No lmao. But I recently got the BlocksDS SDK so maybe one day lol. Gotta learn 3D rendering for it.
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Glad you loved it and yes I used a Nintendo DS to make music. That particular DAW is called NitroTracker. It's a homebrew software so you need to mod your DS to use it. I recorded the audio separately so the timings are off in the video but it actually works. I based my music off stuff from the late 90's to early 2000's. (And yes 3 DAWs went into making this.)
Hey Leef 6010! Love this whole series so far it's become one of my favorite JRPG style games. One little issue though, My save data from an earlier version of the game became obsolete but not corrupted. I tried to hex edit the saves and noticed the saving system was completely different. If there's anyway I could get my old saves back that would be nice but I already beat the game so I wouldn't mind resetting.
Hello! This is EnderCal from C-Shrimp. Addressing some of your questions, "Pills - do they decrease which mobs spawn or how many of them around?" So the way it works is, when you take the pills, it throws more easier enemies at you like the shady blue man (Hat Man), and when you drop sanity it throws in tougher ones like the ghost (Abysmal Grave), and the skeleton (Grey Matter). "Monsters not always attacking." So we made the enemies 2D sprites and didn't make a back side so they tend run from you. I also had this problem when I wanted to fight Grey Matter. (Still never won. 😔) The sound effects definitely need reworking as you said. And I agree when you say the bow is too fast we will fix that. And we'll fix the main issue of not progressing. Glad you enjoyed and stay tuned to finish survivng the illusions.