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A member registered Mar 31, 2022 · View creator page →

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hi, i'm not sure when tick the Landfall box. it's only happen when i get a 6- on a "assess a situation"?

Ciao Luca, ho alcuni dubbi dal lato "magia" :) visto che chiunque può meditare e chiunque può mettere punti su arcano, è giusto dire che in quei casi chiunque può usare una pergamena incantesimo? Quando si parla di "guadagna un incantesimo" significa che il giocatore può scegliere se prenderlo dal gruppo della sua classe o da quelli generici a suo piacimento?Grazie :)

what happen if i roll equal to my investigation score? ^_^

i didn't understand a few aspect of the game:
1) this is from the Push System "⦁ 1-4: Weak Hit. You can choose to roll +1d6 but must add it to your result." why shoul i risk a Miss if i already have a success?  ok, it's a success with complications, but a success with complication is still better then a Miss
2) "Each player contributes one goal to bring them closer to overcoming the nightmare threat. " when we should do this? before start the dreaming session? or during the play?

are there any list of all push-system games?

it's in the note of manual "This is a collaborative experience. Please be kind to others while writing your part." there are no a single rule that force the fiction to a collaborative experience, every player play on his own...

I miss the "collaborative experience" thing o_O i mean, i write for 7 days and then i give the journal to someone else, i will never collaborate with anyone and neither they'll do...

Thank you for your answer! I have another one if i can ^_^ I can't understand if any character have 5 K-Force points or is the whole team that have 5 points. I mean, if we are 5 players, each one of us have 1 point to spend?

Hi! I'm not sure about how many "goals" invent for a single episode. I have read the "Agenda" section but it's still a little unclear ^_^
Thanks in advance :)