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A member registered May 10, 2021

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Nice work! Quick turnaround!

Very welcome!

(1 edit)

Here are a few more bugs I ran into.  

Sometimes the save menu does this - no save slots appear and there's no way to select anything. only solution I found was to do a Save/Exit and then Continue.

During this phase of Momo's interaction, sometimes it says   drop:

And the picture for this character seems to have the picture for the vending machine stuck on it.

Here's what happened when Hanae finally started talking to me again:

I was pressing space bar a lot, trying to trigger Hanae when I got stuck to the couch.


I also ran into this a few times, most recently in the brothel.  I was able to get a video capture of it, but I don't think it would help much in this case.

I don't think I've gotten that far. Eventually she started interacting again, and I was able to do a massage and +5 friendship something like three times in a row before she stopped for the day.  She seems to be back to normal now.  

Awesome!  Got another question - Hanae has become unresponsive. I can no longer interact with her.  It didn't seem like that was intentional, but I'm not sure what to do about it.

Tiny bug - the picture for Zoila will change to the one for the imports guy for one bit of dialog when purchasing gloat grass from her.

Also, if you can tell me the directory for the save file on Linux, I can attach that, too

Very welcome!  Here's video of me buying a canister of meds and trying to use it right in the emergency room.  

31.  Several times I've woken up in the morning and the game tells me "you're sick... drink medicine" and I take one and it doesn't seem to do anything.  I can try to get a recording of it, if that helps.

Probably missing something stupid, but by the description, I assumed Meds would lower my sick value. They don't seem to have an effect. This is on the Linux build.  Am I missing something?