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A member registered Apr 09, 2019

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Hello, this is the host of the Junior Game Developers Jam contacting here. We have awarded your entry for best gameplay in our jam if you could be so kind and either join our discord through this link:

You don't have to stay if you don't want to but it would be the easiest (and safest) if you'd join with your nickname and while introducing yourselves as the makers of the game to me @Emm1h (over on discord direct message) I can give you both a free game as a reward :)

Hi everyone! It's the moment of truth for you all! I'd like to present the winning entries for the Junior Game Developers Game Jam. That's right I said entries for a reason. Including the one winner me and Tarja (our guest judge) wanted to congratulate two additional entries, one for the best visuals and one for the best gameplay. We discussed about all the entries together and weighed them against each other and here are our concluding thoughts:

Sunken Treasure (Best gameplay)

This entry has some potential to attract the same audience as the indie title Downwell. We liked how the combat mechanics and the descent worked. The expalanation of mechanics in the beginning could use some polisihing with maybe instead using some popup hud elements. Overall good job!

Manatee Calf Rescue (Best Visuals)

This adorable entry has some great potential to be a level based platformer when further developed. We would've loved to hear some additional background music that could've fit with the cute SFX for the player characters movement. Because of the great art the game was a joy to be played, congrats!

In the Search for Atlantis (Winner of Junior Game Developer Jam)

This Darkest Dungeon -like game had a good balance of simplified art assets with soothing audio and chill gameplay. It was interesting to read through the different text prompts and we could easily see this as a prototype for something that could be further developed as an AA release down the line. The font was a bit difficult to read from a pc monitor but that is something that can be pretty easily fixed. Great job 

Thank you everyone for participating in this servers first game jam. We learned a lot for future jamming activities and we hope you had fun making games together. As for the winners mentioned above. You will be contacted shortly via discord (or by other means)

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If you are not on our discord you can send your game trailer here

Post them here in the following format.
- Group name
- Group members
- Game name
- Link to your trailer

Game trailer links will be put up on our discord servers dedicated channel so everybody has a chance to see what everyone has made.

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1. Use your original work. (Repurposing old code or art assets is okay are okay if they are modified by you for the game in some capacity)
2. When making the game follow our theme.
3. During the jam follow our core values set in our server. What this means that if you are not on discord rules are as follows.
- Our main language is english
- Be respectful towards each other
- The admin team will not tolerate racism, sexism or any other kind of harassment. If you feel like someones behavior isn't falling under the line of these values feel free to message me directly on discord about this topic or directly to my email emmi _ hattunen at hotmaildotcom (remove spaces, add the @ and replace the end with .com To avoid spam you know :))
4. When game is done submit it through the page. (Either a Windows or a Web build is required)
5. Make a trailer for your game (approximately 30sec-2 min long is fine) and upload it as unlisted on youtube.
6. Send the link to the trailer to me either directly on discord or to the community page under the topic Game Trailers. (When sending me the link, let me know who were on your team This makes it easier for me to contact you in case you might end up being the winner of our jam :slight_smile:
7. Keep things relatively PG (No 18+ content)

8. Winners will be picked by a small judging team which will be comprised of yours truly and a guest judge

Hello everyone!

We just decided upon our jam theme at our discord server. It was picked via a randomized comment picking system to which I put the most popular theme ideas on our voting poll.

The theme ended up being Underwater. Feel free to interpret the theme as you wish.

If you want to be in a team and haven't found anyone yet you can join our discord server through the link below:

1. Hi there! What's your name? Want to introduce yourself?

Hi! My name is Emmi 24 year old from Finland.

2. Did you participate in the last jam we held? If so, what do you plan on doing better this time? If not, what's your reason for joining?

This is my first jam. I previously joined a tabletop-rpg jam but I realised that I didn't have enough time for it so this will be my first one and I am going to complete it.

3. What games are your favorites? Did any of them inspire you, or made you want to make your own?

I enjoy rpg's and platformers the most but over the years my gaming tastes have expanded to many genres.

4. Do you have experience with game development? What did you do/with what engine?

I have no experience yet.

5. Tell us about something you're passionate about!

I am passionate about a lot of things related to art. I love the feeling of a finished drawing or when you've took a photograph from an interesting perspective. Right now I am passionate about learning game development. I have applied to a school to study video game graphics and I get to know the results of my interview on July third. I figured since I have this next month completely free I might as well dive straight in to all things game dev

6. What are your goals for this game jam?

To make a finished game. Whatever that will be.