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A member registered Feb 27, 2014 · View creator page →

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Last-minute submission, I barely had time to work on this before the deadline, I didn't have time to make a proper map :(

You could just download the exe file, it's not exactly rocket science

invisible tracking pixel

(2 edits)

When on the eugatron select screen, clicking start with the mouse doesn't work and disables arrow keys/enter input (so I have to alt-tab out and force quit). I checked and it was also happening in the previous build.

Also, not sure if it's intended but in the latest build I can't use arrow keys on the first menu (choice between cecconoid/eugatron), it's mouse-only.

Putting this here since it's about keeping convos going: having the ability to subscribe to threads (getting notifications when there's a new post) would be nice (as it is if I understand correctly we only get notifications when we have a direct reply).

Hi there, I'm empty fortress and I make stuff, mostly short game-things you can find here, on gamejolt or glorious trainwrecks. I tend to rant a lot about accessibility, i18n and user-friendliness.

Nice to meet y'all!

I recall a few twitter convos about this a few months ago, I meant to log a feature request but wasn't sure how to explain it properly like you just did :)