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A member registered Sep 04, 2020

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Every time you start to see the light at the end of the tunnel, you build your tunnel longer, LOL. In all seriousness tho, this project became so much bigger than you originally planned (word wise for sure) so you deserve to celebrate how far you have come. When the first chapter does finally make it to the light of day, I will greet it with screaming (as usual).

You can

Info dump from living in an HEDS family: If you haven't yet, to be safe you should get a referral to see a spine doc or neurologist.  Otherwise one of those shoulder posture braces may help relieve some of the pressure. Yoga could help if you don't have access to a gym. If you do have a gym, then you can (CAREFULLY) try light weights focusing on the surrounding stability muscles. When one area of your back is staging a revolt, other muscle groups have to pick up the slack and light exercise can help to work out any kinks and increase muscle flow. Ultimately its all trial an error, listen to your body when figuring out what helps.

I feel like you planning that word count created a self fulfilling counter prophecy. You have to over achieve the goal!

They are an absolute beast i swear. 

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I feel like there should be a joke here about how a previous update was talking about keeping the wordcount lower on this project, and here you are adding whole chapters XD. All in jest tho because i love the way your pacing and character dev has been for past projects. I also completely know the feeling of trying to add a bridge between two parts and it quickly growing much larger than planned. 

We are all rooting for you. Its been really cool watching these last two projects as they develop. Even if adding more story means the wait is longer, I know it will be worth it when i get to be sucked into a new world and invested in the characters.

That new background looks awesome. Also, good luck finding a new art minion for some of the work. Hopefully it won't be too much trouble finding someone.

I really like Everette completely unironically. He's totally awful, it's great, and I am choosing not to read in to what that says about my taste in men. 

Otherwise, I just got to the scene where everyone is pretending to be each other and it was pure gold. It's cool to see the small details that show how the relationships have progressed between all the group members. If MC had tried to get everyone to do something like that during year one most of them would have flat out refused to participate.

The princess and her guard are cute too. Now i want a harem.

I am attracted to this MC, and knowing he is going to lose his mind does not diminish my attraction. Send help.

This ^. I swear the new game feed is flooded right now.

i saw the description for this and my ADHD demands I inform you that telling teens they are forbidden is basically a dare XD. My young (<18 yo) past-self would have immediately played this out of spite alone for being told I couldn't.

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you? keep it under 350k?

*90's anime villain laugh*   don't be a silly-billy.

This girl really just said that hot guys with well known terrible personalities = no competition. I'm dying. send help.

I don't trust that duck. *eyes suspiciously*

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Ooof. I'm guessing it's tendon related since wrist strain seems to be most common. Make sure you baby the injury as long as you need or it will just come back again. Better to have it cut in substantial time now rather than it becoming a repeating problem. make sure to wrap it brace it while you are working at the computer or any other task that requires repetitive movement.

I am emotionally torn that I'm almost finished with this final route already. I feel like I've been here and invested in this game for so long (since the demo), so it's amazing to see you finish it, but also bitter sweet to no longer have the anticipation of waiting for new installments. 

At least for me, I have the solace that it's been long enough since I played through all the OG routes, that I will now get to enjoy replaying all of them >:D

Why thank you!


*clears throat* Brace yourself.

*Shrieking into the endless void*

*heavy breathing*

I was not at all dissapointed in my excitement for this game (even if my ADHD made me take a break before coming back to it). I have completed Aeden's route now. He drew me in from the beginning because he's my type i guess, dark hair with striking eyes, fae, and hiding behind a rakish/dickish facade. Despite the front he puts up i love how fairly he treats the MC, showing early on that he sees her as and will treat her as an equal. Not something you necessarily expect from someone who is not only a prince but also fae. Even with how loving and sweet he is by the end, I still have to say the moment that was most touching for me was when he shared the fruit gift he received. In the moment it seemed almost absent minded and automatic, which makes it more powerful/moving. Without thinking about it he was showing that he views her as his equal, and he's willing to share all he has.

Of to play Dragan's route next.

Installing now, this looks really good and i saw a few creator's i follow give it really good reviews so I'm excited.

I saw that he will be in an eventual DLC bonus route and yasssss.

I am definitely Hot for Headmaster

IM SO EXCITED FO YUU (And excited for you because you are almost finished with this huge project). His dry humor, snark, and open irritation with everyone is great and I'm excited to see how it plays into a relationship.

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Dude, you need a vacation first though 


Dropping dead from overwork is not allowed.

As soon as Gretchen's loose harness was mentioned I got anxious of when it was gonna come back into play. I immediately snatched her up when the option came up. I do not regret my choices. The potato must be protected at all costs. I would kill for the potato dog.


No, I think you handled the scene well. I can give pointers if I go back and replay it. Off the top of my head, there was nothing that seemed forced or overboard.


I do love how he just ran with that insult.


B: you now cannot convince me that these three characters aren't reluctant friends. At least willing to chill together any time they cross paths.

You get bonus points for using the <spoilers>







only one bed trope.

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I'm playing Rein's route right now but I'm not that far in. I did Otmund first because I got there organically. Rein is less satisfying so far, but only because Otmund is definitely my type (visually and personality wise), and I had too much fun teasing and flustering the grumpy responsible one. I have a thing for the strong, quiet, and grumpy ones. Rein is cute, but I think we would be more awesome friends than anything else. I think we are too similar personality wise, but the difference comes in where I'm too much of a helper (labor oriented) to lounge around while others do the heavy lifting; which is why i wound up on Otmund's route first. Somehow I wound up in a realistic narrative for myself during Otmund's route (whoops): the hardworking and responsible, teasing, flirt, who also gets stuck in role of peacekeeper/mediator XD

I have gay feelings for Bells

Nuuuuu my babiesssss. I want to hug them.

1 minute into the game: iM ADOPTING OSCAR. FIGHT ME!

I would have expected spreadsheets, but powerpoint immediately adds PIZZAZ! 

That's totally valid.  Every variation adds a bunch more work. Even if its only small changes to the narrative part it still ads annoying complexity and work time to the coding aspect. 

Excited to see more of this game. The narrative is easy to get sucked into, that characters are all precious BBs, and the world is immersive. Love everything I've seen so far. Keep up the great work, but everyone take care of yourselves.

Also, I love the choice for watercolor style backgrounds. It was a surprise but I like it and the contrast between the character art style.

Whoops, LOL. At least I doubt most people would notice anyway. My brain was nagging me, but It took me minute to figure out what was actually wrong. Just a shirt casually defying physics, XD. I'm sure you can blame the aliens or soviets.

ARE THOSE LITTLE FANGS I SEE!?!?! This character is a personal attack on my purity and delicate sensibilities!