really love the watercolor art!

The game can't even be played on Mac sadly. The app seems corrupted.

Any asynchronous multiplayer game presented in this jam were a treat. Yours is probably the best actually!

I really like it visually, great use of Kenney's assets. The game juice is also top tier, espcially when doing the switch thing. I'd say what made your game fit the jam theme is allowing us to "noclip" in walls at many locations ;D

Thanks! I'll make sure to do that! I'd like to implement enemies, timer and scoring, and random generation to allow replay, with a minimum score to unlock new levels (one or two additional ones).

Thanks! I tried my best to find something original given the "easy" theme.

Loved your game too! The shaders really sell it. Beautiful. Really stressful when you have to walk backward to get some space from the enemies lol

Thank YOU for taking the time to play it ! ;D

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Absolutely not scope creep at all hahaha, just me not giving the jam the commitment it needed. Only worked on it like 10 hours or so. Had I known the reception and kind comments I would get, I surely would have finished it. 

At least for the first time I actually submitted something instead of giving up!

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Thank you for your kind review!

Please use physical keys in Godot so that WASD automatically translate to other keyboard layouts. 😢

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Thanks! With only an hour or two it would have been done. I'll probably add it to the game only after the jam, to respect the rules.

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The gravity is too high. Otherwise, great game!

EDIT: it's ok for the gravity to be that high when trying to land, because it adds to the challenge. You could even make it so that turning the ship consume fuel, then you have to manage that resource if you want to do a successful landing. But I found it frustrating to always be pulled toward a planet outside of the view. 

EDIT 2: maybe reduce the number of planets? That could do the trick. Anyway, I really liked your game. Can't thank you enough for doing a MacOS export. :D

I love the concept! I found Fort Strongmoon :D

Nice concept !

I could see myself playing a "No Man's Sky" but with sailing  :)

This deserve to be in Mark's video !

The best game I played so far from the Jam! Got a score of 2802 :D

The best game I played so far from the Jam! Got a score of 2802 :D

Love it!