- Expand weapon selection (by that I mean less class restriction on weapon. A class might have more than 1 valid weapon. Some classes more than others)
- each weapon comes with a special skill/ability/passive? Range might come into play. Longer reach/range weapons meaning you go faster in turn order.
- atm, female party is superior because with males you cannot get kids from monsters. So I would suggest that party members with a penis can impregnate female enemies, and at the end of the battle you can choose to capture them. You could also have it that that is only available i the enemy is defeated trough sex? For every captive your party uses 1 more food/water, until they reach town. The captives are placed in town and later you get their kids.
- fallen angels are really weak as an enemy encounter. Also, instead of random spawn, make it so they will always spawn in a certain area.
- some flowers are REALLY hard to find. I've been playing for ages and still no purple flower, for example.
- Is there a potion/item to REDUCE breasts/dick? The shrooms just make them bigger.